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  1. C

    Mandel's Iowa Thoughts

    Honestly, if your referring to me and this post, I don't get upset when people pick against Iowa. In fact, logic would lead us to believe in this game a majority of people will be picking against Iowa. I was more interested in if his stance would change if Iowa beats LSU. To sum it up he is...
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    Mandel's Iowa Thoughts

    I am interested to see what thoughts Stuart Mandel has if Iowa does beat LSU. He claimed KF was one of the five worst coaches in the nation; and when doing his bowl game predictions he stated that LSU would win because of the massive talent gap between the two teams. So we have an awful coach...
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    Keys to an Iowa win; and your opinion.

    Interested in hearing other Hawk fans thoughts on how the game will play out, what will need to happen to leave Tampa with a victory, and where Iowa has an advantage on the field. I think to win the game we will need to play very clean and efficient. Very few penalties and no turnovers. E.G...
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    Best Iowa Defenders in the last 15-20 years

    You are so witty. Yes I put Martin instead of Murray.
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    RB next year

    I don't see much changing from our rotation we use near the end of the year. Weis/JC on the early downs and third and short. Bullock playing 3rd down passing situations. Daniels will get some carries, but not a significant amount unless there is an injury. His time is coming, just not next...
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    challege accepted

    I am not sure I agree with this. But I could be swayed. I would think that the top recruiting teams in the BTN and SEC should have similar speed as they are typically getting the best players in the nation. For example OSU should have similar speed to Bama/Auburn?LSU, etc because each year...
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    Best Iowa Defenders in the last 15-20 years

    I have been watching Iowa basketball for about 25 years. The greatest game changer on the defensive end that I recall is Acie Earl. Greatest on the ball defender IMO is Kenyon Murray. All around defensively would either be Murray or Ryan Bowen. From a physical standpoint and rebounding Reggie...
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    challege accepted

    I concur. I have no idea what we are talking about here. I think he is saying that Canzeri and Duzey are fast. I am confused as to what he saw on ESPN, or what LSU is in it for. And I assume the "testing the durability" comment is the strategic approach he would use to win the bowl game.
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    Athleticism Does Not Equal 'Jumping High'

    I am going to go ahead and say this is quite a bit of a stretch. As is anyone saying they have Larry Bird's game. KG was considered one of the best defensive players in the NBA. Uthoff gets pushed around in the paint and so far we haven't seen him play great man up D. Sure he blocks shots...
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    Sign me up as a big Jarrod Utah fan. He is just going to get better as the year goes on. Unbelievable skill-set for 6-10. He and Marble are going to close out a lot of games this year at the line. Utah gimme two! (I know his last name is Uthoff)
  11. C

    I think we need to temper expectations

    I wasn't trying to be a so called "di$k". Just trying to address your concerns. I think it is unrealistic that we will go through the conference unbeaten. But I do think we should finish in the top 4-5 and have a very good season. I am not as concerned about the offense as you are. I am a...
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    I think we need to temper expectations

    I would also like to add that if you watch last years NC games compared to this years it really is completely different and a vast improvement. We had the same D problems early last year and started to really progress as we got into btn play.
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    I think we need to temper expectations

    I will assume you're trolling. As I don't know how anyone could watch the Hawkeyes on offense and believe they don't play as a team. In the 2nd half they went to more iso because ND went to a zone. The plan is to drive and dish until they bust the zone. It just looked like all iso because...
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    Supporting Ferentz - change your mind?

    Ferentz isn't going anywhere unless he decides he wants to leave. Those who want him fired because of his style of play, that isn't going to change. There have been subtle changes, but we aren't going to look like Oregon or Baylor anytime soon. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine...
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    Remember when? You too Jon...

    Classic. Valuable insight. Keep up the good work.
  16. C

    Remember when? You too Jon...

    This was probably the least informative post I have ever read. I just don't undersand what thought you provided that made you want to share. So, basically you claim we don't know anything about the team. Then you go on to provide your insight regarding the team. Brilliant. To strengthen...
  17. C

    Dienhart: Iowa builds season to remember

    So, all of the blame for a poor season, and none of the credit for exceeding expectations the following year. This logic seems a tad skewed to me. Fewest returning starters last year in the btn, and two new coordinators. It was not a surprise it was a down year. What is a surprise is the...
  18. C

    Dienhart: Iowa builds season to remember

    Lets say we go 1-1 with the last two games. We end up with an 8-5 record and either a win at Nebby or a bowl win. This should exceed about 95% of Iowa fans expectations for this season. I know before the season I thought just making a bowl this year would have been an accomplishment. So, are...
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    Dienhart: Iowa builds season to remember

    People complaining just to complain. Barry Alvarez, Bill Snyder, and Pat Hill. There are three and I spent 2 minutes thinking about it.
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    Spread Change

    Yes, this is correct. Total money moves the line, not percentage of bets one way. All that means is that big money was/is coming in on MSU. It was similar to last week when the line moved 3 points. Minn had a higher percentage of bets placed on them, but the total money was favoring Iowa and...