The Ups & Downs - Is It Coaching, Players or Both?


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but I look at certain programs and just scratch my head...

Hawkeyes: Coach that has done amazing things with generally pretty average B10 talent. Always competitive. Almost never blown out. This year... WTH?!

K-State: 100 year old coach & just dominating.

Georgia Tech: Johnson is to me one of the best coaches in football. His system did things at Navy that I don't think any other coach could have pulled off. Almost always successful. This year... 3-5 so far.

Rutgers: Really bad, really good, really bad, really good.

South Florida: Was up and coming and now awful.

Auburn: This one is easy... awful coach.

So is it talent, coaching, chemistry?
I hate to even mention this, but I think alot of it, with the exception of K-State, is based on location. They are at school's in football hotbeds or densly populated areas which plays a huge part in recruiting athletes needed to be successful.
With the exception of JVB struggling its 100% coaching. When we have teams full of NFL talent we still struggle with weak competition. This year we are not real talented but I would still say we have more talent then the teams we have lost to. Our coaching philosophies always have made things more difficult on our players then it needs to be.
With the exception of JVB struggling its 100% coaching. When we have teams full of NFL talent we still struggle with weak competition. This year we are not real talented but I would still say we have more talent then the teams we have lost to. Our coaching philosophies always have made things more difficult on our players then it needs to be.

really? we have more talent than PSU? Iowa State? Northwestern?
Nothing ia working for the Hawks, but their biggest weakness is a lack of talent because of poor recruiting!
Both. We don't have the players this year on either side of the ball. But I also see a failure on the part of our coaches to make the right adjustments to put the players in a position to be successfull. On offense it seems like our skill position guys are really failing to pick up the Greg Davis system as evidenced by the bad throws dropped passes wrong routes run and delay of game penalties. Makes me believe the players are thinking instead of reacting. I think when this happens most coaches try and simplfy the system down to the most basic elements so the guys can play fast. Seems like we just keep sending them out to fail.
really? we have more talent than PSU? Iowa State? Northwestern?

With the exception of Penn State heck yea. You think Iowa state and northwestern are loaded with talent? Don't base that answer on how they look against us cause we don't game plan to exploit weaknesses.
we have the talent but it is young inexperienced talent
there are just 4 starter on offense that are seniors
on Defense we have just 4 seniors starting 3 are 2*'s and 1 is a walkon. the lone senior in the 2 deeps is a 2*
youth is being served with a major overall of the coaching staff.. as for recruiting the last 3 years there has been a increase in the recruiting.. this has improved over the last 3 years
the 2* have dropped from 12-13 per year to just 5 per year
the 4*'s have increased to 4-5 per year and the 3* recruits have improved to 14-15 per year
the 2011 class was rated 30th the 3rd highest class in the KF era.. the other 2 was a top 10 class in 2005 then 28th in 2007, those 2 classes resulted in the OB win in 2009. the young talent just needs time to mature, the improved recruiting will just maintain winning as it gets better and older
this years class was rated 30th til Kenney decommited and Iowa lost 125 points and dropped to 45th..
sometime you have to look at the ranking and look at who's being recruited
just think these players are 4* players that are Red Shirting this year
Ekakitie SDE
Johnson DT
Ward OL Army AA
Fleming 4* on ESPN DB
give them a chance to starty shaving before expecting them to play like men
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MAC talent = MAC results

Ever notice how much more speed there is to the games you find on other channels after watching a Hawk game?
MAC talent = MAC results

Ever notice how much more speed there is to the games you find on other channels after watching a Hawk game?

Hyde proved he was the fastest guy on the feld and we use him to make sure he keeps the play in front of him instead of going out and making a play. Don't get me wrong I don't think we have great talent but neither do the teams we have played. We have speed we just don't utilize it very well.
With the exception of JVB struggling its 100% coaching. When we have teams full of NFL talent we still struggle with weak competition. This year we are not real talented but I would still say we have more talent then the teams we have lost to. Our coaching philosophies always have made things more difficult on our players then it needs to be.

I don't think Iowa Is "full of NFL talent"... however we have a few NFL players each year on average.

My belief is that KF is a GREAT teacher of football fundamentals, but is average in the areas of recruiting, game management, play calling, play design. That's my guess anyway.
Another example...

ND: Not relevant for a long time now, but Brian Kelly comes in and this team has done a 180 almost overnight.

It's obviously both talent and coaching, but sometimes I think we underestimate the importance of the coaching and system put in place by the coaches.
I don't think Iowa Is "full of NFL talent"... however we have a few NFL players each year on average.

My belief is that KF is a GREAT teacher of football fundamentals, but is average in the areas of recruiting, game management, play calling, play design. That's my guess anyway.

The NFL thing is overblown. Iowa doesn't produce that many players that are everyday players. Few are impact players. He knows how to produce fundamentally decent players that are inexpensive role players in the NFL. Yes there are a few, but even Illinois has that. Actually Illinois has even more.

The coaching has twice now left Iowa with a near bare cupboard. The lack of speed is the main thing. During both collapses, that is what was really missing... speed. When things are good, the thing that separates Iowa from most of the Big 10 is speed, which is why KF has done well in big bowl games.

However 7-5 seasons really don't really mean a winning season. To go 7-5 that means that Iowa is likely less than .500 against .500 BCS schools. 7-5 this years seems a long ways off.

Iowa has a below average qb that doesn't look of receivers, is given poor choice of plays and then makes generally poor choices. He has much less than average speed to throw to and running backs who seem to get knocked senseless by getting sent into lines without real blocking (at least right now).

If KF comes back with speed in a couple of years, my question is "What the heck?" Why not take recruiting seriously all the time.
we have the talent but it is young inexperienced talent
there are just 4 starter on offense that are seniors
on Defense we have just 4 seniors starting 3 are 2*'s and 1 is a walkon. the lone senior in the 2 deeps is a 2*
youth is being served with a major overall of the coaching staff.. as for recruiting the last 3 years there has been a increase in the recruiting.. this has improved over the last 3 years
the 2* have dropped from 12-13 per year to just 5 per year
the 4*'s have increased to 4-5 per year and the 3* recruits have improved to 14-15 per year
the 2011 class was rated 30th the 3rd highest class in the KF era.. the other 2 was a top 10 class in 2005 then 28th in 2007, those 2 classes resulted in the OB win in 2009. the young talent just needs time to mature, the improved recruiting will just maintain winning as it gets better and older
this years class was rated 30th til Kenney decommited and Iowa lost 125 points and dropped to 45th..
sometime you have to look at the ranking and look at who's being recruited
just think these players are 4* players that are Red Shirting this year
Ekakitie SDE
Johnson DT
Ward OL Army AA
Fleming 4* on ESPN DB
give them a chance to starty shaving before expecting them to play like men
I think it's the coaching this year anyway. We are never up to play a game. We don't seem to make game time adjustments, the coaching seems to think that we are going to force the other teams to adjust to us but that doesn't work when we're trailing every game. I think Vandenburg has been coached into being so afraid to take a chance that he's frozen. As long as the fear of a turnover is in his head he won't take a chance at any throw that might have the smallest risk. I think the Greg Davis hiring has been a horrible failure. He brought us a Texas game plan that might work with 5 star recruits and a ton of speed but the quick pass to the sideline and let the receiver make a play just doesn't work without the speed factor. I'm hoping for better things but it's hard to see the future getting better with the play we've seen this year.

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