When does a coach become a "bad hire" according to HN?


Well-Known Member
I was kicking around if I should do this as a blog as opposed to a post, but I'd like to hear folks opinions on this.

I am looking at the current status of the Iowa basketball program and began thinking back about Alford and trying to piece together some "accountability" for the current situation.

One thing that seems to be a given now that wasn't 4 years ago is that Alford wasn't the right person. I find this interesting.

Without getting into the name calling (apologist/haters/etc...) I'm looking at Lickliter and seeing many of the same conversations that happened with Alford starting to happen about Lickliter (as far as should he still be the coach). I am not calling for anyone to be fired, I'm simply pointing out what I see as a historical perspective.

I don't think I ever heard Jon or Spank say "Alford needs to go" during his final years at Iowa. I do recall hearing about how this team is a player or two away from "turning the corner". Yet now they look back and comment how Alford left Iowa in a world of hurt. I'm not saying they thought Alford was doing great, but I don't recall either one being critical of contract the extensions either.

Now I look at Lickliter. Is history repeating itself? At what point (if ever) would it be conceded that Lickliter isn't the right guy?

Respectfully, if Jon and/or Spank didn’t acknowledge Alford was a bust until after he left I'm not sure they could ever bring themselves to acknowledge Lickliter (who is much more likable than Alford) isn't the answer for Iowa.

I still value and respect both Jon's and Spank's opinion. But looking at it from a historical context I'm just not sure they are the most "progressive" (for lack of a better word) when it comes to admitting it's time to cut the coaching strings. I'm hearing a lot of the same platitudes that I heard when Alford was around.

So if history is any indication of future behavior, if you’re looking for Jon or Spank to say "It's time for Lickliter to go", in my opinion you won't hear it.... until after Lickliter leaves Iowa.
I strongly feel that TL is a stand up guy, wants to be in IC and wants to build up our program. I would like that to happen too. The more I listen to his post game interviews and call in shows, it seems painfully clear that he is out of his league in the Big Ten. I agree it seemed like a great hire on paper but it was a mistake. Not to bust on TL but it is time to part ways as clean as possible. Simple as dollars and cents. You cannot pay a man that much money with a possibilty of not wining any games in conference play. And we will be dependant on underclassmen for multiple years. The talent level is not there. Thank goodness we haave a 10-2 football team to pay the bills. It is time to cut ties with TL and move on, the BB program will only get worse the longer we wait. We are on the verge of being the forgotten BB program in the Big Ten let alone at the national level.
Excellent post Tuba. And I concur, that HN will not step up and say anything about Lickliter not getting the job done until after he leaves. Its always next year, need a senior class, maturity and several other standard reasons that Lick shouldn't be fired after this season. I would suggest that after next season is probably the right time to decide Lick's fate, even tho, imo, he is the primary cause for the current condition this program is in for several reasons. But, imo, he has a window of opportunity before him to get this turned around next year, if he jettison's Tucker and signs a decent pg for next season to go along with Cully Payne. I am of the opinion that Kaylon Williams would help this program immensely and with the new guys coming in, the team has a great chance to be a very competitive next year. They will be adding good size and skill in McCabe and Larson upfront and it appears Marble may be a better player than his dad at 6'5". Brust is an unknown as far as being a big contributor at the next level, imo, but certainly has the highschool credentials. So, for Lick to survive, imo, his first step needs to be sending Tucker on his way. Help him land somewhere but he hasn't helped Iowa with his behavior the past 2 seasons and he isn't an answer to the team's needs for next season.
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Scratch the incoming recruits comment, one of them is already trying to get out of his LOI. This keeps getting worse by the second. What a freakin nightmare!!!! Sorry but this is soooooooo frustrating.
I know you don't read direct criticisms and "time for a change" articles/comments from HN staff until a decision has been made, but I don't think that should surprise us. The site mods have to gather information from resources in the basketball department - including the coach and his staff - in order to keep us up to date with what's happening with the team. It would impact their ability to keep information on the program flowing to us if they jump on a "time for a change" band wagon before a decision is imminent.

Frankly, I think it'd be difficult to censor some of my own thoughts/feelings in the position of HN staff... I think they do a great job.

OH - and yes, this news of a 2010 recruit looking to go elsewhere is VERY concerning. Ugh.
tuba - it took me until Alford's last year to say it's time to go. I had not been an advocate of sending him on his way before that, you are correct in your recollection.

I really thought Iowa had turned the corner after the Bru/Horner/Haluska years - then we picked up Tyler Smith, it was starting to look good, then it went south.

In regards to Lickliter, I've been pretty consistent in saying we'll know mid-season next year if he's going to stay or not and if he should or not.
I really thought Iowa had turned the corner after the Bru/Horner/Haluska years - then we picked up Tyler Smith, it was starting to look good, then it went south.

In regards to Lickliter, I've been pretty consistent in saying we'll know mid-season next year if he's going to stay or not and if he should or not.

I agree, next year is the key year, I think at that point we have enough info to say one way or another.
me too, but it really stings to see the Lobos ranked and beating everyone.
The first couple of years, I cared what happened in NM.
However, it's been long enough since Alford left, I really don't think about that program. The only time I check up on the Lobos is if someone posts something on them. I think that's a good thing.

I alewady believe its time to jettison this experiment with Lickliter and move on, and if its true that recruits want out now ( much less if Iowa has any more transfers ), it only solidifies my conviction that this is not going anywhere and move on (and hopefully a new coach could keep the recruits and the best of whats already here ).
While I think Devyn Marble sounds like a good prospect, I do not think he is as good as his dad at this point and is unlikely to ever be that good. His dad was an all american in HS and college,1st round NBA draft pick and is the alltime leading Iowa scorer so there is no shame in that.

I think most hawk fans are agreed that next year is make or break for Lick,so there is no need for the bb pundits like spank and jon to step out before then...counterproductive. We all want this to have a dramatic turn next year, and have Iowa be the surprise team of the Big Ten...happy holidays!

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