Ferentz Passes on Visit to Henderson

KF obviously paid close attention to that VH1 show with Mystery a couple of years ago. This is just a neg. Next he's going to ask SH if he saw the fight outside.
He would have been a great addition...but in the long run, the O line is the one thing i never worry about with Iowa.
Yeah, because you know why Ferentz isn't doing the in-home.

No need to go the snide, smarmy route, GGGB; never claimed to know anything about the situation or KF's decision. Simply offering my $.02 -- ya know, this being a message board, and all, the sole purpose for its existence being for fans to express their opinions and observations.

Let me explain ...
Papa Hendersen fired the first p.r. shot, placing the "blame" for the cancelled visit directly on KF. He is quoted, “Tell (the Iowa fans) that he pulled out because we wouldn’t give them our final official visit." (No condescending, face-saving intonation there, eh?)

What's more, if you've been paying attention over the last decade, it isn't too hard to pick up on the nuances in KF's comments, lack of comments, or actions. You'd know that things like this don't sit too well with the Capt'n. You'd also know that Kirk Ferentz does indeed have a tremondous amount of pride and integrity, fueled by some good ol' fashioned western PA blue-collar chip on the shoulder ethics. This is well documented in numerous comments, i.e. "we don't have beaches to sell ..."; "we don't run onto the field through smoke..."; not to mention the "we're dating, then don't hold hands with the other guy" analogies. In short, the only game you better be playing with Kirk Ferentz is football.

I simply suggested, based on precedented KF behavior, that he wasn't real high on the glitz / glitter side show that would undoubtedly accompany the #1 recruit in the nation. My guess is that KF pulled the plug when he sensed that said recruit (recruit's father) was more enamored with the "sizzle" than the "steak". (There I go again relying on specific, documented KF comments and tendencies to draw a conclusion. Shame!)
Stupid move coach regardless of how you feel where he is going, still a stupid move.

In your humble opinion.

KF has his reasons.
Its ok for you to disagree with KF. For you or anyone else to come out and state "stupid move" means that you must know more than KF knows.
Not giving any reasons why you know this was a stupid move just makes you look silly.
Count me there too!
In fact I am more excited about 2-3 of our guys than I ever was about SH and all of his daddy baggage.
The kid wouldnt fit here. KF knew that all along.
Someone else said it best : The only game you better be playing with KF is football.
+1 to that guy....
What if the in-home was canceled because Seantrel has already made the decision to come to Iowa?

Perhaps but Daddy Hendersen's comments imply otherwise. Statements like, “Tell (the Iowa fans) that he pulled out because we wouldn’t give them our final official visit." don't have a rosy intonation. Not to mention, it would be very uncharacteristic for KF to cancel an in-home visit with the #1 recruit in the country because it was a verbally done deal. KF would be contacting him as much as allowed until he had the signed LOI.
He has one official visit yet to take and he chose not to come to Iowa City. Seems pretty clear to me that he wasn't going to pick Iowa. Why should KF waste his time with this kid? I have no problem with SH making this choice but why does his dad have to make it sound like KF is the bad guy and pulled out of the race. The dad is a "tool".
Is it true that he's not even academically eligible yet? And he has to raise his ACT score 2 points when he takes the test Feb? Anyone know?
"Henderson has recorded a 17 on the ACT test and needs to raise that to 19 to qualify. He plans to take the test again Feb. 6. Henderson's father said if he maintains a B average in his core classes the rest of his senior year, he won't need to get a 19 on the ACT. But Henderson doesn't want to take that route.
"He wants to get that 19 on his own,'' Sean Henderson said. "We are keeping him on track (academically). He wants to show that.''"

Cretin-Derham Hall lineman Seantrel Henderson will name his college choice on Feb. 3 - TwinCities.com
I know a lot of us THINK he could have been a great addition, but that might not be the case. The national recruiting peanut gallery is in love with him, but they were also in love with Blake Larsen and Dan Doering. Whoops. None of us are in any position to question the Iowa coaches.

I completely and totally trust Kirk in this situation. My guess would be that the recruiting process with Seantrel, and specifically his father, is hindering on compromising Kirk's and his staff's integrity. That is, assuming Seantrel is the real deal. It's just a guess. Why else would you stop recruiting a player that is as good as Henderson supposedly is?