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  1. J

    Greg Davis to resign at end of year

    If true I would bank on the next OC being hired from within. I have a hard time seeing any decent offensive coach coming here to be forced to play things close to the vest. Three OC's in three years. That will set any program back and really goes against the familiarity and continuity KF...
  2. J

    Guest View: Is Ferentz Legacy Fading?

    I have never felt that KF was the perfect fit for Iowa in 1999. I was concerned hiring a guy whose coaching experince at that point was limited to oline. Now 14 years later we have a head coach thats coaches like a position coach. But I feel he did a very smart thing way back then. He hired...
  3. J

    "It's not like this has been a dog crap team."

    Kirk can try and polish that turd all he wants. To me dog crap seems fitting for a team that loses to ISU at home for the first time in ten years Purdue for the first tine in twenty and then the CMU lose.
  4. J

    Why Ferentz is a Great Coach

    I think people have always made way to much of the Belichek connection. He only worked for the guy for 3 seasons in a time when most considered Belichek to be a failure. I think he ks more a Ted Marchibroda disciple myself.
  5. J

    Why Ferentz is a Great Coach

    I think hes a great teacher but not a great coach. Lets not forget that prior to his arrival in Iowa he had been a position coach for almost all his career. He has approached the head coaching job the same way he did as a position coach. Teach the fundamentals of the game and execute well. In my...
  6. J

    Parallels btw. 1998 & 2012: Or, why Kirk needs to go, and why he might

    Also kinda ironic that in 1998 a former Hawk player was a rising defensive coordinator at Florida. And 2012 theres a former Hawk whos a rising defensive coordinator at Notre Dame
  7. J

    The Ups & Downs - Is It Coaching, Players or Both?

    Both. We don't have the players this year on either side of the ball. But I also see a failure on the part of our coaches to make the right adjustments to put the players in a position to be successfull. On offense it seems like our skill position guys are really failing to pick up the Greg...
  8. J

    Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good read

    Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea There is nobody that could force Kf into changing anything. He is holding all the cards. With his contract going to 2020 he more or less has a free pass to do whatever he wants for several more years.
  9. J

    The fix for JVBs woes.

    Fitz is likely doing this to the helmets of all defensive players at this very moment
  10. J

    My conclusion.....It's just plain stubborness

    The Iowa offene is like The Puppy Who Lost Its Way and nobody not even the little boy "Greg Davis" know how to find it.
  11. J

    My conclusion.....It's just plain stubborness

    Egon says you can't cross the streams, it would be bad. Kirk says he can't play anybody else at qb it would bad. See what I did there.
  12. J

    Pass Offensive

    Pretty sure he shot the bear and the big buck with achery tackle. not a rifle.
  13. J

    Young Defense????

    I think they will be serviceable but not great. When Iowa has had great defenses they had difference makers like Bob Sanders Matt Roth Adrian Clayborn Pat Angerer Chad Greeway I don't see any players like that on this team. I see role players.
  14. J

    My conclusion.....It's just plain stubborness

    I am hoping he will break into song during a game and sing " do you have anymore gum more gum do you have anymore gum ? "
  15. J

    My conclusion.....It's just plain stubborness

    Kf is like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison when he rolls up to the high school in the black Trans Am Billy Squier on the radio with the Reo Speedway shirt and jean jacket on. Hes so stuck in the past its embarrassing.
  16. J

    I dont think this is a team that makes a bowl

    With Penn State and Ohio State inelieble for the posrseason I think a 6-6 Iowa team would be in a shoe in for a bowl game
  17. J

    Shift in power

    Not sure about a shift in power just yet but right now it appears the two teams are heading in opposite directions.
  18. J

    No td at home

    When was the last time we didn't score td at home ? I can't recall it happening in quite some tome.