Loved the autopsy article on the front page


Well-Known Member
David did a great joby breaking down the season. Real Sports on HBO not to long back (within the last few months) did a feature on college coaches and how they can bully their players behind the scenes. In a lot of cases, student athletes can be treated like indentured servants and can be belitted for a lack of performance in practice and in games. College athletes can be "off the books required" by the coaches to spend extra time in the gym and less time hitting the books (and be called *ussies for not putting in the time even though the NCAA does not require it). They can be called inappropriate names and be physically assaulted under the coaches watch.

Not to say Fran goes to such extremes, but he has cussed at this players during games, slammed a chair in another year, and has certainly blown up at press conferences this year.

Hopefully, player relations can be improved in the coming years if anything detrimental is going on behind the scenes and in public.
David did a great joby breaking down the season. Real Sports on HBO not to long back (within the last few months) did a feature on college coaches and how they can bully their players behind the scenes. In a lot of cases, student athletes can be treated like indentured servants and can be belitted for a lack of performance in practice and in games. College athletes can be "off the books required" by the coaches to spend extra time in the gym and less time hitting the books (and be called *ussies for not putting in the time even though the NCAA does not require it). They can be called inappropriate names and be physically assaulted under the coaches watch.

Not to say Fran goes to such extremes, but he has cussed at this players during games, slammed a chair in another year, and has certainly blown up at press conferences this year.

Hopefully, player relations can be improved in the coming years if anything detrimental is going on behind the scenes and in public.

This is one of those generational things when I grew up coaches yelled and screamed at people. You didn't take it personal you just rolled with it. I know, I know before you label me "get off the lawn" guy I realize things change and you have to evolve. I do not have a problem with people questioning why you do things, but millennials are sooooooo sensitive and can't handle criticism at all.......I dunno.
This is one of those generational things when I grew up coaches yelled and screamed at people. You didn't take it personal you just rolled with it. I know, I know before you label me "get off the lawn" guy I realize things change and you have to evolve. I do not have a problem with people questioning why you do things, but millennials are sooooooo sensitive and can't handle criticism at all.......I dunno.

Many are in for a rude awakening when they leave the cocoon of the PC campus and find out the world-at-large doesn't give a shiite (no pun intended) about their feelings.
Many are in for a rude awakening when they leave the cocoon of the PC campus and find out the world-at-large doesn't give a shiite (no pun intended) about their feelings.

I personally thought that the article was irresponsible. Schwartz funneled everything onto Fran's plate and placing blame at his feet. Schwartz seemed to take exception to McCaffery's reaction after the Illinois loss in the B1G tourney and labeling Fran's "that's none of your business" reply as another raged filled outburst that is humiliating for Fran and to the University of Iowa. However, there is a very real and perfectly acceptable reasoning for why Fran may have responded that way. Fran is lauded by many color analysts as being very good "out of bounds underneath" plays. That is what the play in question was. Yes, we had just lost the game and that was, essentially, the final play. However, Fran knew that he needed to prepare for the NCAA tourney. Why on earth would Fran allow MG to explain the play and expose it to every coach in America who might meet Iowa in the NCAA? Also, I watched the entire 6+ minute interview that continued after the "that's none of your business" comment and Fran was forthcoming with full, complete and honest answers and he did it with civility and professionalism. I get the impression that Schwartz' "journalism feathers" were ruffled by the incident.

So Schwartz went into detail about how poor our free throw shooting was in the second half of games during our losing streak. Then to summarize his article, we went back to what he views as McCaffery's "rage" issues and speculated that he didn't know if the players tense up when McCaffery has an episode of what Schwartz calls rage. The line of conclusion that he draws is that the poor free throw shooting in second half of games was a function of McCaffery's demeanor and that McCaffery's demeanor causes tension throughout the team.

What I do agree with is that other than JU and Jok, this team lacked specific talent and experience and these are what affected the teams performance.

So again, I think the article was irresponsible in that it directs the reader to blame McCaffery's temper, or "rage" as Schwartz describes it, as the reason for the string of losses down the stretch. For all we know, McCaffery's passion is what helped energize the team to the 10-1 record and was not a factor at all for the 2-6 finish. Schwartz speculated but he drew the reader to make the same speculated conclusion that he has.
Almost all hawk fans agree that Fran gives a great interview. He's been here 6 years now so having a few jerk answers isn't that big a deal considering how many times he's been in front of a mic. If anyone thinks there is a problem with coach/players relationship, read Fran's interview after the loss to Villanova.
David did a great joby breaking down the season. Real Sports on HBO not to long back (within the last few months) did a feature on college coaches and how they can bully their players behind the scenes. In a lot of cases, student athletes can be treated like indentured servants and can be belitted for a lack of performance in practice and in games. College athletes can be "off the books required" by the coaches to spend extra time in the gym and less time hitting the books (and be called *ussies for not putting in the time even though the NCAA does not require it). They can be called inappropriate names and be physically assaulted under the coaches watch.

Not to say Fran goes to such extremes, but he has cussed at this players during games, slammed a chair in another year, and has certainly blown up at press conferences this year.

