Should Iowa just eliminate the WR position?


Well-Known Member
:eek:This is a philosophical issue/question. I almost think KF should simply eliminate the WR position at Iowa and reclassify it as Outside ends or some other line position just for blocking. The only reason Iowa uses WRs are really just to clear the secondary away from the offensive line so the RB has a chance. It's pretty clear after about 13 seasons of handoff left, handoff right, lame pass on 3rd and long, that WRs are sort of a wasted category at UI.

We never have real gamebreaker receivers anyway, so why pretend? Just pull them and toss more TEs on the field. Or linebackers. KF never seems to have enought LBs.

Indiana and Purdue can get receivers. NW even has a pretty nice receiving bunch. But not Iowa. We have receivers that make linemen look fast. ISU has actual prototype WRs. Nebraska has WRs. Kansas has 'em. Baylor has them. Boise has them. Where are Iowa's?

Not Iowa. We make QBs into receivers. We use receivers to block for RBs. At Iowa, WRs are just TEs that have yet to grow or add bulk. Give em time......Ole Kirk will have them beefed and slow and primed to block by next year.
Nice trolling, troll. Iowa just had back to back years of WR setting records.....keep on trolling though if it makes you fell better...
You guys a fools.

DJK= troll. DJK was just a poor man's wannabe BJ Cunningham.


Um, Blackmon anyone? Julio? Or how about guys like NWs bevvy of short but fast WRs that are constantly open across the field?

Waiting to be proven wrong.

Love you guys

Your own reply is your own proof against yourself. Blackmon and Julio were exceptional talents. No one is contesting the fact that Iowa doesn't get the cream of the crop WR on an annual basis. But like it or not DJK and McNutt would have been productive, successful WR talents on a majority of teams.

You people that cry yourself to sleep in a fetal position because we don't rein in a landslide 4 and 5 star recruiting haul annually need to check into reality. Iowa has for years predicated its success on its ability to develop talent. The very aspect you mock, moving a QB to WR, resulted in arguably the best WR production in Iowa history.

Oh wait, maybe if we just switch schemes we'll attract more stars...yeah, it's gotta be that simple, right? Genius, really.

Pay attention to a little reality next time you go spouting your foolery. Scheme change worked wonders at Michigan under RichRod. Scheme change worked wonders at Nebraska with Callahan. Scheme change worked great for Notre Dame, numerous times. Scheme change escorted Tommy Tuberville to glory. Scheme change worked wonders for Colorado when they brought in the former Boise State HC.

Keep the arguments coming, rookie troll.
Why would a good + WR want to come to Iowa? That is the question that should be asked. McNutt came here as a QB and stood on the sidelines his freshman year despite KF telling everybody he was the best athlete on the team. Here's a tip: Get your best athletes on the field in some way, shape, or form. Our passing game is anemic and KF seems to be embrace the "Fry Plan" of playing guys based on seniority, not talent. We land Hamilton from Ohio and he gets stuck behind Derby and Herman? Despite numerous drops and false starts, Herman gets PT, while RB's who fumble or miss a block get sent to the gulag.
No, that's not the question that should be asked, we get plenty of quality talent at WR. You nut jobs are hung up on why we don't get the Blackmon's and Julio Jones type WR's year in and year out. That's a different discussion.
Maybe it took him a bit of time to learn the fundamentals of being a WR in college after never playing the position before in his life. Wait, never mind, its because KF sucks.

I never understood the infatuation with Julio Jones. He is one of the most overrated WR's in the history of the game.
Some of you guys need to find other schools to support... short of a national championship, you'll never be happy with Iowa.

I never understood the infatuation with Julio Jones. He is one of the most overrated WR's in the history of the game.

I disagree with the OP, but how can you say this about a rookie that just had 959 yards and 8 TD's? This guy will be a good in the NFL for a long time.

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