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  1. V

    Has Ferentz lost Marc Morehouse?

    The vast majority of people have nothing against KF, the man, his refusal to evolve and energize the program is the issue.
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    Hypothetical, who would want to coach here?

    Apparently Fran McCaffery. I'll send him an email reminding him what a crappy situation he finds himself in. Don't be surprised if he totally disagrees and continues on his way of seizing opportunity. 3-4 M definitely chases people away.
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    2-15 since 2005

    Which brings us right back to the salary issue. Are we really going to pay this much to still lose but make it closer? I have no illusions of grandeur but some level of accountability for the performance of the program is due. At this level, not everything can be a pass because of previous...
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    2-15 since 2005

    He simply provided different perspectives on how to view the myth that KF wins the close ones. KF gets way too much credit for something that does not exist in reality. Unless Arkansas State and UNI float your boat.
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    2-15 since 2005

    Those "quality" wins in 2009 aren't exactly reassuring.
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    2-15 since 2005

    SDochterman tweeted Iowa is: 8-17 in games decided by 4 points or less since 2005. 2-15 in games 3 points or less since 2005; excluding 2009 when stars aligned. Interesting stats given the discussion on what produces an edge for teams.
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    Hope Ferentz reads this . . .

    Nebraska is jealous because we own them on graduation rates. Woo-hoo!
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    Hope Ferentz reads this . . .

    Lincoln is just a sexier place than Iowa City to recruit to...right? Like Manhattan, Kansas or Ames, Iowa? NOBODY wants to come to Iowa City to play in the Big Ten. That's what I'm told over and over and over......
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    Derby Suspended Two Games

    If Derby OR Weinke is in we probably have big problems anyway. Seems like a nonfactor at this juncture.
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    Bye weeks are dumb

    Everyone should have the same bye week. Decide which week 4-6 and everybody shuts down at the same time. Otherwise drop it altogether.
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    WSJ: Iowa State could be odd man out in conference realignment

    Which is EXACTLY why I feel the way I do. You and your ticket gouging, curtain raising, coin minting, billboard raising, fog machine athletic director will find zero sympathy. It's coming around Stewey and you better duck. By the way - get the hell out of the taxpayers pockets. Athletic welfare...
  12. V

    WSJ: Iowa State could be odd man out in conference realignment

    And Iowa athletics will benefit over time. Why should I feel bad about that development if I am an Iowa fan? ISU is an athletic competitor just like Nebraska, Minesota, etc. Stop with the boo-hoo moral high ground. I will be thrilled if Iowa gains that advantage and ISU is relegated to a second...
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    Bruce Davis Leaves Football Program

    He could plug the gap admirably but couldn't cover BEFORE the injury. I'll bet his wheels aren't up to the speed of the game and he's saying what's the point? Time to get on with my life, graduating in December.
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    New Developments favor ISU joining the big ten

    Aren't you lucky you're not part of this crappy conference! We all feel the same way, lucky you're not part of it. Have fun in the whatever conference.
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    Do you want ISU to win when not playing Iowa?

    We compete for booster contributions, licensed apparel and novelty sales, estate donations, season ticket sales/prices/capacities, recruiting, media exposure and in the case of ISu - tax monies. You think Nebraska would be better off with another D1 school in a major conference? We compete with...
  16. V

    Do you want ISU to win when not playing Iowa?

    No. Any resource allocated to ISU athletics is an indirect subtraction to Iowa's success. The state is too small for two D1 programs. Does Lowe's want Home Depot to do well just to be nice?
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    Radio Streaming

    I listened to WHO off iheartradio in Colorado last weekend. Worked well.
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    Radio Streaming

    When they are on...yes. They don't participate much in pregame until closer to game time.
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    Radio Streaming

    Here's one out of Omaha, others out there as well. Go Hawks.
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    Herbstreit picks Ohio State over Iowa in B1G Title game

    What in the name of all that is Holy Husker?!? Husker hate of Herbie commencing in 3...2...1.