College Football News: Iowa State to Big Ten

I would respectfully point out that the person who wrote the article is an experienced, respected sportswriter with a lot of good contacts. College Football News is one of the best sites in college football. Iowa State actually IS a great fit because it is a very strong academic institution and fits in perfectly from a geographic standpoint. It isn't exclusively about TV sets. If the Big 12 breaks up, there will be a strong push by many Iowans and Regents for Iowa State to join the Big Ten.

I am a huge Iowa fan and I don't care about ISU at all, but I certainly see the logic in Iowa State joining the conference. The Big Ten will go to 16 teams at some point....Iowa State won't be their first choice, but they may get a look down the road if other teams pass.

What people seem to be forgetting is that the big schools WANT a playoff because of the money. The money from a playoff would dwarf the incremental TV money gained from admitting a Syracuse or Pitt over ISU. If they need ISU to get to 16 teams, they might do it.

Once you have 4 16 team superconferences, the champions of those 4 conferences enter a playoff with 2 or 4 "at-large" teams (similar to the NFL).

A playoff will happen if the money is big enough. The bowl system can stay intact, but that is another discussion. It is curious to me that the posters on this board argue that ISU, because of money, won't get it because they don't have the TV sets, and yet they ignore the money that a playoff would bring if a team like ISU joining the Big Ten makes the playoffs more likely. You can't have it both ways. If it is all about money, and adding an Iowa State gets you the playoff money, it might happen. I think there is a 1 in 4 chance.

Just sayin'.......

Doubtful, very doubtful.
Plan on some major lawsuits and government intervention for all these little schools in current power conferences who are at risk of being left behind. Conferences will not want to have that happen in fear of opening a can of worms. So yes, yes they will.
I would point out that Nebraska has half of the TV sets that the State of Iowa has, and is a sparsely populated state. And yet they invited Nebraska.

I'm not sure it is completely about TV sets........
Great point. It will be hard to keep the Kansases, Kansas States and ISUs out of the power conferences, if it really happens that way.

My only point is that it is not that far-fetched. To deny it because of your hatred for Iowa State is pretty foolish, I think.
Pot calling the kettle black. Typical Cornhusker, but I guess you are a Des Moines Husker, so not a true Husker, opinion voided.

What does this comment even mean? Better tell the rest of the Iowa fans on here that live out of state that you cant have an opinion if you live out of state. Since you voided my opinion does that mean Jon is going to delete it from my opinion count?

Don't be mad at me because your President and AD are in reactionary mode and hooked your trailer to that stick of dynamite in Austin. When CFB armaggedon does happen I hope you land softly in a nice little conference like the MAC or MWC, you guys would probably do really well there and might be able to go on a run like TCU or BSU and get an atlarge bid. Getting your brains beat in, year in and year out in your current environment is not a healthy situation. Everyone seems to see it but you.
I would point out that Nebraska has half of the TV sets that the State of Iowa has, and is a sparsely populated state. And yet they invited Nebraska.

I'm not sure it is completely about TV sets........

Half the TV sets in the state yes..........10x the TV sets nationwide. You have to admit that NU has a national following and a large one at that. Adding a national program means you have people paying for the BTN everywhere not just one state.
What does this comment even mean? Better tell the rest of the Iowa fans on here that live out of state that you cant have an opinion if you live out of state. Since you voided my opinion does that mean Jon is going to delete it from my opinion count?

Don't be mad at me because your President and AD are in reactionary mode and hooked your trailer to that stick of dynamite in Austin. When CFB armaggedon does happen I hope you land softly in a nice little conference like the MAC or MWC, you guys would probably do really well there and might be able to go on a run like TCU or BSU and get an atlarge bid. Getting your brains beat in, year in and year out in your current environment is not a healthy situation. Everyone seems to see it but you.
When did this happen? Sure we got destroyed by OU last season, but we are not in the 90's anymore and Jim Walden is not our coach. Hell we even beat a Texas team that beat Nebraska's brains in the week before, what's that say about Nebraska? What puts Nebraska fans on such a high horse, what the hell have they done as of late? How has Rhoads done against the Huskers, should be 2-0? Just saying ISU is a long ways away from being that doormat that used to be in the 90's. And Rhoads will continue the progress this season. Oh and there is no way ISU falls from a power conference status, that I can promise you.
When did this happen? Sure we got destroyed by OU last season, but we are not in the 90's anymore and Jim Walden is not our coach. Hell we even beat a Texas team that beat Nebraska's brains in the week before, what's that say about Nebraska? What puts Nebraska fans on such a high horse, what the hell have they done as of late? How has Rhoads done against the Huskers, should be 2-0? Just saying ISU is a long ways away from being that doormat that used to be in the 90's. And Rhoads will continue the progress this season. Oh and there is no way ISU falls from a power conference status, that I can promise you.

