Search results

  1. H

    Have any of you completed your re-seating yet?

    Hate to even think about it. We had six seats together and pooled our seat licenses for Golden Hawk parking spot. Three of our folks decided not to renew, so we would lose our parking without doubling our donations. Decided to take our money and do one or two road trips and couple of games in...
  2. H

    AZ students/fans rioting

    Totally agree with this comment. The AZ experience was ridiculous. Bunch of fans with much higher opinion of themselves and their teams than anyone else holds. I now make a point to chuckle every time they get beat at anything, and particulary enjoy if there is any controversy involved that...
  3. H

    Iowa/Michigan next week 11:00 BTN

    I just like a mixture of start times. Love to be able to visit different tailgates, and very hard to do that prior to 11am. To each their own though.
  4. H

    Iowa/Michigan next week 11:00 BTN

    WE did not do us any favors for anything other than dog crap 11am starts!!!
  5. H

    Football reseating info?

    Thanks - no troll. Buy my tickets as part of a group. Losing three after this year and wanting to know specificis so we can try to line up replacements so we can keep our parking spot.
  6. H

    Football reseating info?

    Anybody have football reseating info for after the season. Looking for seat license fees and parking lot donation requirements. Appreciate any help!
  7. H

    Are You Renewing Your Season Tickets?

    Hard to imagine selling a ticket for enought to recoup the seat license. $400 divided by 7 games is approximately $57 per game plus the face value of the ticket. Not many people willing to pay that I don't think????
  8. H

    Are You Renewing Your Season Tickets?

    Not sure yet. Tough to think about watching on TV. Love going but very pricy for the team on the field last year. 2 seats with $400 seat license each plus cost of tickets. Not to mention $100 of tailgate every week. Bad part about our seats are someone different sits to my right every week...
  9. H

    Chiefs interested in Ferentz??

    GB will have to raise season ticket prices so we can afford a stay incentive for KF. LOL - KC would have nuclear meltdown with hiring of KF. I know articles say Pioli stays, but really hard to accept that will happen,
  10. H

    Bernstine to Redskins!

    Southside Pride! Great to see JB get a chance. Good kid. Wish a Railsplitter and Hawkeye the best of luck.
  11. H


    Mozeilak interview before tonight's game said Carp will undergo more tests in next week, and if all good, will start throwing sessions. Like pickup of Beltrane. Guy can still hit the ball. Becoming more and more convinced that Freese is the real deal!!!
  12. H

    Norm Parker appreciation thread

    Had the good fortune to hear Norm speak at a few I-Club meetings in DM. He is a terrific story teller with great wit. Very enjoyable to listen to. Over the years, his defenses have brought great pleasure to me while screaming in Kinnick, quite a few away stadiums, assorted bars, and in my...
  13. H

    msu fake injuries

    Not sure what the rule is, but with our friend Witvoet from Michigen calling the game, no chance it would be called. It was total BS to see that lard *** #99 sucking air and laying there. Believe if we had pushed the pace earlier in the second half, Spartans would have been in big trouble...
  14. H

    Dick Witvoet

    You guys are correctamungo. There are always issues when this clown works our games. I still don't understand how we wind up with this guy so often when we play Mich or Mich St. Huge ruckus surrounding this issue before, but apparently doesn't matter to those that schedule the zebra.
  15. H

    HawKeye Village

    Due to the upcoming construction, Hawkeye Village was moved to baseball field this year. They have tents set up behind the grandstand of the baseball field. Many (most Big10) visiting teams will have a tent in the village. Usually a few corporate tent as well. Used to be on the field hockey...
  16. H

    The REFS today

    I sit high in the stadium, but from where i was at, it looked like ball spots were a little crazy today. No doubt that this crew struggled.
  17. H

    Murph and Andy Show

    I don't know why anyone would even watch that show - it stinks! I last watched couple of years ago and very little sports talk and even less informed sports talk. Guarantee you a lot of guys off the street have a much more rounded knowledge of all sports. All these guys wanted was a forum for...
  18. H

    Is this the worst Iowa defense in

    Agree with most everything being said. D-line could not contain, had zero pressure, and does not look like typical physical Iowa line. Our coverage was soft (so what else is new). No playmakers to be found anywhere today when needed. Was out of state for first game, but based on what I saw...
  19. H

    Are the technical fouls necessary?

    Geez - I am just glad we have a coach with some emotions, that doesn't look lost, and wants to win some games. Big 10 BB refs are bad and have been for a time. Anyone that has played sports knows you would much prefer a coach that has your back. The locker room video after the Indiana game...