
fire his wothless butt, remember that nc run 9 games in the season 2 years ago....didn't follow threw on it so be gone win 4 straight bowl games and bcs games every year or you're out at iowa KF sorry!!!
"I don't understand a word you just said."
Yeah I worded it wrong. I mean we aren't gonna win with the philosophy that "were gonna let you know what were doing but were gonna out execute you." First of all we can't out execute anybody with the players we have and second, it just doesn't work anymore cause teams have caught on.

I disagree there as well. Whether you run the Houston/OK St offense (passing all the time) or the old Nebraska offense (running all the time), the idea was the same. They were saying we are going to do X, so try and stop us and yet people have been unable to do that to them. The biggest reasons for me why we haven't been able to make this philosophy work lately is that we haven't been dominant in the trenches. When we dominated the line on both sides of the ball, we could be as obvious as we wanted and no one could stop us.
When we dominated the line on both sides of the ball, we could be as obvious as we wanted and no one could stop us.

I think the "Issue" for most fans is that KF shows NO apparent ability to perceive when the above is unsuccessful.

Handoff into the line left, handoff into the line right, then obvious pass play on 3rd and 6, where receivers often don't even cross the 1st down line. That is the offensive (and it IS OFFENSIVE, downright smelly) M.O. this staff has established. When it works, FINE, so be it.

The problem is, KF demands employment of this M.O. EVEN WHEN IT DOESN'T WORK, to the utter exclusion of all else. Since KF arrived, Iowa has had a stable of high-quality RBs who could have been just as good as Montee Ball........IF THOSE RBS HAD BEEN ACCOMPANIED BY RECEIVERS AND TES WHO PRESENTED DOWNFIELD THREATS.

Why don't we have those? West Virginia has those.....Iowa State has those........Cincinnatti has those......Oregon State has nauseum.

Why doesn't Iowa have those?

Another side of that coin: IF you were a good WR, WHY would you ever go to Iowa? KF has typecast Iowa as a plodding team no self-respecting Blackmon would want to attend. Simple as that.


"Hi, Coach Ferentz. I'm a kickass WR."

KF: "Learn how to block. In our scheme, WRs are just extra linemen."
What you're going to discover quickly about football is that regardless of scheme you're going to struggle when you don't win in the trenches. That's a 101 level class lesson, by the way.
Ask the 49ers if coaching makes a difference. Beating up on the cellar dwellars (less and less likely moving forward) and losing to everybody in the top of half of the conference does not justify $4M per year. I could accept the losses if we actually showed up, but the gameplans against PSU, NE and OU were at best "circle the wagons and don't get blown out".
Things won't change.

Kirk is to stubborn to update his schemes and strategies. He proved it tonight. I thought we might do something different with Coker out, like a hurry up offense to catch them off guard, but no. Same ol' Same ol' offense.

This philosophy of out executing a team to win is pathetic and doesn't work anymore. Just win the damn game with a real scheme and strategy and build the offense around JVB.

The only way to be successful is to build with what ya got and Kirk is trying to build with stuff he doesn't have.

Please name me a team that has won without outexecuting the other team. As for change, the changes have been too subtle for fans like you to notice.
I was hoping for more wins like everyone else. What makes you think a hurry up offense would have caught OU off guard?? What makes you think the execution of catching passes would have been better. The only difference would have been OU had more time of possession and probably woudl have scored more. But I am sure you would have found something else to complain about.

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