I think the Big 12 should go for a homerun try for FSU & Miami


Well-Known Member
I know this is an Iowa board but I wondered what Jon and Steve would think of this idea. As they said on their show if the Texas/OU marriage is strong the Big 12 is sure as a conference.

Since the Big 12 is a football first conference(albeit bball is very good)Why not go after two football schools in a basketball is king conference? With by the way a huge population state.

I know people will say how with the grumbling and in-fighting in the conference but if they secured FSU, Miami(albeit they are tainted at this point) and BYU that is very attractive. I think that conference would financially blow away anything the ACC could command.

Then the Big 12 would be a power broker again. If they feel conferences will stay at 12 quit there but if conferences are really going to 16 they could offer Ga. Tech, Clemson, Va. Tech and maybe NC St. or go north and offer Pitt & WVU. But getting the state of Florida by getting FSU is key.

Mabye the ACC schools don't want to deal with the SEC. Also its rumored the Big 10 likes NC, Duke, Maryland & Virginia. Maybe the Big 12 could use this as leverage.

Could they say no? sure but isn't this much better than Air Force or Houston? Why wouldn't the conference think big?
FSU has a great shot at dominating the ACC for the next decade. Why would they move to the Big XII and be one of Texas' minions?
$$$$$ and it would put them in a lot more relevant football conference. The Big 12 got a big bump in their second tier rights recently and the first tier come up in a couple of years. What do you think the state of Florida makes their package worth? Not to mention the improved content of their games in this situation.

The ACC has not been that good of a football conference, but if Texas/OU could poach FSU and a few of the better schools the Big 12 would be perceived as one of the best conferences competition wise.

It is all predicated on Texas & OU convincing schools on their commitment to the Big 12.
Not Miami. There are way too many questions about that athletic department right now. I think FSU, Georgia Tech, and Clemson would all be better options is the Big XII wants to invade the ACC.
Broken ankle- I have no problem with other message board posters opinions at all. Nor do I always agree with Steve and Jon but they have talked about the subject a lot.

Also, there show got me thinking today. If the Texas/OU marriage is strong the conference will be always be here even if Missouri left. So I was interested to hear their input.
Broken ankle- I have no problem with other message board posters opinions at all. Nor do I always agree with Steve and Jon but they have talked about the subject a lot.

Also, there show got me thinking today. If the Texas/OU marriage is strong the conference will be always be here even if Missouri left. So I was interested to hear their input.

Like others have said there are alot of opinions out there but nobody is for sure what is going to happen. There are always back room dealing and last minute deals going down when this realignment talk goes on. Just read this opinion piece I linked.

One more move and Big 12 is over
IMO, I don't believe the Big 12 can "raid" any conference(s) other than the MWC and (or) Conference USA.

Just WHY would FSU, Miami, Georgia, GT, Clemson or any of those schools join a conference halfway across the country. The travel logistics would be a nightmare and those are southern schools, which have different attitudes. Why would they give up their present rivalries? Just so they can play isu, Kansas, KSU, Missouri, Baylor, Texas Tech?

I think the big 12 needs to start asking all these schools to join (like a nerd at a dance asking the prettiest girls to dance). After schools continually politely tells the big 12 they have no interest in joining, maybe the big 12 will get a clue and go after schools they can actually get.

While they are asking they might as well ask Alabama, Florida, NC, LSU, Duke and all the other top schools in conferences to join the big 12. I would imagine most schools are just sitting and waiting for the invite.
People keep losing sight of the big picture in expansion. It isn't about football its about money. You also have to realize these schools have a ton of other non revenue generating sports. How cost effective is it for FSU and Miami's other sports to fly that far, that often to play? Its not realistic.
They said one more move and the Big 12 is over after last summer too. As it stands there is no reason to think this is the one that blows it up. Mizzou could be it I admit.
In regards to travel thats why you take 3-7 teams in the SE and East.

The rumor is the SEC will not add schools in its current geographical footprint, also some of these schools in ACC have better academics and don't oversign and might not want to get caught up in what it takes to compete in the SEC even if they could go there.

Look at the travel for those schools if the ACC & Big East combine its not any shorter and with airflight it doesn't matter that much anyway.

There also is a huge difference between the schools at the top of the SEC and the football first schools in the ACC. Again, this is all predicated on Texas & OU sold out to the league, but you tell me why a Big 12 with Texas, OU & Florida St. and possibly a Virginia Tech headlining it is not worth more than the ACC?
Everything in Norman, OK has been pretty quiet since the A&M news broke. Several have wondered why everyone but Oklahoma had a public statement about A&M leaving the Big 12. Then, I read the article posted by Frenando, and it seems like there may be a little more smoke than people realize. Of course right now, it is all speculation, but if I'm an AD and I had options to get out of the Big 12 right now, I would.

A lot of people think Pitt is coming, I don't understand it, but I guess it is possible, I think it is just as likely that the Pac 12 goes to 16.
For those that think travel is too far, its less than the travel in a PAC 16 and they don't have to play in two hour difference time zones. Or what would the travel in a ACC/Big East comined league be like? FSU is no farther than one of their top targets in Pitt.

The Big 12 could put together an Eastern division and have two divisions. FSU would be the key and maybe you leave Miami out after their problems but I can see why they could approach Va. Tech, Ga. Tech, NC St., Clemson, Louisville, Pitt & WVU for a football first league.
The Big12 can try to go after whomever they want. The reality is no BCS school in their right mind is going to leave the stability their conference currently offers for a less stable one in the Big12. The Big12 is scene as teetering on implosion and most people agree it will happen sooner rather than later. Unless the Whorns are able to con some poor sap into joining them their only options are going to be non-AQ teams and that wont do anything for stability.

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