Kirk Ferentz Hate Thread...please post here only.


Well-Known Member
I come on this board to stay in touch with what's happening with the football team and recruiting etc. Lately, every thread you go into turns into a hatefest on KF from certain posters. If Freed and the gang could just vent in this thread, we could maybe enjoy reading about players who have made progress, etc...without someone always bringing it back to how badly KF or GD will screw them up or game coach them into oblivion.

I've been pretty hard on KF over the past few years also, mostly the ultraconservative approach to everything...but I also see a ton of positives to where this team is heading. Changes have been made in the coaching staff, the offensive philosophy, and to our focus in recruiting, now let's just let it play out a bit.

For all the haters, and you know who you are, we get it already. Focus on something positive or have a take outside of KF sucking for every thread...please. I said please.

With Barta's track record right you think he will be able to find the next Paul Rhoads? Fran aside...his tenure isn't looking too favorable at the moment. Careful what you wish for.
Where are all these so-called "KF Haters"? I don't see very many. Maybe you were expecting no criticism after last season.
There many different levels of KF haters. Over time I have came up with 4 different categories I put people in.
1. The upper escelon elite KF haters. These guys have hated KF from day 1. Are still mad Bowlsby fouled up the Stoops hire and can't and won't accept anything KF does.
2. The crowd that loved loved him 2002-04 but then saw after that he has some major flaws as a coach and have been critical ever since. They love to point out how stuck in the past KF is how stubborn and set in his ways he his and that nothing will ever really change as long as he's the coach.
3. This group still has faith in KF but its somewhat waning. They think he's a great coach but he's not a miracle worker and most of the things that have went wrong are correctable and will be addressed right away. KF should get a free pass for at least a few more based on past success.
4. These are the hardcore KF lovers. They take personal offense to any bad word uttered about their guy think he should be above reproach have nightmares. About the day he isn't out coach.
I hope this has been helpful in identifying what type of KF fan you may be dealing with
Legitimate criticism does not = hate.

It's a shame you don't have the capacity to understand that.

Hey, I agree with you. The problem I have is that you go into a thread about QB competition and it turns into a KF will screw this up, he always selects the least talented guy, he's trying to's ridiculous. '

How many times do you have to hear the same crap over and over again about his shortcomings and that he's overpaid? It's just gotten old. It's become so personal for some people. Let it go.
I truly do hate his game clock mgmt "style" and how he gives snarky answers at pc's.

But further, I hate how he calls plays that everyone in Kinnick knows he shouldn't. I hate how he earns so much more than me. I hate how he wears a head set, but doesn't listen to any ones ideas from upstairs.
There many different levels of KF haters. Over time I have came up with 4 different categories I put people in.
1. The upper escelon elite KF haters. These guys have hated KF from day 1. Are still mad Bowlsby fouled up the Stoops hire and can't and won't accept anything KF does.
2. The crowd that loved loved him 2002-04 but then saw after that he has some major flaws as a coach and have been critical ever since. They love to point out how stuck in the past KF is how stubborn and set in his ways he his and that nothing will ever really change as long as he's the coach.
3. This group still has faith in KF but its somewhat waning. They think he's a great coach but he's not a miracle worker and most of the things that have went wrong are correctable and will be addressed right away. KF should get a free pass for at least a few more based on past success.
4. These are the hardcore KF lovers. They take personal offense to any bad word uttered about their guy think he should be above reproach have nightmares. About the day he isn't out coach.
I hope this has been helpful in identifying what type of KF fan you may be dealing with

D*mn, this covers everyone I am trying to think of a group you may have missed.
I come on this board to stay in touch with what's happening with the football team and recruiting etc. Lately, every thread you go into turns into a hatefest on KF from certain posters. If Freed and the gang could just vent in this thread, we could maybe enjoy reading about players who have made progress, etc...without someone always bringing it back to how badly KF or GD will screw them up or game coach them into oblivion.

I've been pretty hard on KF over the past few years also, mostly the ultraconservative approach to everything...but I also see a ton of positives to where this team is heading. Changes have been made in the coaching staff, the offensive philosophy, and to our focus in recruiting, now let's just let it play out a bit.

For all the haters, and you know who you are, we get it already. Focus on something positive or have a take outside of KF sucking for every thread...please. I said please.

With Barta's track record right you think he will be able to find the next Paul Rhoads? Fran aside...his tenure isn't looking too favorable at the moment. Careful what you wish for.

I get what you are trying to do, but this is not going away unless KF gets W(s) and a whole lot of them.
Great idea WinOne. Wish I would have thought of this a long time ago although I'm sure the same people you speak of won't oblige by this rule. Would be great if they did. This would be the only thread they ever post in because hating on KF is the only thing they bring to the table.
Hey, I agree with you. The problem I have is that you go into a thread about QB competition and it turns into a KF will screw this up, he always selects the least talented guy, he's trying to's ridiculous. '

How many times do you have to hear the same crap over and over again about his shortcomings and that he's overpaid? It's just gotten old. It's become so personal for some people. Let it go.

I understand your point. It can get tired. And some of the criticism does get a bit knee-jerk and shallow.

But much of it is deserved. One could argue that the repetitive and predictable patterns of KFz's shortcomings are every bit as irritating as the repetetive themes in the threads you refer to. Almost poetically so.

My teenager sometimes complains about me constantly giving her the same messages. I tell her the best way to get me to stop, is to step up and make the adjustments I'm talking about.

I think the same could be said for Ferentz.
Great idea WinOne. Wish I would have thought of this a long time ago although I'm sure the same people you speak of won't oblige by this rule. Would be great if they did. This would be the only thread they ever post in because hating on KF is the only thing they bring to the table.

1 read my post above and check out that thread and see how much of a stand up guy winone is.

2 do you really only want to only read and talk with people who agree with you? Because you could just hit the ignore button everytime anyone saids anything you dont agree with.

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