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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    What you are saying here is really, really close to what they are actually doing (BCS bowl games hosting the national semifinals). I'm not exactly clear on what your complaint is.
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    No games on TV? How do they live without Bob Davie saying the same thing every week, Lee Corso babbling incoherently, and Lou Holtz giving fake pre-game speeches? How do they go on without getting the play-by-play from Pam Ward and second-by-second updates on the play of Tim Tebow? HOW DO THEY...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    That's a brainfart on my part, as I forgot who won the PAC-12. I'm editing my post. The point's the same, though-- it's a pretty easy top 4. And I agree with all of Jon's selections in his long post as well. You go from a situation in which 10-12 undefeated teams never got a chance to play for a...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    I can only speak for myself here, JHHawk, but I'm not making that argument, and I haven't really read anyone else making it. What I'm saying is that if we're going to pretend to crown a real national champion, do it in the fairest way possible. Of course the other games mean something. I always...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    I do. What's interesting about them is that people actually talk about what happens on the field, rather than what hypothetically might happen if Ohio State beats Michigan but loses to Wisconsin and then the Rose Bowl jumps a spot in the priority list and then TCU falls to the Fiesta and nobody...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    Here's why this doesn't bother me, provided it's done right: The NCAA basketball selection committee spends a couple of days working on selecting a field. There are athletic directors, SIDs, conference commissioners, and all other sorts of folks who you could accuse of being biased involved. And...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    If these teams are so undeserving, than why not demonstrate it on the field? High school teams don't seem to have any problem doing this. Division III teams don't seem to have any problem doing this. FCS teams don't seem to have any problems doing this. But for some reason the idea that mighty...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    Have you ever watched a high school football game? How about Division III or FCS? Did you watch the Iowa-Minnesota game last year? It turns out players like to win. They don't need made up bowl games to motivate them. If you need the possibility of a trip to the Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    A Rose Bowl trip for the Big Ten champion hasn't been guaranteed since 1998. I guess I've moved on. I'd rather have a real playoff than what we have now, which is pretty much the worst of both worlds-- no real champion, but also no traditional conference bowl tie-ins. I guess I would like your...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    Forgive me for harping on this Jon, because I really don't understand your argument. Are you pointing out that this system is bad because the Big Ten just isn't good enough to get teams in it? If so, I don't get it. No one would argue that the Big Ten hasn't struggled to be nationally relevant...
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    I think this is coming. Look at the history of the basketball tournament. Once they see how much interest and money the playoffs generate, they'll go to 8 teams. I'd set the over/under on 2018.
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    Why Iowa Fans Shouldn't Care about a CFB Playoff.....

    Wow, is that where we are as fans right now? We don't like a system that rewards the best teams, because we don't think we're good enough? I'm sorry, but a lot of these reactions come off as really petulant and defeatist to me. So Iowa would have only qualified for a playoff twice in the last...
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    From what I've read, that's exactly how they're going to do it. Correct me if I'm wrong. Presidents committee expected to sign off on a four-team college football playoff Tuesday - Yahoo! Sports
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    How would you accomplish any of this? By royal decree? No one is in charge of the bowl system. That's why it is such a fiasco. You will never, ever have a bowl system without bloat, graft, and favoritism. You may think there are too many bowls, but the United Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl isn't...
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    How would this have played out last year? What would have been the point of making LSU play another game? What problems does the +1 solve that a four-team playoff doesn't? I really don't get it.
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    You guys realize that in 2009, even if Stanzi would have never gotten hurt and Iowa had gone undefeated, they would have had no shot at the championship, right? That's the system you're defending? And please spare me the tradition argument. God forbid that the rich history of the Little...
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    Does Anyone Think ND Will Join The Big 12?

    I'm still waiting for the announcement about Florida State going to the Big 12.
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    Academic Progress Report Penalties

    Wow, I'm glad the NCAA actually went through with this. Look at the other universities involved-- a school like UConn should be pretty embarrassed to be on a list like that.
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    Van Coleman Updates Jok's morning performance at NBA Players Camp

    There's a flipside to this, though-- the possibility that by being robbed of some of his athleticism Jok has been spending the last year developing actual basketball skill. It's a mixed blessing for high school players that are bigger and quicker than everyone else at their position-- they...
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    DJK vs McNutt

    As for career records translating to NFL/pro opportunities-- this has never been the case. The Division I record holder for passing yards in a career is Timmy Chang (undrafted free agent, cut in training camp, two career CFL starts). The career leader for receptions is Taylor Stubblefied...