
I am sorry many of you are so nervous and worried about how the Hawks will finish this season.

We are in uncharted water. NO Iowa fan ever has had the opportunity to cheer for an 8-0 Hawkeye football team! We should be enjoying this greatly, because who knows when/if we will ever be in this position again (hopefully next year again though lol).

I for one am looking forward to this weekend so I can cheer as loud as I can when the 8-0 Hawkeyes take the field for the first time in school history. Yes, we have areas we can improve on, but the fact is this group of young men have done something no other group of Hawkeyes has ever done. They should be cheered loudly as they take the field and KNOW how much we appreciate their efforts.

I will also say I will be dissappointed if we lose any of our final 4 games, but that doesn't take away from the amazing things this group has done to this point. Relax, and enjoy it!!
Agree! Relax, enjoy it. Last week I had an opportunity to go to East Lansing, planned on it, and passed it up. I thought it totally wouldn't be worth it, especially if the outcome was upsetting. I basically didn't go because I was scared of the outcome.

When's the last time Iowa has been 8-0....oh, yeah. NEVER. GO HAWKS

Becoming a true underdog story
I for one, am enjoying this. On Monday's, Saturday cannot get here soon enough. This makes the best time of the year even sweeter.
I am starting to feel better about the Indiana game...I actually think this one could be safe come the end of the third.
What has changed your mind Jon? Why are you starting to feel better about the out come of the game? Anything specific?
I kinda feel a little bit more relaxed right now too and heres why. I would think that when you lose two starters in the game the awareness of other players picks up and they dont have a reason to relax but a reason to step up there game actually. I would imagine that this weeks practice was high intensity set by the players themselves, such as a vandervelde and wegher, they know its their time to step up! Its like driving a new car (8-0), you've never driven it before so your awareness is up and your hesitant. Hesitant being the key word, hence our games being close and boring (like last week). But there are some cars you just want to throttle to test how fast it can get out the gates...I think this week its that car that we put the throttle down and see how fast we can get it up to speed and have some fun...ha ha just some thoughts from me...GO HAWKS!
It's no different then when we played our first hockey arena or our first stadium.

We were in unchartered waters, the production was bigger, the crowds were enormous. I mean Giants Stadium, are you kidding me? It is intimidating. But when the lights go out and you hit that first chord, it's no different then playing at The Stone Pony. The crowd response is just louder.

Same thing here. I'm sure when they run out of that tunnel and that home crowd greets them after being road warriors for the last two weeks, they'll be amped, they'll feel under pressure, they'll feel the weight of the moment. But as soon as that ball is kicked, it's just another football game.
Every game makes me nervous....every game is one I think we'll lose.

It hasn't been so bad this season because my expectations were low...but last week the anxiety started...this week it is even worse. I'd love to be able to just enjoy the ride, but when the stakes get higher, it becomes less fun (as in: the nervousness makes it less fun....I still like the games).

I'll be in the stands tomorrow as usual....hopefully the Hawks can put this game away early, as my heart just can't take these squeakers anymore.

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