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  1. H


    Posts like this just make me shake my head. Like we should have ever been in that situation to begin with. Give me a break.
  2. H

    The seniors lost this team.....

    Have to agree with this.
  3. H

    Life long Hawkeye...FAN

    I agree with the OP. Can you all remember when Kirk used to have some fire on the sidelines? He seems so lethargic now. Kind of like how the team has been playing lately.
  4. H


    That might be a stretch but it is true that a team is usually a reflection of the coach and staff. What year was it that KF got his last raise and extension. Just curious. He doesn't seem to have the edge he used to.
  5. H

    Still Outback Bowl??

    Penn State is a much better pick than us. Their latest losses were not against Northwestern and Minnesota. They beat Northwestern pretty good. The attendance at any Iowa bowl game is not going to be up to our standards by ant stretch of the imagination. I would rather have us play in the...
  6. H

    Iowa will never get to the next level........

    No, but this is a year that we should have been in it till the end. Even if you believe that Iowa has to rebuild and not reload, this is a year when we had the necessary pieces in place.
  7. H

    What is the role of a fan?

    You can't expect that fans that get themselves so emotionally invested in their team as to spend large amounts of time and sums of money to see them, are the type of people to be satisfied with bad losses and what appear to be systemic problems. Do you? We will be there to support the team...
  8. H

    Bowl Possibilities

    Joe Pa told the TV crew that he was looking forward to coaching his team next year. First time I had heard him say one way or the other.
  9. H

    The irony

    I think beating Ohio State could land us in the Outback if MSU makes it to the Rose Bowl with Wisconsin getting a BCS invite and OSU to the Cap One. If MSU loses to PSU we fall a long way, possibly getting passed by PSU.
  10. H

    Most disappointing season?

  11. H

    The irony

    If you believe like I do that Michigan State is going to get beat at Penn State, how ironic could it be that if we win next week we will go to a worse bowl than if we lose. My logic is that if MSU gets beat the Big Ten will not get two BCS invites unless we lose to OSU. If so, losing might...
  12. H

    Has Ferentz ever been a defensive or offensive coordinator?

    In case you don't have good comprehension skills, I was asking the question. I knew he was line coach. Just didn't know if he got above that.
  13. H

    Has Ferentz ever been a defensive or offensive coordinator?

    If not, how unusual is that? At this level, I mean.
  14. H

    Many of you need a history lesson

    I was around then as well. I don't remember having to make a 400 donation for the right to buy a season ticket. The University has created a new playing field (no pun intended). It is ok to not be ok with underachieving. Times have changed (thank God). Don't live in the past.
  15. H

    Just heard about a Norm T shirt...

    Tacky as hell.
  16. H

    Memo to Iowa fans: Give Hyde time

  17. H

    If Kinnick would get renovated again???

    I have always thought they should rebuild the north endzone and expand it back over the street (tunnel) behind. They should also rebuild the parking ramp back there and have it attached to the north end zone structure so that it would have direct access to the stadium. They could let the high...
  18. H

    Next Year's Team - bye week boredom

    We will only have one defensive tackle that I currently feel confident in and honestly we don't know a whole lot about Daniels at D end yet. I am hoping that some of the new guys will be able to step up since we have recruited more size than in the past. That does not make them game-ready...
  19. H

    Next Year's Team - bye week boredom

    I like the possibilities on offense as long as the game plan is not constipated. Defense... I think we take some lumps early in the year.
  20. H

    Next Year's Team - bye week boredom

    What good things have you heard about Nardo/Forgy and Kirksey/Dibona?