Howe: I’d Be OK with Desmond King Skipping Outback Bowl

If star CB Desmond King wanted to skip Iowa's bowl game for protection, HN columnist Rob Howe would have no problem with it:
So I guess it would just be fine if these guys had decided that they knew they were going pro from the start of the semester, that they just chose to not ever go to their classes and essentially were non-students the whole season. There would be no penalty until after the semester ended, which would mean not being able to participate in the bowl game. I know a lot of guys bail on classes the second semester, but the first semester?
If star CB Desmond King wanted to skip Iowa's bowl game for protection, HN columnist Rob Howe would have no problem with it:
I notice you made reference to how you think the teammates of the players would probably be ok with them deciding to sit out yet didn't reference the coaches. What do you think the coaches two cents is on this? One of the big resume builders coaches like to have/brag about is their post season records. Well if they are to begin playing these games without their studs that'll surely have an impact. I can see how in certain instances they may be ok with a kid or two here or there. But take a team like OSU or Bama. They may have multiple 1st round level kids not to mention how about the other draftable kids. I think the mid round guys actually have more to gain. (less to lose obviously too) If they were to work on their pro day training early and not risk the one more game it could possibly help their draft stock. There's a big difference between a 5th rounder and a 2nd rounder, And a 2nd rounder and a lower 1st rounder. You see my point I'm sure. It's a snow ball that may just be getting started...
I assume that Howe isn't personally dropping $160 per ticket for club seats, plus hotel, airfare and rental car. I also assume he did drop a bunch of money last night in Vegas on Stanford only to wake to this news. Might as well expand the playoffs now and end the bowls.
If star CB Desmond King wanted to skip Iowa's bowl game for protection, HN columnist Rob Howe would have no problem with it:

I would agree if the season had not turned around. His stock had to have improved by that. Every time you lace up, you are taking a huge risk. Brandon Lloyd's stock at IL went down stepping off of a curb in ice. Life is a risk. I'm sure he has insurance. Lloyd was one of the best receivers that was never considered great. The guy was amazing even in the NFL, but never got real recognition.
I assume that Howe isn't personally dropping $160 per ticket for club seats, plus hotel, airfare and rental car. I also assume he did drop a bunch of money last night in Vegas on Stanford only to wake to this news. Might as well expand the playoffs now and end the bowls.
There aren't very many individual players out there that'll swing the odds more than Fournette and McCaffery... Especially no QBs. That's for sure
This is a really slippery slope. What's next? Late regular season games? Is it OK if guys just shut it down in November if the team isn't going to make the Playoff?
I personally don't see the bowl games as "exhibitions". I feel they are an important part of the season's entirety that should be completed. Choosing not to play in them is quitting on your team every bit as much as walking away mid season if things aren't going your way.
As far as King goes he got his degree. You'd never hear anything but glowing things from KF and his staff about him. It'd be a little different than an underclassman doing it. But that's what makes King King. And Scherff Scherff. Guys like them just wanted to be not just in college but at Iowa. They loved it. King was hell bent on getting his degree. Scherff was too and I think he loved everything about small town Iowa and being a college kid. But he wasn't from a family circumstance that may have dictated the need to cash in that lottery ticket earlier either. It's such a circumstantial thing. It'll be interesting to see how the NCAA tries putting that toothpaste back in the tube if it continues
If star CB Desmond King wanted to skip Iowa's bowl game for protection, HN columnist Rob Howe would have no problem with it:

Let me ask you this, Rob. At what point in the season would have NOT been Ok for King or any other player to quit? Where do you draw the line, and why?

Exactly. Would it be ok if DK sat as soon as it was evident the Hawks wouldn't win the conference?

At that point the players should just be allowed to quit mid season and latch on to whatever NFL team is the highest bidder. Get rid of the draft and allow student athletes to hire on whenever they're ready, just like any other profession.
I don't see how can say this? I love getting to watch the Hawks play one more game. I loved the bowl laying around watching football to start the year. Yeah there are some dumb bowl games I pay no attention to, but generally speaking, the more college football, the better, especially when it includes the Hawks.
I don't see how can say this? I love getting to watch the Hawks play one more game. I loved the bowl laying around watching football to start the year. Yeah there are some dumb bowl games I pay no attention to, but generally speaking, the more college football, the better, especially when it includes the Hawks.
I guess what I mean is that if McCaffrey and Fournette start making tons of other kids jump ship on bowl games (which will happen), then bowl games are watered down crap...worse than they already are. Can you really claim a victory if the team you're playing has their 3 or 4 best players sitting out? Junk football and I'd rather not watch that.
I guess what I mean is that if McCaffrey and Fournette start making tons of other kids jump ship on bowl games (which will happen), then bowl games are watered down crap...worse than they already are. Can you really claim a victory if the team you're playing has their 3 or 4 best players sitting out? Junk football and I'd rather not watch that.
Good point, I agree. I don't know how they stop this, and if I'm the bowl that can't promote these players anymore, I'm pretty upset because it will affect ratings and ticket sales.
I'd argue this is the beginning of the end of big time college football...soon the NFL will be forced to start their own developmental league...The best of the best won't risk it playing in college.
I think the bowl game should take insurance policies out on junior or senior players that have high draft positions...if they want them to play in their game. Take the burden off the family if the player doesn't have one already.
Is this normal for seniors to skip out on their bowl games? I have never heard of this until this season. I see McCaffery at Stanford is bailing on the Sun Bowl, wish he would have done that last year for the Rose Bowl. Not sure if I like this though. A lot of people are paying money to these bowl games to see these guys play.
A couple quick solutions:

--Player, if he hasn't earned his degree, reimburses the full cost of his scholarhip
--Teams that allow it are not eligible for bowls for the next "X" seasons
--Coaches that allow it submit forms and certifications that they still have testicles

Fournette doesn't surprise me, as I have always believed him to have Marcus Dupree Syndrome (goes 100%on only 50% of his plays). McCaffery is a shock. His father is a former player and now a front-office guy with Denver. If he is okay with this, he's basically admitting the NFL has shot the first cannonball across the NCAAs bow.

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