Pretty sure Texas didnt exactly beat our brains in. We lost by 7 points and had multiple drops in the endzone for TD's. I didnt know getting beat by a TD was a blowout. ISU is closer to being a doormat than you think, with the way Texas has reformed things, its about to go back to the old Big8 days pretty quickly. Basically the same schedule you used to have in the 80's-90's just replace NU with Texas. Anytime you have the slightest success your coach will be poached and back to square 1. Its just the way things are, but i think you could do well in a smaller conference.
Pretty sure Texas didnt exactly beat our brains in. We lost by 7 points and had multiple drops in the endzone for TD's. I didnt know getting beat by a TD was a blowout. ISU is closer to being a doormat than you think, with the way Texas has reformed things, its about to go back to the old Big8 days pretty quickly. Basically the same schedule you used to have in the 80's-90's just replace NU with Texas. Anytime you have the slightest success your coach will be poached and back to square 1. Its just the way things are, but i think you could do well in a smaller conference.
How do you know that, I mean honestly? What kind of BS statement is that? Just because Nebraska is not in the conference? The second is also a bold statement considering he was approached by a few ADs last season that would be looked at as better schools, but he turned them down. You are no better than a blog writer, throwing **** against the wall and hoping it sticks.
Syracuse and Rutgers could help the Big 10 extend the "footprint" of the B10 network. More importantly, both Rutgers and Syracuse are excellent when it comes to academics ... and that would be a great plus when it comes to resource sharing between the different research universities.

Iowa State isn't as alluring because it doesn't extend the footprint, it doesn't have a national sports draw like ND, and it simply isn't as strong academically.

BTW, the Big 10 would never consider Baylor for expansion. Notre Dame is the only school with a religious affiliation that the Big 10 would even remotely consider bringing into the fold.

At no point did I suggest that Baylor would be a possible expansion option for the B10. In fact I suggested the opposite. "...B10, SEC and PAC10 will take the big players and leave the scraps like ISU, Baylor etc to scramble for themselves. " "They have to hope someone throws them a lifeline".

Additionally, institutions are not limited to resource sharing with their athletic conference.

While Rutgers and Syracuse offer excellent academics and an access to the NY market, they would have trouble competing athletically in the B10. And the competition factor limits their NY market value. All of the existing members would have to take a smaller revenue slice to take on one/both of these teams. How many New Yorkers are going to tune in to watch their local team get pounded every year when they can watch the Jets, Giants or the myriad of other options?

ND and Missouri both offer a lot to the B10. ISU offers nothing. There are going to be a lot of smaller schools left out in the cold when this expansion fever dies down.
At no point did I suggest that Baylor would be a possible expansion option for the B10. In fact I suggested the opposite. "...B10, SEC and PAC10 will take the big players and leave the scraps like ISU, Baylor etc to scramble for themselves. " "They have to hope someone throws them a lifeline".

Additionally, institutions are not limited to resource sharing with their athletic conference.

While Rutgers and Syracuse offer excellent academics and an access to the NY market, they would have trouble competing athletically in the B10. And the competition factor limits their NY market value. All of the existing members would have to take a smaller revenue slice to take on one/both of these teams. How many New Yorkers are going to tune in to watch their local team get pounded every year when they can watch the Jets, Giants or the myriad of other options?

