This coming season

And if we run the ball, Kirk gets raked over the coals for playing not to lose.

You people.

How about running the ball on first down there instead of taking a sack? I too was at that game.

However, despite any holding going on, you can't let Pryor scramble for that many yards on 4th down.

Unfortunately that 2010 team could not finish top opponents off when it mattered the most.
How about running the ball on first down there instead of taking a sack? I too was at that game.

However, despite any holding going on, you can't let Pryor scramble for that many yards on 4th down.

Unfortunately that 2010 team could not finish top opponents off when it mattered the most.

pretty sure if the options were "take a sack" or "run on first down," kirk would have ran the ball as well. damned if he does, damned if he doesn't
If memory serves that was the game the Coker ran wild in the first and never saw the field for most of the second half. I think in this instance most fans would have been giddy with the option of handing the ball off to a power back late in the game AT HOME as opposed to punting the ball over giving them time and fliping field position to Pryor the epitome of a QB that Iowas had struggled with for years.
well, this threat certainly took a turn.

I think in this instance most fans would have been giddy with the option of handing the ball off to a power back late in the game AT HOME as opposed to punting the ball

Right. They purposely punted. They didn't pass in order to move the chains, they just wanted to punt quicker.

You people.
Idiot coaches, ordering up a sack.

In other words, why not pound the ball there instead of putting yourself into a position to potentially lose yardage? Take some time off the clock? You have the lead, the running game was working, makes more sense. Instead, Stanzi takes a sack, and now we have to throw the ball.

Still, the defense failed to stop Pryor late and that was Iowa in a nutshell in 2010.
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Someone posted this: "What made the OSU and Wisconsin losses hurt for me was I felt our guys played as hard as they could both games but both times our coaches made critical errors that set the other teams up to win both games."
Then ICHawk24 followed with his witty reply below:

What was the OSU critical error? Not having magic Pryor-catching pixie dust?

I will bring up a critical error that I believe happened after the the Pryor 4th down scramble. After the scramble OSU still had a long way to go. And the hawks I believe had them in a 3rd and long on the next series. osu split their running back, fast guy, way out to the right, and we matched up with the middle linebacker, I think Angerer was on him, maybe it was another lbker. I saw that mismatch from the stands immediately and osu game planned it I am sure cuz they new we would be in our base defense, late in the game, on 3rd and long, with the game on the line, rather than have 6 dbacks in the game.

Norm was great over the long haul but his defense gave up way too many big third and long completions cuz the dline was tired and we didnt have good cover guys in or we didnt blitz.

I call that a huge error.
Someone posted this: "What made the OSU and Wisconsin losses hurt for me was I felt our guys played as hard as they could both games but both times our coaches made critical errors that set the other teams up to win both games."
Then ICHawk24 followed with his witty reply below:

I will bring up a critical error that I believe happened after the the Pryor 4th down scramble. After the scramble OSU still had a long way to go. And the hawks I believe had them in a 3rd and long on the next series. osu split their running back, fast guy, way out to the right, and we matched up with the middle linebacker, I think Angerer was on him, maybe it was another lbker. I saw that mismatch from the stands immediately and osu game planned it I am sure cuz they new we would be in our base defense, late in the game, on 3rd and long, with the game on the line, rather than have 6 dbacks in the game.

Norm was great over the long haul but his defense gave up way too many big third and long completions cuz the dline was tired and we didnt have good cover guys in or we didnt blitz.

I call that a huge error.

1. OSU didn't have a single 3rd down and long after the Pryor scramble the rest of the game. Their only 3rd down the rest of the game after the Pryor scramble was a 3rd and 5 when they were trying to run the clock out late. They ran the ball on that 3rd down, for just 3 yards. The only long 3rd downs that OSU converted that game were a 3rd and 17 in the 1st quarter and a 3rd and 10 in the second, but they threw the ball to their #1 WR and #2 WR on those plays.
2. You think it was Angerer? Angerer wasn't even on the team in 2010.
Late in the game we got the ball back with maybe 5 mins or so left called I think three straight pass plays all incomplete took almost no time off the clock punted back to OSU giving them plenty of time for the game winning drive.
Now the staff is taking heat for playing to win instead of playing not to lose. You can't make this stuff up!
In other words, why not pound the ball there instead of putting yourself into a position to potentially lose yardage? Take some time off the clock? You have the lead, the running game was working, makes more sense. Instead, Stanzi takes a sack, and now we have to throw the ball.

This is EXACTLY the type of call that would result in 90% of the fanbase screaming that Kirk "plays not to lose".
Someone posted this: "What made the OSU and Wisconsin losses hurt for me was I felt our guys played as hard as they could both games but both times our coaches made critical errors that set the other teams up to win both games."
Then ICHawk24 followed with his witty reply below:

I will bring up a critical error that I believe happened after the the Pryor 4th down scramble .....

The critical error the coaching staff made in 2010 was letting Angerer and Edds graduate.