Hopefully, player relations can be improved in the coming years if anything detrimental is going on behind the scenes and in public.

This is one of those generational things when I grew up coaches yelled and screamed at people. You didn't take it personal you just rolled with it. I know, I know before you label me "get off the lawn" guy I realize things change and you have to evolve. I do not have a problem with people questioning why you do things, but millennials are sooooooo sensitive and can't handle criticism at all.......I dunno.

No, it's not a generational thing. It's just that coaches had the power to be abusive. Things have changed. I can remember a player being grabbed by the face mask and though wearing a helmet his head was pulled hard into the goal post. Another player on a lower aged squad had to run a lap for a penalty (offside) in practice. The varsity coach saw him running and released the varsity. The kid came back crying with cleat marks up and down his back and bleeding where skin was exposed. This coach is in the football HS hall of fame. He later won a juco national championship.

A kid was struggling in basketball under a different coach and had to run...and run...and run... when done he was vomiting and had the runs. Nobody dared check on him

I could go on.

Ya, it's a generational thing.

In modern times I've seen coaches yanking a kid physically out of a football game when he was hit so hard he didn't know which side of the line to line up in.

Ya, it's a generational thing. Soft millennials.
Fran has overtly toned it down on the sidelines the last few years. But coaches are going to yell and they are going to cuss. If you can't take it and you are going to tense up because you are sensitive, then I suggest you do something different. Perhaps take out student loans to pay for college?
Can you think of anything you struggle to do if you know you are going to catch real hell?

Come on man. If Fran was so bad that players were more worried about his wrath than winning the game, players would have been mass transferring already. We all know there is a lot of pressure in late game situations. Fran would have to be the biggest dick ever for his anger to trump late game pressure.
And I don't even have a clue what the writer is talking about in number 2. It's pretty obvious that Uthoff struggles at taking charge with the game on the line. Fran has also said over and over he wants Uthoff to shoot more. That's why Fran said "ask him". He's frustrated with Uthoff for not taking shots. Uthoff saying the ball didn't come to him was just an excuse for not going and getting the ball. It's pretty cut and dry what that was all about. A star player being too passive. Which we all already knew.
No, it's not a generational thing. It's just that coaches had the power to be abusive. Things have changed. I can remember a player being grabbed by the face mask and though wearing a helmet his head was pulled hard into the goal post. Another player on a lower aged squad had to run a lap for a penalty (offside) in practice. The varsity coach saw him running and released the varsity. The kid came back crying with cleat marks up and down his back and bleeding where skin was exposed. This coach is in the football HS hall of fame. He later won a juco national championship.

A kid was struggling in basketball under a different coach and had to run...and run...and run... when done he was vomiting and had the runs. Nobody dared check on him

I could go on.

Ya, it's a generational thing.

In modern times I've seen coaches yanking a kid physically out of a football game when he was hit so hard he didn't know which side of the line to line up in.

Ya, it's a generational thing. Soft millennials.

Wow......the ISU troll actually has a real opinion on something. So how was Prohm suppose to handle McKay? Pat him on the back and tell him his behavior is ok?
Almost all hawk fans agree that Fran gives a great interview. He's been here 6 years now so having a few jerk answers isn't that big a deal considering how many times he's been in front of a mic. If anyone thinks there is a problem with coach/players relationship, read Fran's interview after the loss to Villanova.


I thought the article overall article seemed pretty fair drawing IMO the right conclusion that something seemed going on behind the scenes without knowing what to put our finger on as to what. This team at times toward the end of the season just went through the motions looking like they had almost lost interest. Perhaps Fran does run a rigorous practice routine and the intensity of the whole thing including Fran's temper at times just gets them burned out. You have to wonder given that this has happened two out of the last three seasons.

I see some room for some gray area when looking at the issue of Fran's temper. I look at Adam Woodbury and see a kid as tough as nails and Clemmons somewhat the same way and don't see either of that pair as overly sensitive. Gesell may have the mental toughness but just did not play very clutch when it counted and Uthoff seemed far and away the most passive of the senior group. Doesn't seem hard to imagine some unhappiness behind the scenes while at the same time that group did not play very good ball when they really needed to.
Come on man. If Fran was so bad that players were more worried about his wrath than winning the game, players would have been mass transferring already. We all know there is a lot of pressure in late game situations. Fran would have to be the biggest dick ever for his anger to trump late game pressure.

Seems as though we've experienced this in the recent past...trying to think of the coaches name. Oh well, it was the guy before Fran. :D
ISU means nothing to me. Nice try.

Right. ISU fan or dirty 30? Whoever you are keep doing you. Meh, I don't care. One question: Are you being this transparent on purpose or is there an end game to all this?

Don't get the questioning tone here. I'm not saying Fran would go to such extremes as was discussed in the Real Sports Segment on Abusive coaches. But, the article does allude to Fran's temperament and I do think it is fair to rationalize that perhaps some players might have a hard time playing for him. We don't know for sure though.

And, believe me, I'm one of those guys that don't like the "wussification of America in sports", but I also think there are limits to what a coach should and should not do with his or her players. I would hope that Fran is not crossing that line and driving his players away.

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