The REFS today


I know we shot ourselves in the foot too many times but the refs were just making me feel like the fix was in today. The following things were just too strange to be considered coincidence.

1. The initial call on the overturn of the Davis catch was just an awful initial call. AWFUL!
2. The Bullock TD was obvious, the guy was 2 feet past the plane of the goal.
3. The only ref that threw a flag on Pitt was the Back judge (ALL 4! from the B)
4. So many obvious holding calls the Back judge finally had to make the KMM call although he was out of position and it wasn't his call to make, he finally said just f you guys that is obvious. We lose without this call, and the guy threw the flag 30 yards and it still landed 10 yards short of the spot.
5. The holding on the kickoff they tried to pull the wool over kirk's eyes like he wouldnt notice they enforced it from the end of the run and not the spot of the foul. I mean come on your telling me that if that runback went for a TouchDown then they get the ball on the ten, thats BLATANT! It was a 14 yard difference!

Just, wow, WOW, for those officials! Ill call it a bad day because im a good sport but for everyone but the back judge they need to ask themselves if they really did everything they could to keep it fair. FOR PEET'S SAKE PITT ran the pick play on the umpire about 4-5 times and the guy gave a forearm shiver to morris at least twice, trying to protect himself? Maaaaaaaybe.
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They were Big East officials....and they shouldn't be allowed to officiate any non-conference games, anywhere, ever was awful.
How about the no false starts on Pitt as well. That KD incompletion was one of the worst calls Ive ever seen. Guess he has to have possesion for 15 seconds instead of ten.
They were Big East officials....and they shouldn't be allowed to officiate any non-conference games, anywhere, ever was awful.

Knew going in its always the visitor conference officials just like last week it was Big Ten ref's, they did us no favors in Ames, but today the Big East refs were obvious, they didnt even try to hide it (again everyone but the official with a B on his back for Back judge?)


Watch those pick plays again how does pitt get that close to the ref? He deliberately played along with that! Either move that guy to the NFL placement or make it a foul like illegal touching. WTF was that? I know its a legal pick play, but did the ref have to play along with so BLATANTLY??!
How about the no false starts on Pitt as well. That KD incompletion was one of the worst calls Ive ever seen. Guess he has to have possesion for 15 seconds instead of ten.

That WAS AWFUL too! their O line was getting a head start every play, when the center faked his head he did not snap the ball for a full second afterwards in that second the guards got a head start on our tackles what seemed like every F ing play! THAT TOOK THE F U C K ING PRIZE, I counted at least 8 BLATANT OBVIOUS false starts by PITTS O-Line.
And the topper, THE F ING TOPPER was we got called for less obvious false starts!
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they false started at least 3 times that I noticed, and the officials just seemed to ignore it.

Since their football conference is about to vanish they should prolly get their heads out of their...
they false started at least 3 times that I noticed, and the officials just seemed to ignore it.

Since their football conference is about to vanish they should prolly get their heads out of their...

BLATANT! We beat two teams today PITT and the Big East refs, (except the Back judge, give that guy a "scout's honor" badge).
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oh gosh people. when you start blaming the refs for keeping PITT in the game, we know our fanbase is in a heap of trouble.

Blaming the refs is what you do after a 6th grade flag football game..."well Timmy's dad was the ref so he let Timmy flag guard the entire game. It was so obvious. It was the refs fault we lost by 42 points!!"
The replay is available on now. I just watched the KD catch sequence (3:04 left in the 3rd). The linesman's behavior on that play - running down the sideline signalling catch, then changing the call when KD let go of the ball LONG after hitting the ground - was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen from an official.

Not as dumb as the C-USA clowns at the Gator Bowl, but pretty dumb.
you can credit the Iowa Football video crew for the overturned Keenan Davis catch. It was by their insistence that a real time video replay feed be provided to both coaches booths in the press box to ensure they had as much time as possible to see the replay and call down to the field to have the coaching staff press to hold up play to allow for a replay.
That technology saved the 10 or more seconds in the network satellite feed would have taken that would have allowed Pitt to run another play before a review would have been called for.
you can credit the Iowa Football video crew for the overturned Keenan Davis catch. It was by their insistence that a real time video replay feed be provided to both coaches booths in the press box to ensure they had as much time as possible to see the replay and call down to the field to have the coaching staff press to hold up play to allow for a replay.
That technology saved the 10 or more seconds in the network satellite feed would have taken that would have allowed Pitt to run another play before a review would have been called for.

Uhhh... How could Pitt have run another play when Iowa was on offense?
I thought Pitt got away with some illegal procedures. Jon mentioned it on Sound Off. It appear the lineman were leaving before the center hiked.
I thought Pitt got away with some illegal procedures. Jon mentioned it on Sound Off. It appear the lineman were leaving before the center hiked.

I noticed this as well.

Also, the personal foul on our punt was ridicolous
I sit high in the stadium, but from where i was at, it looked like ball spots were a little crazy today. No doubt that this crew struggled.
Saw it in person... Normally I don't complain too much about the officiating but in person you can see more of the field and definitely several blown calls ... Lots and lots of holding going on ...
Saw it in person... Normally I don't complain too much about the officiating but in person you can see more of the field and definitely several blown calls ... Lots and lots of holding going on ...

THIS but also in person you notice the individual ref who makes the call, and whether he was out of position to make the call or not, and I am just as slow to anger as you over officiating, as these guys are not full time, theyre proctologists and lawyers. But this game just made me really doubt my own beliefs about the ability of conference refs to forget their affiliation and call it fair.

I can only conclude that since the back judge threw all 4 flags on PITT, I just have to assume that all the other refs had their head up their frigging azzes when PITT had the ball, or something worse.

Again, scouts honor merit badges for the Back judge & booth review, and slops for everyone else!
Have to agree with everything in this thread. Like many of you, I usually don't gripe bout officiating, but today was absolutely unbelievable. One obvious miss not yet mentioned was the false start by the Pitt slot receiver on their last drive. The guy flinched so clearly we easily saw it from about 50 yards away. . . yet the linesman, who's about 30 feet away, can't see it?

The goal line sequence was infuriating, too, because we were fighting the clock. Bullock obviously scores (if nothing else, stop the clock and review it). They call it no TD as the clock ticks. . . . Then we finally do score, and the refs pick their noses for about 10 more seconds with the clock running before actually calling the TD. The refs cost us about 1:00 during that sequence that should have taken about :05 off the clock.

Just tons of examples of calls and no-calls that went against us. It would seem like a stretch to suspect a conspiracy, but you have to wonder about Big East bias in a case like this. Hard to believe they can really be THAT incompetent.

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