Gameday forecast...


Well-Known Member
Were getting within that time that you can start finding long range forecasts that go far enough to reach the first football game. I figured I would start a thread on it and see just how accurate those forecasts are.

Iowa City, IA 52240 Daily Weather Forecast -

As of right now, for Sept.3 in Iowa City, it looks to be a sunny, steamy, miserable 93 degrees. Definitely not football weather. Hopefully that changes before next Saturday.
I've been following that forecast for a few days now and it has gone through several changes. Initially they forecasted 83 and sunny, then yesterday it was 85 and rainy. Now today 93 and sunny. We'll see what the dart lands on tomorrow.
That's cold weather. I'm going to the Baylor-TCU game here in Waco next Friday. It will likely be between 100 and 105 at kickoff.
There's nothing like listening to weathermen try to predict the weather 10 days from now. Can't wait to see how many times it changes. Probably the only profession where you can be wrong over 50% of the time and remain employed.
Temp wise ain't gonna change much though. It might rain or be cloudy but I would venture to guess the temp will be close to forecast. It's gonna be hot
There's nothing like listening to weathermen try to predict the weather 10 days from now. Can't wait to see how many times it changes. Probably the only profession where you can be wrong over 50% of the time and remain employed.

Politicians, FTW.
Don't neglect the economists.

And how about the ratings agencies. AAA on subprime bundles. Oh yeah, baby.

Now enough with the distractions. Keep your eye on the ball: The hotter the air temp, the hotter the chicas.

I would agree, but this may not be good for everyone.. let me explain:

Hot temperature = Scantily clad Iowa City ladies + Copious amounts of beverages.

Scantily clad Iowa City ladies + Copious amounts of beverages = theantiAIRBHG's wandering eyes.

theantiAIRBHG's wandering eyes = a slap in the face by Ms. AIRBHG + possible loss of ride home from Kinnick.

A slap in the face by Ms. AIRBHG + possible loss of ride home from Kinnick = sad.

Oh well, HOORAY SCANTILY CLAD IOWA CITY LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is why I am not fond of the September games. I'm a wuss in the heat! At least the sun will be on my back!

Sure guys there will be lots of hot young coeds there...but you're also going to see a lot of stuff that you wish you could take back later! Bunch of old fat guys in jogger shorts and knee highs; fat ladies with shirts too tight and knee fat. Don't worry though, I'll be wearing long pants 'cause there's just too much hail damage!:D

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