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  1. S

    Hawks on fire tonight

    I have to admit I was still expecting another meltdown with ten minutes left. This team proved to me tonight that they are a lot tougher than I gave them credit for after the clown loss. Great win tonight!
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    Ohio St At It Again

    Not to mention insurance.
  3. S

    A Rose Bowl win could mean a ranking as high as #3

    To think that a solid Rose Bowl win would propel the Hawks to a #3 ranking is an awesome thought and one that we Hawk fans feel is deserved. (I know I do). You may be right and I hope you are but keeping in mind all the media bias out there all year, I don't see any way we rise above any of the...
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    3rd best basketball team in.the state.....

    Not a stupid comparison at all. Wasting the time to make 6700 posts, now that's stupid.
  5. S

    3rd best basketball team in.the state.....

    UNI>Ames>U of I >Drake I'm glad it's still football season!
  6. S

    CongratulTions Desmond King

    Named best defensive back in college football. Well done.
  7. S

    B1G TV deal question

    I sure hope not. That guys voice is just brutal...
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    What would you put in a Hawkeye Time Capsule?

    That shining, silver B1G Championship trophy our boys are gonna bring home Saturday night !!!
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    Afraid Yet?

    Lol.... Good spoof....yet sad at the same time. Even with the firing/hiring of coaches Ames still doesn't make a blip on the college football scene.
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    All B1G defense: coaches

    He was listed as a kicker so I'm thinking there will be a place kickers position listed with the offense tomorrow.
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    All B1G defense: coaches

    1st team- King 2nd team- Jewell, Koehn 3rd team- Meier, Lomax Offensive awards come out tomorrow I would post the link from BTN if I knew how.
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    Iowa Dominance in Conference Schedule

    Haven't you Herd? We are a fraud! .... Fixed
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    What will MSU do on defense?

    Go back and watch the Pitt game if you can. Pitt D = MSU D. MSU's defensive philosophy remains the same as it has been even though he is no longer there.
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    When was the last time

    Pretty sure he had a few in the last game we lost.
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    Which Big 10 fan bases will be for & against Iowa vs MSU?

    My take would be that west division teams fans would be pulling for the hawks, east division fans for msu.
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    Why is everyone ignoring the question about Wadley?

    Where has DMX been the last couple of weeks? I don't recall seeing him at all vs Nebraska.
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    When the clock ran down today, did you get a little bit teary-eyed? Y/N Note: You get to keep your mancard regardless of your answer.
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    Lincoln Police to hold press conference Wednesday.

    Anyone else notice that the word "alleged" no longer appears in this story?
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    How Do We Beat The Huskers?

    If Purdue, Miami, Illinois, nw, byu and wiscy can do it, so can the Hawks. Ask yourself which of those teams can run the ball anywhere close to as well as the Hawks. Hawks will manhandle them like they did 2 yrs ago in Lincoln.