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  1. billdozer15

    Iowa vs Nebraska (Tailgate/Travel Plans)

    Dont forget your crackpipe.......LOL
  2. billdozer15

    Why I think we are on the verge of superconferences

    I'm gonna disagree here. ND will join a league if forced. The B1G can force the situation if they want. But to do it the Jim Delaney needs to de-stabilize the Big East and the B12. By taking Missery from the B12 I think that would be enough to cause the collapse of the B12 then there must be a...
  3. billdozer15

    Why I think we are on the verge of superconferences

    I dont think the Big 6+2+4-2-1 will survive if Missery leaves either. OU for sure collapses the conference but Missery is a key kog as well.
  4. billdozer15

    HD channel for the game on DirecTV?

    I've had the BTN since its inception and it has come along way in programming. The one thing they did right from the start was/is quality production. The stuff on Fox Sports is brutal, the backdrops are cheap, the mic's are cheap and the quality of video is awful. The BTN is lightyears ahead of...
  5. billdozer15

    I think the Big 12 should go for a homerun try for FSU & Miami

    The Big12 can try to go after whomever they want. The reality is no BCS school in their right mind is going to leave the stability their conference currently offers for a less stable one in the Big12. The Big12 is scene as teetering on implosion and most people agree it will happen sooner rather...
  6. billdozer15

    HD channel for the game on DirecTV?

    Awesome resource. I am going to spread the word to my Husker breathren, this BTN thing has been a hot topic since we are so new to it.
  7. billdozer15

    Up graded my Man Cave

    Are those HD projectors as clear as a HD TV? I am debating on uprading to either a 65-70" TV or just going with a projector. I dont really have much experience with projectors so i dont really know what to even look for.
  8. billdozer15

    Gameday forecast...

    Is asking for snow to much to ask?
  9. billdozer15

    B1G Predictions

  10. billdozer15

    Does anyone on Iowa's schedule really scare you?

    I really dont see a cause for concern in any games. You guys usually play everyone close so barring any catastrophic injury sequence you'll probably be right there in every game. It does seem though that you have a tendancy to wear out late in the game or atleast last year and if you allow a...
  11. billdozer15

    B1G Predictions

    Problem with Iowa's O is it hasnt had a true homerun threat since......Tim Dwight? Thats just KF mantra though play good D win the close ones, if you guys had a homerun threat or two you likely would have a few more W's. We have homerun threats on O, its just a matter of getting the O to gel. I...
  12. billdozer15

    B1G Predictions

  13. billdozer15

    Jon and Steve - For your new show

    Agreed. Better yet can you do the show from 7-8 or 4-6.
  14. billdozer15

    Jon and Steve - For your new show

    This is the most fantastic news i have ever heard. I am assuming you will be talking about sports. I had to call into the morning show last week to get the train back on the tracks, they spent 10 minutes talking about what intro music they should use for coming back from commercial. (during...
  15. billdozer15

    B1G Predictions

    I gonna say defense wins championships and even with a mediocre offense the defense will keep us in every single game and may even win a close one or two for us. The defense we have this year on paper is as deep as we've been since the late 90's and will be extremely stout. An all-america...
  16. billdozer15

    College Football News: Iowa State to Big Ten

    Pretty sure Texas didnt exactly beat our brains in. We lost by 7 points and had multiple drops in the endzone for TD's. I didnt know getting beat by a TD was a blowout. ISU is closer to being a doormat than you think, with the way Texas has reformed things, its about to go back to the old Big8...
  17. billdozer15

    College Football News: Iowa State to Big Ten

    Half the TV sets in the state yes..........10x the TV sets nationwide. You have to admit that NU has a national following and a large one at that. Adding a national program means you have people paying for the BTN everywhere not just one state.
  18. billdozer15

    College Football News: Iowa State to Big Ten

    What does this comment even mean? Better tell the rest of the Iowa fans on here that live out of state that you cant have an opinion if you live out of state. Since you voided my opinion does that mean Jon is going to delete it from my opinion count? Don't be mad at me because your President...
  19. billdozer15


    You may be right. There may not be any other teams out there for the B1G that would increase the profits enough to make it worth while. I suppose that is what Delaney and company have already figured out. Obviously, the addition of ND would be beneficial but you would have to add another team...
  20. billdozer15


    I dont think they are watching from the sidelines. There is no reason for them to make a move unless they need to. Right now the Pac12, B1G and SEC all stand at 12 teams. When the SEC decides to bring in 2 or 4 more teams that will trigger armaggedon. Delaney and Scott arent going to be known as...