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    Ticket Sells

    Hey man, who was comparing this to ISU? Everything have to be compared to ISU?
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    Ticket Sells

    from morehouse Remaining ticket inventory at Kinnick per game: UNI 7,197; Ball State 10,007; Iowa State 2,128; Indiana 6,955; NW 7,294; UW 5,166; Neb 6,409
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    Ticket Sells

    Barta says tickets remain for all 7 of Iowa's home games. ISU closest to a sell out right now. t this is pathetic. and this is with two in state home games.
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    Jok arrested again

    yeah good thing he didnt hit someone walking while drunk on his moped, drinking and driving big deal no matter what, hope you are being sarcastic
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    Jok arrested again

    shouldn't we be talking bout this "Iowa coach Fran McCaffrey said he had no plans to suspend Jok for the drunken driving incident." how do you not at least sit on the bench for a couple of games, way to teach a lesson Coach
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    11am kickoffs UGH....

    Glad to see we already have three 11 am kickoffs for year, including homecoming. I guess this is the price we pay for having a crappy easy schedule. ISU might be our only home game not at 11am this year.....
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    Where is all the Ferentz Hate?

    which with this schedule wont happen this year
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    Barta on fence about Black Friday game

    What an idiot, go ahead and toss away a national broadcasted game. Where as the clones would do anything for an spot on ABC every year. This is the leader of our program....
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    Did Dish Network just drop BTN?

    So if you have the all sports pack you are fine??
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    This is what I find laughable.....

    Keep thinking that, this isnt your daddy's ISU team
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    De'Andre Johnson dismissed

    Or he could become a savior and a god at Penn State, going to be tough for sure, and why risk the curse of the Iowa Running back
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    De'Andre Johnson dismissed

    I bet he stays, a lot of playing time just opened up in front of him
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    License Plate: "ISU 3OT" - Weird?????

    does this work
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    License Plate: "ISU 3OT" - Weird?????

    I have seen numerous Iowa Hawkeye plates with terms such as BOOISU, CLOWNS, ISUSTNK among others,
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    Arizona State's Trent Lockett

    He is friends with both Babb and White, I think ISU might have a leg up if they want him
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    What's it going to take to dance?

    Winning the Big Ten Tournament