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    Zook last night

    I think the issue is sportsmanship. If the game has been decided with the clock under one minute just run a basic handoff or take a knee. No need to rub it in.
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    Zook last night

    I could not help shake my head at RZ last night at the Alamo Bowl. They are leading by a large margin and they run a naked bootleg for a touchdown. Then RZ jumps around like they just won the Rose Bowl. Even Speilman said it was tacky. KF did the right thing at the end of our game. I really...
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    Alarming Trend

    The thing that bothers me the most are the player defections. Esp. the one s that contribute. Wegher, Hampton, and the O-lineman earlier this year. It has the feel of the begining of the end for Ferentz. We poo-pooed the first few but now it is a trend. The football program feels like...
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    Same team as last year

    When you look back at last years team you could say that we deserved to get beat by UNI,Indiana,and MSU. This years team could not get it done, but a couple plays in each of the four losses and we could have won. I think this is an example of just how competitive collage football is. Most...
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    Eddy P. statements

    I read on another site that Eddy P. had said some brutally honest things about Iowa football. Could someone summerize what he talked about.
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    I sense a new found optimism on the board!

    OP is right I sense more optimism.
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    May is an athletic freak!

    May is an amazing athlete. I remember reading on this board that some thought he did not belong on a D-I BB court. I thought the same thing. But man were we wrong. I also really got into last nights game. I clapped and shouted at the TV again. Boy, I really wanted the W last night and they...
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    Best Case Scenario for Lick

    He does us a favor and leaves.
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    Mark Ingrams Dad and the need for the announcers..

    I would like to hear about a player's dad who works 45 hr. a week at a job he does not like. He does so because he is a good man and wants to take care of his family. And he had to take vacation and switch with another guy so he could watch his son in the Orange Bowl. That is what we need...
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    People of Alabama

    Living in S. Iowa we have no right to throw stones at folks from Alabama. We have people here that would make the biggest Hillbilly in Alabama look like a blue blood.
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    BB Cost savings

    At this point Iowa BB may be able to save money by cancelling the rest of the season. Would not have to heat Carver for acouple thousand people. I am sure it costs quite a bit for travel for road games. From a business stand point might be the way to go. Also the lack of exposure would help...
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    Are we looking at 0-18? 1-17? 2-16?

    I think TL should do the right thing by us all and leave town by the cover of night. Then he should call GB and agree to void his contract and U of I should keep all the money left in his contract. If I was collecting a pay check for what he is doing to our program I would not sleep at night...
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    Who cares about A. Tucker?

    If he has a alchohol problem I hope he gets that under control. He is a young man and I would hate to see him struggle with that his whole life. Basketball is not important now if he has a drinking problem. If he does not have a drinking problem he needs to grow up and realize what he is...
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    Norm Parker on Spievey & Clayborn Leaving Early

    I am old school. I think a kid should go to college 4 years no matter how good they are. In the NFL you are one play away from the real working world if you get hurt.
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    Calipari encourages undefeated talk

    See what BK said about him that is how I feel about the undefeated talk.
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    When does a coach become a "bad hire" according to HN?

    I strongly feel that TL is a stand up guy, wants to be in IC and wants to build up our program. I would like that to happen too. The more I listen to his post game interviews and call in shows, it seems painfully clear that he is out of his league in the Big Ten. I agree it seemed like a...
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    No more
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    Mizzou Willing to Listen to Big Ten Expansion Talks

    What would the Big 12 do then if Mizzou left?
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    What has changed your mind Jon? Why are you starting to feel better about the out come of the game? Anything specific?
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    rick is awesome

    You like stats tubahawk? Compare his W/L with the guys in your list.