AZ students/fans rioting

Photos: Unrest at Main Gate after Arizona Elite Eight loss

Brings back memories of the classy treatment we received at the Iowa-Arizone football game in 2010

Worst visiting fan experience, EVER! That walk from the stadium, through campus, to the bar / eats area was like a gauntlet.

Edit: Sorry, my experience was at AZ State. Must be something in the (lack of) water in that state.
Brings back memories of the classy treatment we received at the Iowa-Arizone football game in 2010

Exactly...I was at that game. They have have a segment of their fan base that are complete, low class, morons. And i know people will say, well, every fan base has that segment of some sort. No, this is different...these idiots were the worst fans I've ever seen at any venue and I've been to a ton of college football games outside of the Big Ten...PAC Ten, SEC, whatever...I've seen nothing like Arizona. I couldn't believe they allow some of those thugs to be around other people. I know going to football games is the closest any of those idiots ever came to a University. It's the first place I've gone where I almost kicked someone's ***. These guys were throwing stuff at Iowa fans leaving the stadium. Classless idiots.
Tucson AZ was the only place I've ever actually feared for my safety after a game. Anyone who was out there for that Iowa game knows what I'm talking about.
Can somebody get ahold of Sally Mason and have her forward her game day "atmosphere" policies to the wigs at Arizona? Sounds like they need to rethink the drinking down there.
The treatment of the Iowa fans in Tucson at that game in 2010 was criminal. I have never seen a fan base that was hostile like that. I had no idea what to expect and was shocked. Our treatment at ASU was not great, but 100x better than how we were treated at U of A. Their fans apparently have no fear of jail or prison.
The treatment of the Iowa fans in Tucson at that game in 2010 was criminal. I have never seen a fan base that was hostile like that. I had no idea what to expect and was shocked. Our treatment at ASU was not great, but 100x better than how we were treated at U of A. Their fans apparently have no fear of jail or prison.

Totally agree with this comment. The AZ experience was ridiculous. Bunch of fans with much higher opinion of themselves and their teams than anyone else holds. I now make a point to chuckle every time they get beat at anything, and particulary enjoy if there is any controversy involved that would make it burn a little deeper.

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