ND and Missouri both offer a lot to the B10. ISU offers nothing. There are going to be a lot of smaller schools left out in the cold when this expansion fever dies down.
Is ISU a smaller school? Just as big as an enrollment as Iowa? Any team in the power 6 conferences will be in the super conferences. This is may seem to be all about what each school has to offer, but in the end, a University and its football program still fall as a not-for-profit regulated by state and federal government. Any school left out for the reasoning of not "providing a profit" will sue and win, because again Universities are not for-profit organizations and will not want to be viewed as such. How do they get around the issue? Allowing schools that are in the power conferences to remain in one. Again the conferences do not want to open a can of worms.
Can't even go down this path of this conference realignment. After the last debacle and national crisis among the national pundits, I am staying away from this one until schools officially announce they are joining another conference. All of the speculation, etc., on the part of the national media is just ridiculous ... I think we can all come up with our own scenarios of a Mega Conference ... :)
At no point did I suggest that Baylor would be a possible expansion option for the B10. In fact I suggested the opposite. "...B10, SEC and PAC10 will take the big players and leave the scraps like ISU, Baylor etc to scramble for themselves. " "They have to hope someone throws them a lifeline".

Additionally, institutions are not limited to resource sharing with their athletic conference.

While Rutgers and Syracuse offer excellent academics and an access to the NY market, they would have trouble competing athletically in the B10. And the competition factor limits their NY market value. All of the existing members would have to take a smaller revenue slice to take on one/both of these teams. How many New Yorkers are going to tune in to watch their local team get pounded every year when they can watch the Jets, Giants or the myriad of other options?

ND and Missouri both offer a lot to the B10. ISU offers nothing. There are going to be a lot of smaller schools left out in the cold when this expansion fever dies down.

I was replying to your post ... I wasn't criticizing it.

As for the remark about the number of New Yorkers watching the B10 network ... IT DOESN'T MATTER! That's the beauty of being in the footprint. The Big 10 automatically gets revenue for the TV sets from the carriers within the imprint ... the populace doesn't have to watch it!

Only when folks are outside of the footprint does it then matter.
While personally not a fan of the proposed super conferences I do see it heading in that direction, they will be a necessity for survival of alot of college football programs. I'm not trying to bring politics or all of the financial issues into this but this will come into play in my opinion down the road. Schools are raising tuition, cutting funding, trying to pull funds from the athletic departments, so these schools are going to be looking to join super conferences to get a piece of all the tv revenue that they cant create on their own. Depending on the sizes of the superconferences you will see teams like an ISU, Kansas, Rutgers, etc get in because they need the filler teams.
Interesting prediction from an NCAA insider (former NCAA president) on long-range "super conference" plan in story today in It's a great read with some other food for thought on NCAA oversight.

If the inevitability is four super conferences, assuming some geographic alignment for travel purposes and population density, with 16 teams each, would we assume 1 for east coast (current Big East/ACC geography), 1 for southeast (current SEC), 1 for west (current Pac 10), and of course 1 for midwest (current B1G).

The smart guys running the power conferences are probably focused more on this as long-term strategy, instead of short-term A&M or similar tactical moves.

Once those dominos start falling sometime in near future, then we get the popcorn and watch the fun as ADs and presidents start their scrambling for the extra spots. Very high stakes.
I didn't read it because it's totally ridiculous. No way the B10 is going to split up its pie like that.

i didn't read this article either, but gave it rather a cursory review - and this line just jumped off the page (surely it is pasted in this thread previously, but in the off chance it is not, enjoy!)

No one really wants Iowa State, and it’s not a great fit for the Big Ten, but it’ll be an easy fit in the same division as Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri.
I would like to see things stay the way they are now. more conferences with about 9 -12 per conference. The hawk fans don't want ISU in the big 10 because they would rather see someone hurt vs. themselves thrive. Granted ISU doesn't bring the tradition of ND or Texas and OK. You can't have all those guys in one conference. This would hurt Iowa's chance of winning. ISU does bring geography and travel among the foes would be easy bus trips. ISU also brings a competitive team that surprises teams. Iowa and ISU are about .500 during the coach KF era. When ISU does beat IA it ruins the IA fans season. I think that is playing a major role in this discussion. It's blamed on ISU not adding anything, and they are a doormat. Well if thats the case IA has an easy win in football. There are also other sports that need to be put in the mix. However these are non revenue producing. This is a problem because everyone is thinking like the greedy bastards in NCAA and conference realignment. The games and sport are being forgotten about.
Never happening so your wet dream can end. If the Clones go to the Big 10 you will be on suicide watch. ISU will forever be in a power conference.

What does ISU bring to any power conference that they couldn't get somewhere else? Honestly, if you think ISU adds anything to a conference, you are delusional.

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