Acie Earl Interview

I had a chance to shake Acie's hand last November at a girls tournament in Pella where he was coaching several of his Venom teams. I asked him how he thought the Hawks would do in Fran's first year. His response rather surprised me. He said: "I don't waste my time thinking about the Hawks." I walked away wondering if this comment reflected his disappointment at not having a larger role to play in the resurgence of the basketball program.
I had a chance to shake Acie's hand last November at a girls tournament in Pella where he was coaching several of his Venom teams. I asked him how he thought the Hawks would do in Fran's first year. His response rather surprised me. He said: "I don't waste my time thinking about the Hawks." I walked away wondering if this comment reflected his disappointment at not having a larger role to play in the resurgence of the basketball program.

Let's just say Acie wasn't thrilled with the Alford and Lick regime's.
I had a chance to shake Acie's hand last November at a girls tournament in Pella where he was coaching several of his Venom teams. I asked him how he thought the Hawks would do in Fran's first year. His response rather surprised me. He said: "I don't waste my time thinking about the Hawks." I walked away wondering if this comment reflected his disappointment at not having a larger role to play in the resurgence of the basketball program.

i believe he has wanted to somehow or someway be a part of the hawks and he has been snubbed. not first hand knowledge, but I believe i have read that in the past about AE.

also, i'm sure it doesn't help the way TD was shown the door. again, just a guess.

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