In particular Edds' gap coverage was a key. Unlike Morris and Nielsen, Edds rarely over pursued ball carriers sweeping to the outside. Both Angerer and Edds epitomized the bend, don't break philosophy of Norm's. In a 4th and 10 type situation instead of trying to drop the carrier for a loss they would play their gaps and let the runner gain four or five yards and end the play with a sure tackle. Watch the Orange Bowl again and see how they shutdown the dreaded triple option attack of GT. It's akin to a RB showing patience and letting the OL clear the way. This is going to be key in 2013, especially against QBs like Lynch in the NIU opener.

Now tOSU 2010 did have play action in effect and Pryor had a receiver drop a long pass before the 4th down play in question. Tressel said later that it was always going to be running play, but the Hawks couldn't know that. I'd like to think that had they been playing, Edds or Angerer he would have probably forced Pryor out of bounds before he got to the 1st down.

Unfortunately the NCAA enforces the 4 out of 5 rule so you have to play the players you have.
The critical error the coaching staff made in 2010 was letting Angerer and Edds graduate.

In particular Edds' gap coverage was a key. Unlike Morris and Nielsen, Edds rarely over pursued ball carriers sweeping to the outside. Both Angerer and Edds epitomized the bend, don't break philosophy of Norm's. In a 4th and 10 type situation instead of trying to drop the carrier for a loss they would play their gaps and let the runner gain four or five yards and end the play with a sure tackle. Watch the Orange Bowl again and see how they shutdown the dreaded triple option attack of GT. It's akin to a RB showing patience and letting the OL clear the way. This is going to be key in 2013, especially against QBs like Lynch in the NIU opener.

Now tOSU 2010 did have play action in effect and Pryor had a receiver drop a long pass before the 4th down play in question. Tressel said later that it was always going to be running play, but the Hawks couldn't know that. I'd like to think that had they been playing, Edds or Angerer he would have probably forced Pryor out of bounds before he got to the 1st down.

Unfortunately the NCAA enforces the 4 out of 5 rule so you have to play the players you have.

So what you're really saying is that the coaching error was playing Edds on special teams in '06 instead of letting him redshirt?! How could they have not known in '06 that they would need him 4 years later?
1. OSU didn't have a single 3rd down and long after the Pryor scramble the rest of the game. Their only 3rd down the rest of the game after the Pryor scramble was a 3rd and 5 when they were trying to run the clock out late. They ran the ball on that 3rd down, for just 3 yards. The only long 3rd downs that OSU converted that game were a 3rd and 17 in the 1st quarter and a 3rd and 10 in the second, but they threw the ball to their #1 WR and #2 WR on those plays.
2. You think it was Angerer? Angerer wasn't even on the team in 2010.

Didn't you read the words "I believe" in my post. I cant distinctly remember all the details. All I know is the play I described happened late in that game, maybe it was Nielsen at LBker guarding the rb who was split out way wide right. maybe it was a 2nd down.

Dont you remember klinkenborg guarding the ISU freshman backup QB/receiver who was in the slot late in the game at ames a few years ago. It was 3rd or 4th and long I BELIEVE, late in the game Iowa leading 13-12 . not much time left and we have a middle backer guarding a slot receiver. you know the rest. Critical error.
Didn't you read the words "I believe" in my post. I cant distinctly remember all the details. All I know is the play I described happened late in that game, maybe it was Nielsen at LBker guarding the rb who was split out way wide right. maybe it was a 2nd down.

Dont you remember klinkenborg guarding the ISU freshman backup QB/receiver who was in the slot late in the game at ames a few years ago. It was 3rd or 4th and long I BELIEVE, late in the game Iowa leading 13-12 . not much time left and we have a middle backer guarding a slot receiver. you know the rest. Critical error.

If you're gonna call things a "critical error", you'd better not be mis-remembering.

Iowa's defense has LB covering all sorts of players and it frequently succeeds. Everyone remembers the few times it doesn't, and blames the coaching staff.

Also, its not like we've ever had awesome players at nickel or dime back. I hate taking a very good player like Angerer or Klink off the field to play our 4th cornerback.
So what you're really saying is that the coaching error was playing Edds on special teams in '06 instead of letting him redshirt?! How could they have not known in '06 that they would need him 4 years later?

Exactly my point! Considering the compensation level for coaching in college football, and at Iowa in particular....
Didn't you read the words "I believe" in my post. I cant distinctly remember all the details. All I know is the play I described happened late in that game, maybe it was Nielsen at LBker guarding the rb who was split out way wide right. maybe it was a 2nd down.

Dont you remember klinkenborg guarding the ISU freshman backup QB/receiver who was in the slot late in the game at ames a few years ago. It was 3rd or 4th and long I BELIEVE, late in the game Iowa leading 13-12 . not much time left and we have a middle backer guarding a slot receiver. you know the rest. Critical error.

I definitely agree with the second one. The coaching staff totally should have known to put an extra defensive back in on 2nd down in order to cover the backup QB who had never before made a catch in his career. :rolleyes:

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