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  1. D

    Xavier Foster Announcement

    Very classy response. I think they handled everything well and I really hope Iowa fans leave him alone. I think most people understand that Iowa is really never going to be great under Fran, so if we are being realistic, we have to understand his decision.
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    Xavier Foster Announcement

    Can't say I blame him. I wanted him to be a Hawk, but I would never play for Fran. I've been a die hard Iowa fan all my life too. Just don't like the coach and don't think the program has much hope.
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    Opportunity Lost-Embarrassing Offensive Effort

    And maybe 1 more, NW.
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    Opportunity Lost-Embarrassing Offensive Effort

    Remember the seasons where we’ve had the most success we’ve had a mobile QB....or Ricky I guess
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    Opportunity Lost-Embarrassing Offensive Effort

    BF, Nate Stanley and the offensive line were all pathetic today. Michigan is not good and our opportunity to win the West is gone. Feels like another 7-5 or 8-4 season. Not sure why I got my hopes up for more.
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    Others have said we need ISU to have a good record....

    There is more "the better team lost" the better team lost talk over on their boards. Apparently their TE said they haven't lost to a better team yet. I also enjoy the "how many wins will we get this year" thread if you want free entertainment.
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    Epic CryFan Thread

    What do the Buffalo Bills and Matt Campbell have in common? They both lost 4 Superbowls in a row!
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    Epic CryFan Thread

    When you have excuses 5 years in a row and claim to always be the "better team", it's time for you to seek professional help. I mean wow, they through out just about every excuse you could think of year in and year out.
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    Pollard Makes Barta look ridiculous

    Pollard did say on the radio yesterday that Barta contacted him before the press release came out. Apparently their were some social media post about an "incident" and Barta didn't have a lot of details yet. They got a media inquiry and decided to send out the press release to address the...
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    Question for you Hawk fans that work with Cyclone fans

    I’ve been hearing how overrated AJ is. Only 1 tackle and got owned all night. I’m guessing the game plan was to keep Purdue in the pocket and not over pursue in the edges. We’ve seen this countless times when Iowa plays mobile QBs. I can’t say for sure though.
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    Cyclone Look-alike Thread

    Darrell Simmons
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    Cyclone Look-alike Thread

    Chase Allen
  13. D

    Billy Taylor Named Iowa Assistant

    Just try to have reasonable expectations but I agree, there is potential. Also could be interesting to see what the new assistant brings to the table.
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    Billy Taylor Named Iowa Assistant

    Amen, I am not a Fran fan, but I had to eat some crow this year (and was happy to do so) when he did things that improved the team. I was actually looking forward to this season, but losing Moss, Cook, and JoBo is going to hurt. I want better results, and I'm hopeful that we take some lumps next...
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    Fran goes 0-3 on good transfers...

    All right, so we're playing that type of game. Prison rules. I get it.
  16. D

    Fran Looking Around?

    I guess that’s the end of that. Got my hopes up for nothing.
  17. D

    When can we expect X. Foster to declare?

    I watched him play several times in high school. He hasn’t impressed me yet but he has a lot of raw talent. I sometimes wonder if he’s just not overly interested in playing high school ball. It will be interesting watching him develop.
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    Proud of these guys

    That was fun. I don’t believe in moral victories but that gives me some hope for the future
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    The “Stealing Time from work and watching the Hawks” Thread

    Correction Joe and Garza did. The rest of the team struggled.
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    The “Stealing Time from work and watching the Hawks” Thread

    So we can’t rebound, we can’t shoot, we can’t play defense, and we turn it over too much. This should go well