Still Outback Bowl??


Well-Known Member
Do we get the nod over Penn state and Michigan for the Outback bowl?? With both of them losing and Rich Rod possibly getting fired and Joe Pa not retiring I still think we will be selected for the Outback Bowl. What's everyone else thinking??? The insight bowl matchup against Missouri would be kind of interesting.
If people believe this will be Paterno's last season, I think PSU will jump us. IMO, we are going to the Insight, and boy will it be so exciting!!!!
We don't deserve it, but neither does anyone else. The Outback Bowl will have to plug their noses on their selection. Big drop off from the top 3 teams in the league.
After losing 3 games in a row, I doubt it. I don't know how we are even guaranteed a bowl game at this rate.

True, but Mich lost it's last 2 games and Penn state lost 2 out of it's last 3 games, so it's not like any of the teams is surging and has it's fanbase real excited at this point.
Paterno already publicly announced he's coming back next year.

Good Point, I misread your first post. I thought you said, "and with Joe Pa not returning"

The way we are playing now, it would be better for us to go to the Insight. Going to the outback bowl would be ugly, Alabama/South Carolina would probably destroy us.
I would be shocked if it would be Outback. Only shot is if they take Florida, to stack the gate for the game with the local team.
Good Point, I misread your first post. I thought you said, "and with Joe Pa not returning"

The way we are playing now, it would be better for us to go to the Insight. Going to the outback bowl would be ugly, Alabama/South Carolina would probably destroy us.

I don't think it'd get ugly against anybody, only way we get Bama is if SC beats Auburn in the SEC Championship game. To be honest I'm not so sure South Carolina is better then Mizzou or A&M who would be the insight bowl opponnet. If the Outback takes Penn state I'd still think the Gator would take us over Michigan.
I would be shocked if it would be Outback. Only shot is if they take Florida, to stack the gate for the game with the local team.

Oh your saying cause the Outback bowl would want to avoid the South Carolina Iowa Outback bowl rematch from a few years ago???
Penn State is a much better pick than us. Their latest losses were not against Northwestern and Minnesota. They beat Northwestern pretty good.

The attendance at any Iowa bowl game is not going to be up to our standards by ant stretch of the imagination.

I would rather have us play in the lower tier bowl and get a better match up. This team would get demolished by an Outback caliber team. We don't deserve anything better anyway.
Zero chance we go to the Outback bowl. ZERO! We finished tied with PSU, Michigan, Illinois & NW for overall record and tied with PSU and Illinois for Big10 record. We lost our last 3 games and won 2 of our last 5. PSU will go to the Outback bowl and it wouldn't surprise me to see Michigan jump us as well. We controlled our own destiny and we **** it down our pants.

It's Gator or Insight bowl for us and I would guess that we will get the nod to the Gator.
It's not zero, they will probably take Penn state, but like I said they finished poorly also. We beat them and the Outback Bowl loves us. Plus when's the last time we got passed up by a team of the same or worse record for a bowl game???
0 is a huge stretch, but i think they take PSU. If we "slip" to the Insight, that would actually be a good thing for the Bowl and fans alike.
0 is a huge stretch, but i think they take PSU. If we "slip" to the Insight, that would actually be a good thing for the Bowl and fans alike.

I agree Missouri or A&M matchup excites me alot more then South Carolina.

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