Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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One of the things you quickly learn when delving into any area of science is that there are tons of published articles coming down on either side of an issue. This was pretty shocking to me as I was completing my PhD, I went in with the naive idea that science was cut and dry. It is not. You learn that you need to consume as much as possible, critically evaluate everything, and then weigh the balance of the evidence.

That is what organizations like CDC or HHS do. They have scientific comittees dedicated to hunting up every bit of published research. They read it all. And based upon that, they decide which policies are in the best interest of public health. Neither you or I have the time available to aggregate and consume all of that information, which is why we need to rely upon these organizations.

They don't always get it right, and sometimes their recommendations change time over as research/evidence changes. These committees are especially slow to backtrack if new evidence contradicts their prior recommendations. There are also political influences. But the process overall is sound, if not nimble.

If you want to read some contrary evidence to what you have posted, here is a peer-reviewed article estimating that influenza vaccinations in the US prevented 40,000 deaths from the '05/'06 flu season through '13/'14. Almost 90% of those prevented deaths were in individuals 65+ years of age. Here is another article estimating similar vaccine effectiveness in younger and older adults (for both groups, effectivness values ranged from around 10%-60%, depending on the viral strain).

On a side note, there is cool work being done towards a universal influenza vaccination that could prevent all varities of influenza, as well as novel anti-viral therapies in the treatment of flu. Hopefully progress will be made in those areas.
Provide proof that you are up to date with CDC's vaccination schedule and I'll listen. I'll wait.
TK, is that like a trick question? We post a vaccine record and you'll change your antivaxx tune?

Here's mine:

9/29/2010, 9/27/2007, 11/2/2005, 10/12/2004, 10/27/2003, 10/23/2001, 10/23/2000
Flu quadrivalent injectable pfree (INFLUENZA PF QUAD(PED/ADOL/ADULT),PSKT or VIAL)
Flu trivalent injectable pfree (INFLUENZA PF TRIVALENT(PED/ADOL/ADULT), PSKT)
9/18/2014, 9/28/2013, 9/20/2012
TK, is that like a trick question? We post a vaccine record and you'll change your antivaxx tune?

Here's mine:

9/29/2010, 9/27/2007, 11/2/2005, 10/12/2004, 10/27/2003, 10/23/2001, 10/23/2000
Flu quadrivalent injectable pfree (INFLUENZA PF QUAD(PED/ADOL/ADULT),PSKT or VIAL)
Flu trivalent injectable pfree (INFLUENZA PF TRIVALENT(PED/ADOL/ADULT), PSKT)
9/18/2014, 9/28/2013, 9/20/2012
Well, you got a lot more to go to get up to date.
I was at Brugger's Bagels in Coralville the other day. The gal employee was working on my take out order when this guy walks in wearing a mask on his face. He had really dark circles under his eyes, he didn't look so good. As he stood behind me about five more people walked in and were in line behind the guy with the mask. Suddenly, the guy starts coughing pretty hard, the Brugger's employee looks up at him with this look of fear on her face and two people that were standing behind him walked out of the place. It kind of spooked me and I did not turn around to look at him, just took my food and bolted for the front door.

Did you pay?:D
Back in er w child. Told it was clean wing only for kids and the separate possible CV 19 cases. Just wheeled by 50 something up obese woman struggling to breath with obvious congestion.

No masks except for worker

Interesting model for publishing research. Not the typical journal-driven peer-reviewed process, but a more agile means of disseminating information. Not the same levels of independent peer review, but bypasses much of the beuracracy of journals. Avoids some issues of politics (yes, scientific journals are influenced by politics), but also creates a system where potentially only those with great financial resources can get their information out.

I wonder what kind of concern there is for potential cholorquine-resistant microbes developing? Promising emerging data for sure.
Strictly by the numbers, the coronavirus does not register as a dire global crisis

It doesn't yet. But again, it's just starting. I don't have time to read it right now, so does it compare where the virus is right now to what it takes to register as a global crisis by the time the virus is done spreading? Or does it not qualify as a global crisis based on what it takes to qualify at this point since first community spread?
Not worried...
After now 2 stints in hospital for daughter this week, I am convinced there is no way to stop this. Even hospitals being locked down there are so many holes in their defense. It's rather ridiculous what passes on through. Not going to work.
After now 2 stints in hospital for daughter this week, I am convinced there is no way to stop this. Even hospitals being locked down there are so many holes in their defense. It's rather ridiculous what passes on through. Not going to work.

Sounds like the beginning of a sci fi thriller movie. Chill out. Your actions are in part killing our economy.
It doesn't yet. But again, it's just starting. I don't have time to read it right now, so does it compare where the virus is right now to what it takes to register as a global crisis by the time the virus is done spreading? Or does it not qualify as a global crisis based on what it takes to qualify at this point since first community spread?

Once it gets to one half of seasonal flu rates. Chill.
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