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  1. J

    This coming season

    Klink actually had good coverage on that play he just didn't make a play on the ball and Tiller made a good catch.
  2. J

    This coming season

    If memory serves that was the game the Coker ran wild in the first and never saw the field for most of the second half. I think in this instance most fans would have been giddy with the option of handing the ball off to a power back late in the game AT HOME as opposed to punting the ball over...
  3. J

    This coming season

    Late in the game we got the ball back with maybe 5 mins or so left called I think three straight pass plays all incomplete took almost no time off the clock punted back to OSU giving them plenty of time for the game winning drive.
  4. J

    This coming season

    What made the OSU and Wisconsin losses hurt for me was I felt our guys played as hard as they could both games but both times our coaches made critical errors that set the other teams up to win both games.
  5. J

    This coming season

    The Minnesota loss wasn't very disappointing at that point cause it was easy to see coming. Last game of a very disappointing season with nothing really to play for.
  6. J

    Anthony Hitchens

    There's a reason Jim Reid was brought on board to work with Lavar Woods and the LBs. last years group was as poorly coached linebacker trio as I have seen during the KF era. Poor tackling taking bad angles making incorrect reads inability to get off blocks can't be blamed on the defensive line...
  7. J

    5 questions. Offense

    1. QB Start with the most obvious question. Who is gonna take the snaps this fall. 2. Who's offense is this ? Entering year two of the Greg Davis era he appears to have the staff he wants in place now. Will be be allowed to run his up tempo short passing offense or will it more resemble...
  8. J

    8-4 or 5-7

    Last years team played as poor fundamental football as we have seen in the KF era. I think you can attribute that to a lot of new faces in the coaching staff struggling at their new jobs and really a lack of talent in the program as a whole. For this years team to find success they must improve...
  9. J

    Iowa's prize recruit having second thoughts?

    Not to mention Barrett Jones who won the Outland Trophy in '11 and the Rimington in '12
  10. J

    Iowa's prize recruit having second thoughts?

    Saban puts a lot of o lineman in the league too. Had two in the first 11 picks last year alone.
  11. J

    How close was Terry Allen to becoming Hayden's successor?

    Gary Gibbs took over after Switzer left. Then Schnellenberger took over for one train wreck of a year followed by Blake. The Blake era looked bad as far as the record but he was a skilled recruiter and had the cupboard full for Stoops.
  12. J

    How close was Terry Allen to becoming Hayden's successor?

    I went to a lot of UNI games when Allen was the coach I always thought his teams were a lot of fun to watch and seemed well coached. I think he found out just how little Kansas cared about football not long after getting there and was never able to get things rolling.
  13. J

    How close was Terry Allen to becoming Hayden's successor?

    I remember seeing Oklahoma had hired Stoops on an ESPN ticker and was in total shock. I think a lot of us thought this we already had Bob. Then after they introduced Ferentz I thought for sure we would be doing this all over again in a few years no way was he gonna amount to anything. Funny how...
  14. J

    How close was Terry Allen to becoming Hayden's successor?

    I don't buy the notion that Kirk dazzled everyone in his interview. If he had in fact wowed them I think would have been offered a contract instead of the deal he got. I think the fans wanted Stoops but Bowlsby wanted Allen. When he let Stoops go to Oklahoma he thought Allen would slide right in...
  15. J

    All in All - It boils down to our offense and offensive scheme.

    The zone stretch is to Ferentz what the power sweep was to Lombardi. I don't see that ever leaving his playbook.
  16. J

    All in All - It boils down to our offense and offensive scheme.

    I have always found it strange that people give Ferentz so much praise for the success we had from 2008-09 when if you look at it there really was very little if anything that changed from 2006-07. The staff wasn't implementing new ideas for anything. Things were not being done to put our guys...
  17. J

    What is your level of optimism right now?

    Northern Illinois #20 Nebraska #26 Indiana #34 The only teams we played in the top 50 in scoring offense.
  18. J

    What is your level of optimism right now?

    I used those players as an example because when Iowa has had success it's been when we had those caliber of guys on defense and when we haven't had them we had years like last year or 2007. I think last year the defense looked good at times but you have to realize who we were playing...
  19. J

    What is your level of optimism right now?

    Pessimistic The talent isn't there. Look at the defensive line. Does anybody see a Matt Roth Adrian Clayborne type player ? Nope. Linebacker. This group is serviceable but not much more. There's no Greenway Hodge talent here. Secondary. Is there a Bob Sanders back there ? I don't see one. The...
  20. J

    Kirk Ferentz Hate Thread...please post here only.

    There many different levels of KF haters. Over time I have came up with 4 different categories I put people in. 1. The upper escelon elite KF haters. These guys have hated KF from day 1. Are still mad Bowlsby fouled up the Stoops hire and can't and won't accept anything KF does. 2. The crowd...