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  1. oifdeserthawk

    Illinois fans are still bitter about Bruce Pearl

    Seriously....can you start trying to have a clue? Just saying...."Illinois fans think they should be a power in the Big 10...." hello....17 regular season conference titles, 4 since 2000, 2 conference tourney championships, 29 NCAA tourney selections, 10 since 2000, 18 second round...
  2. oifdeserthawk

    OK4P is getting what he deserves

    Because he's probably putting together the description of you, and the situation at hand, and realizing your the guy who sits behind him in Kinnick that he puts up with because you are too liquored up for him to even bother saying anything to you, because you probably come off as the type of...
  3. oifdeserthawk

    Cezar Down to Four

    You realize every time you "repeat" yourself, you are only furthering yourself from the discussion that was initially taking place, and thus proving us all right. That you are annoying, rarely know what you are talking about, and hi-jack threads like it is your job.
  4. oifdeserthawk

    Cezar Down to Four

    Pretty impressive isn't it?
  5. oifdeserthawk

    Cezar Down to Four

    Given the choice of assuming Iowa is or isn't cheating, you choose're as bad at this as coachesdaughter on tos...
  6. oifdeserthawk

    Cezar Down to Four

  7. oifdeserthawk

    Jarryd Cole: Good player, Better person

    That's pretty weak if you are talking about Jake Kelly, which I'm assuming you are since you pretty clearly mention his name. Jake Kelly was a great Hawk, and had things not taken a terrible turn for the worst, would more than likely have finished his career at Iowa. Unbelievable you would even...
  8. oifdeserthawk

    andyfails arob again

    Which is so long A-Rob...some people...
  9. oifdeserthawk

    andyfails arob again

    He wasn't attempting humor when he touched on A-Rob...what the hell are you talking about? He was making a valid point? I'm not claiming Andy's hilarity...I'm saying what he had to say about A-Rob is spot on to what I have to say about A-Rob...
  10. oifdeserthawk

    Jake Kelly to NCAA Tournament

    Head coach at ISU...
  11. oifdeserthawk

    andyfails arob again

    I don't want A-Rob back...does that make me a ********* too?
  12. oifdeserthawk

    andyfails arob again

    How exactly did he bag on him or tear him down? Did you even listen to what Fales said? The question was if the Sports Illustrated article would affect in any way the staff, (mainly Ferentz's) decision about A-Rob...he didn't say anything that wasn't factual. There is no program in America where...
  13. oifdeserthawk

    andyfails arob again

    Actually he made a very good point, and hardly attacked or tore him down at all...
  14. oifdeserthawk

    We're NOT last!

    Dang farm girl you a balla! Didn't know you had such a killer cross...
  15. oifdeserthawk

    Favorite Sports Teams

    NFL- Colts/Bears NBA- Magic/Bulls MLB- Cubs NHL- Blackhawks
  16. oifdeserthawk

    Heading in the right direction...

    Nobody could describe this squad better than you just did sir. Feels IDENTICAL to Kirk's first year. Watching the OT I told my dad Iowa WILL be a tourney team next doubt in my mind. Great to be ****** (in a weird way) after a loss...
  17. oifdeserthawk

    Thoughts on Cutler

    Not gonna lie, I search for Iowa(Notre Dame, Drake)Farm(University Professor, CEO, Business Genius)Girl'(Probably a homebody, 45 year old man living in his mother's basement)s posts to make me smile when I'm having a ****** day. I'm glad I'm not that girl (guy).
  18. oifdeserthawk

    Big 12 Death Clock Ticking....

    Seriously man....De-Ni-Al. Just because the Big 12 "didn't implode" this summer, (which it kind of did, it just hasn't finished imploding) doesn't mean it isn't going to soon. Nebraska and Colorado got the ball rolling...the Big 12 wasn't going to die overnight, or over the course of 1...
  19. oifdeserthawk

    Anyone believe Nebraska is the B10 team w best odds of winning NC next year?

    Nebraska plays by far the toughest conference slate of any Big 1(2)0 team next year. They'll be lucky to go 9-3. Best chance to win the Big Ten? Maybe if they squeak into the CC game. Certainly not winning the National Championship.
  20. oifdeserthawk

    Bowl winning streaks *UPDATED*

    And if I'm wrong, outside of being a little bummed out, it has no bearing on my life what-so-ever, other than what I do over the holidays in 2011-2012.