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  1. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    I'm not doing your homework for you. Boise is a nice example. What you're implying makes my point even stronger. Take the average WR at Boise and stand them next to the average WR at Iowa. One is going to be a swiss army knife player, not great at any one thing, but perhaps passable at...
  2. DarthKinnick

    For the Vandenberg Bashers

    Um, why hasn't this miraculous CJF ALREADY emerged? Has his transition to butterfly not yet occurred? Or is he not living up to expectations? If he was accustomed to catching as a TE in HS, why's he have to learn how to catch now? He should already know how to block. They sort of start...
  3. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    WINNER. So, the question is now: Why aren't they flocking here? Figure that out and you are on the way home. :eek:
  4. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    I think other teams have the pass offense figured out. Other teams >>>>>>> Iowa in terms of pass offense. Actually, it isn't JUST WRs that don't attend Iowa. WR is just the most obvious position in need of talent upgrades. Baylor.............Houston.............Ok...
  5. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    Hi dood. The guy below you understands.....SATIRE. :eek:
  6. DarthKinnick

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    Oh, so it's all OK and no probs. Cool. It's cool to suck.
  7. DarthKinnick

    Garmon commits

    Wonder how long this guy lasts? Doyle and/or KF's insane live-fire drills will have him at UHC in no time. The Ghost of Jermelle Lewis lives........
  8. DarthKinnick

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    I am not a scheme-changer. I am saying there is a HUGH recruiting issue with Iowa's reputation and its associated lack of good WRs. What does Iowa's offense say to WRs? Come here and block, boy. I don't mean just solid Joe Schmoe or Hinkel trypes. Those guys are fine WHEN you have a few...
  9. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    Oh. So stats it is. Julio Jones: NFL combine 40 yd dash: 4.39 seconds Vertical leap: 38 1/2" CHECK MATE :eek:
  10. DarthKinnick

    Will Iowa do the same

    Nothing spells Success = mega recruits like Phil Parker. Be still, my heart. About as exciting as watching candles melt in the sun, or listening to the corn borers do their work in the summertime breeze.
  11. DarthKinnick

    Wisky and Iowa football

    Bielema doesn't force his receivers to morph into auxiliary linemen. WRs at Wisconsin are actually there to run fast, get open, catch passes. WRs at Iowa are just extra blockers for the RB, and sort of a passive GPS system so JVB can orient himself on the field. He forgets a lot, so the WRs...
  12. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    You guys a fools. DJK= troll. DJK was just a poor man's wannabe BJ Cunningham. McNutt=S_L_O_W Um, Blackmon anyone? Julio? Or how about guys like NWs bevvy of short but fast WRs that are constantly open across the field? Waiting to be proven wrong. Love you guys :eek:
  13. DarthKinnick

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    Hmmm.......seems Wisconsin has run a pro-set power running scheme for years and yet....they always feature excellent receivers. But not Iowa. Why's that? Why do WRs go to Madison but not Iowa? What do they know? What are they being told? :eek:
  14. DarthKinnick

    Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?

    :eek:This is a philosophical issue/question. I almost think KF should simply eliminate the WR position at Iowa and reclassify it as Outside ends or some other line position just for blocking. The only reason Iowa uses WRs are really just to clear the secondary away from the offensive line so the...
  15. DarthKinnick

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    Having Bielema in the league is not good. He was a ****** at KSU, really emerged with Bobby Elliott during Iwebema's recruitment. Think he is less a ****** now? NO There is also a reason NW and Indiana get better receivers than Iowa....but most Iowa fans are in man love with KF and don't...
  16. DarthKinnick

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    I agree with this, partially. Yet, I still believe KF has a systemic problem with recruitment of gamebreakers. Wisconsin has them. Michigan/Michigan State has them. Penn State and OSO have them, as does Boise and practically every other team. We aren't looking at some kind of bad...
  17. DarthKinnick

    The B1G really is slower

    If that is correct, the coaching staff at Iowa would be VERY well-advised to study the offensive attacks employed therein instead of using the worn out KF navel-gazing approach. Running the offenses that attract those kids would be advisable. Or at least incorporating aspects of those offenses...
  18. DarthKinnick

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    I don't. Look at it this way. It isn't the weather, it isn't the scenery, etc. Football players routinely inhabit locations north of the Mason-Dixon line. The difference is the KIND, or the nature, or that variance. KF has successfully cultivated a reputation as an over-achieving coach...
  19. DarthKinnick

    looking at next years offense

    Regarding next year's offense: We are losing OLs. This, despite KF being the OL guru, right? But I digress.....Would it even matter WHO the hell was blocking if Iowa could feature WRs and TEs who could get downfield in 2-3 seconds? Iowa's scheme is actually smart IF IT HAS THE RIGHT PLAYERS...
  20. DarthKinnick


    I think the "Issue" for most fans is that KF shows NO apparent ability to perceive when the above is unsuccessful. Handoff into the line left, handoff into the line right, then obvious pass play on 3rd and 6, where receivers often don't even cross the 1st down line. That is the offensive...