You watch-McCall will leave!


Well-Known Member
This guy appears to have a very good skill set, and worked his *** off to get healthy this year, so he could contribute! Captain Ferentz didn't have the balls to put him in the Michigan game, Michigan State game, Minnesota game, but when he finally did play him at Purdue, it was very poor timing. Then he gave up on him for the remainder of the Purdue game.
What incentive did Kirk have to put Mikail back in the game against Purdue? Let's see, we can stick with coker getting 6 yards a carry, or risk a true freshman fumbling AGAIN. Tough choice.
What incentive did Kirk have to put Mikail back in the game against Purdue? Let's see, we can stick with coker getting 6 yards a carry, or risk a true freshman fumbling AGAIN. Tough choice.

1. He said it was poor timing in the Purdue game.
2. That doesn't explain his lack of PT in the three games previous to the Purdue game.
3. Coker averaged 4.6 ypc in that game, which is nothing spectacular.
I like coker, but he isn't a home run hitter, so to speak.

McCall had the speed to take it to the house if he gets to the secondary. We could use McCall so much and he could be a huge help if our coaching staff knew how to utilize our players and their abilities.

We should have thrown a fade to McNutt every time he had one on one coverage, because chances are he will come down with it.

Vandy is better from shotgun and with a quick pace of play, but we rarely did that.

They need to learn to adapt to the talent we have and give our players the best chance to win the game. They don't. They win despite the coaches, not because of them. It's becoming a problem.
I agree that Mccall may well move on. I also think he won't be the only one to do so. I think the last two years we are seeing the beginning of the slow decline of Iowa football.
Or the coach can build a two running back system to offset the defense. But that is probably too risky when he can run his one back into the ground.

I will not be surprised if McCall leaves. I wonder how many players leave because they are just dissatisfied with how this team is run and (or) how they are used. Perhaps it is the same on all teams? I would not be surprised to see some other kids leave and (or) some kids back out of their commitments. Iowa is not an up and coming program anymore...and Iowa is stagnant right now, any sizzle Iowa had has long cooled off. Does loyalty to players prevent kids from getting a fair chance? For instance, does anyone think that a backup QB will really have a chance to beat out Vandenberg? All the coaches have to say is that Vandenberg has experience (so did Jake Christensen and it took incredibly bad pay for a year and 1/2 before the coaches even looked at replacing him).

Iowa could have put in a lot of different players yesterday, including a backup QB. Iowa was so far outclassed and outplayed yesterday that it really would not have mattered. Does it matter if Iowa gets shutout and beat by 20 points by an average team, or if Iowa gets beat by 30 or 35?

Perhaps if Vandenberg had a thought that he might lose his job, he would play better? If he can't play better or is just doing a lousy job, play someone else, why recruit them if you don't plan to use them? We all know that this staff will not play underclassmen unless he absolutely has no other choice.
I am glad to see a post that is based in reality, not fantasy, like many of the brainwashed KF apologists who think the guy is guaranteed a job for life. KF the person I admire and respect tremendously. Unfortunately KF the coach has lost touch with his players and, IMO, football in general. No better example than his addiction to running Coker all season to the detriment of the team and to other RB's. Why would McCall, Canizeri, Johnson, or Bullock come back to waste away on the bench? Coker has two years left, so no PT for them until he is gone.

KF has been here too long and thinks he is bigger than the program.
KF IS the program right now. His moves are all about what makes him the most comfortable. It isn't about wins and losses, it is about doing what KF wants.
why was the purdue game poor timing? because mccall wasn't ready? take advantage of the opportunities you get which is the complete opposite of what he did
McCall had 60 some yards against one of the worst teams Louisiana something and he is our savior?

HEY! Take this crap elsewhere! Common sense & facts - two things we DON'T need on this're getting in the way of trying to predict the end of Iowa football as we know it!!!

Then let him leave, there are no guarantees of playing time. If he can't hack then good riddance.
This guy appears to have a very good skill set, and worked his *** off to get healthy this year, so he could contribute! Captain Ferentz didn't have the balls to put him in the Michigan game, Michigan State game, Minnesota game, but when he finally did play him at Purdue, it was very poor timing. Then he gave up on him for the remainder of the Purdue game.
If McCall is smart he will leave.
I wouldn't want to play for this offensive staff.
Good thing you're never going to play then. McCall was hurt all year and then fumbled when he got his chance.....NO coach in America plays him, especially given the situations our offense was in.
i'm still baffled by the "very poor timing" comment about the purdue game. we are on the 5 yard line and have the momentum in the game. here son, have your first carry back be a TD which will pretty much put the nail in the coffin in the game. you will be excited, the team will be sky-high, the fans will be ecstatic, and you will earn more snaps.

sounds like perfect timing to me and he failed
i'm still baffled by the "very poor timing" comment about the purdue game. we are on the 5 yard line and have the momentum in the game. here son, have your first carry back be a TD which will pretty much put the nail in the coffin in the game. you will be excited, the team will be sky-high, the fans will be ecstatic, and you will earn more snaps.

sounds like perfect timing to me and he failed
He did, but our 'fans' have to blame someone....and it has to be KF or NEVER could be the play of our team.
Here is what I don't understand. CJ blatantly throws a defender to the ground yesterday to draw a pass interference, then proceeds to fumble the ball. But then he is right back out there on the next possession? But yet Mccall fumbles and he never sees the field again?

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