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  1. billdozer15

    Will a Star be born?

    Trucking a team that only won 2 games last year wont mean a star is born. Ball State is not a good team and you guys should be able to pull a beer swilling frat boy from the stands and with your line he should be able to crack a 100.
  2. billdozer15

    OOC Away Games?

    I would agree with most of these with the exception of the bolded ones and I would add Notre Shame to the list. Florida wont be feasible because you wont get a return trip from them, they dont like to play out of their state in OOC. Baylor is puzzling, they are the worst team in the B12 and...
  3. billdozer15

    Husker fans enjoy Iowa loss

    Kentucky did not win 63-10 is was 63-28 still a blowout no less but the fact you cant even fact check makes your argument even more pathetic. Why you even bring up you beating ISU this year who beat us last year is beyond me, by the same logic we blasted AZ last year and they beat you this...
  4. billdozer15

    Husker fans enjoy Iowa loss

    I think he went back 50 years because that is considered the modern era of college football. Something else you could take from both of your selective studies is that this decade is an anomaly in the history of NU football.
  5. billdozer15

    Fred Russell, LadellBetts, Tavian Banks, Sedrick Shaw, Shonn Greene

    It can be done but its definately not preferred. To really be successful you need to have atleast 2 capable backs. Even Tavian backed up Sed pretty often. Defenses have gotten bigger and stronger and guys just cant withstand the beatings of a full season. Greene was an exception not the rule...
  6. billdozer15

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    Funny the only comment to that article is an Arizona fan being verbally belligerent. Thanks for only cementing what was stated in the article D-bag.
  7. billdozer15

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    Yeah, something tells me if a white woman said she was married to a black and then started dropping N bombs all over the place that wouldnt go over so well.
  8. billdozer15

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    As much D-baggery that was shown on that video clip, I dont really see anything that warrants taxpayer money going to prosecuting anyone. What exactly is the AZ AD going to do with this video? People are allowed to be idiots. The public ridicule these people will recieve because of this will be...
  9. billdozer15

    Wegher back on the football team?

    If true, someone better notify Kirk Ferentz.
  10. billdozer15

    Hampton torn ACL- out season

    I was sorta wondering the same thing. I am not a doctor nor a trainer but you would think with the reoccurance of the same injury at the same postion year after year sometimes to multiple guys in a season there would have to be a correlation to the strength and conditioning program. Maybe its...
  11. billdozer15

    Husker fans enjoy Iowa loss

    You can certainly tell you havent watched them play this year. We have given up 17 points in the first half, which is when our starters have been playing so yes most of the points we have given up this year have come in mop up duty. We only have 62 first downs because we are scoring on home run...
  12. billdozer15

    Husker fans enjoy Iowa loss

    Please do explain.
  13. billdozer15

    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 3

    I did lose it to the spread, but my original post was in response to the prediction that Minny would outright upset USC. That was laughable at best.
  14. billdozer15

    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 3

    I'm the moron huh......No amount of practice by Minny was going to make up for the lack of athletes they have compared to USC, couple that with all that happened around the Minny program this week and you have disaster waiting to happen. My prediction of a blowout was correct. USC gave up a TD...
  15. billdozer15

    Sick and tired of hearing about Foles not playing last year

    Uhhhhhhh he played the entire bowl game and didnt score once. The guy is not as good as advertised. I wouldnt be worried, especially if you guys are packing the D you are expecting.
  16. billdozer15

    Biggest Key against AZ

    Turnovers are a given, no team can expect to win if they keep turning the ball over. Other than the obvious (turnovers) I would say pressure on Foles will be key. He isnt very mobile and if you can get pressure with the front 4 and you should be able to, it will be a very long day for AZ.
  17. billdozer15

    Texas Tech to attempt the "Silent Scare"

    Soooooo it'll be just like UT is taking to their practice field......yeah that ought to be scary. While they are at it, they just shouldnt cheer the whole game. That would be really confusing and we all know confusing = scary. :confused: What would be tough to combat is if the crowd was...
  18. billdozer15

    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 3

    Steve picking Minny over USC is laughable. Minny just LOST to USD, they are not a good football team. Also Kevin Cosgrove their D coordinator just found out his son who is a WR on the Minny team has Lukemia. Not a good week for Minny and it isnt going to get any better this weekend agianst USC...
  19. billdozer15

    Penn State Black/Gold Out

    Next thing you know you will be changing the color of your turf. Say it aint so.
  20. billdozer15

    IA-Ariz Predictions

    Iowa reviews game tape from Holiday Bowl. Iowa wins 42-14. Foles is a statue if there are less than 6 sacks by your D-line I would be dissappointed.