jok's injury would seem to have a good prognosis.
for the patellar tendon (which is actually a ligament), there are two grades of injury which require surgery: complete rupture, chronic partial tear. jok had the chronic partial tear. this one can be nasty if there is a history of dislocations of the patella (the kneecap slides off to the outside, and in doing so, causes further damage to the patellar tendon by stretching it), or if there is a long period of swelling and reduced mobility in the knee. in those cases, surgical repair allows the athlete to retun to sports, but often with recurring problems and reduced performance. if the partial tear presents itself like tendonitis, with little swelling and slight reduced mobility, it should respond well to surgery.
sorry to be nitpicky, but since this is what i do for a living, the patellar tendon is a tendon. tendons connect muscles to bones. ligaments connect bones to other bones. anatomically, the patellar tendon is the part between your patella (kneecap) and tibia and quad tendon the part between your quad and patella. i've worked with some tears of both areas, though they were of the acute (freak injury) type. None returned to full range of motion, though both got close. neither were high level athletes though. at least it is not an injury to the knee joint cartilage itself that doesn't speak well to having a long career.