**** YOU REFS!!!!

Jarnell Stokes got bailed out unlike any player I have seen in awhile. Tennessee was the beneficiary of late whistles, questionable and-1’s, non-traveling call, intentional foul, etc. I was waiting for a make-up call, just one, and never got it.

I said in another forum, local radio in Nashville was saying the same thing about Jarnell (and UT) getting the calls.
Callers and the host were saying that no way is Jarnell that good of a player, as he was last night, without some assistance.
I felt like the officials were splitting that $50K bonus Cuonzo Martin got for making the postseason.
Reading these boards, I'm seriously starting to think we have some of the biggest d**khead fans in division 1.

I know we had a tough year, definitely didn't end the way most had hoped, but the team did take a step forward, not as large as we could have, but still a step. The team and program are finally headed in the right direction after lick the d**k emptied carver Hawkeye and destroyed fan moral. Some of you need to lighten up and remember These are young men we are talking about, young men that I'm sure want more then any of us to succeed. Try to be supportive, and maybe a little less selfish and a**holish.

Good luck with your anger.

Go Hawks.

And my thoughts and prayers to the coach and his family, life is bigger then basketball and latest events should remind us all of that.
I have also thought for sometime that media or gambling money was behind how some of these games were being called. I hope this is resolved if true. There was a whistle blower in the nba that came forward so it has probably filtered down to the college game.

I had another theory about this year. Since the "bump" at Wisconsin Iowa's winning % is down 39.6% from 84.6% prior to 45% after. In many cases since then the refs have been letting games be more physical or just simply calling games one sided. This could be the refs carrying out a vandetta against the team because of the "bump". Either way this is just not fair to the players to be asked to go out there and play 5 vs 8.
Well with game hitting over time one single call going different could have kept the Hawks with lead in the end. Plenty of other reasons, but this did not seem at all neutral court officiating.

Charges are hard to call. But don't you now this year have to be set before "the start of scoring movement". End of first half when Iowa had four turnovers in row, three offensive fouls, the charge where the player jumped three feet forward to get set before circle. White was already in act of moving for lay up. That scoring drought killed momentum, and the ball screen being called unset was some tick tack bs as well.

Good post. Most games are pretty close. A few calls . . . or a few shots . . . often make the difference. Thus, you must take control of the game and make the shots (or stops) at the end so that you take the game out of the hands of the refs.
Reading these boards, I'm seriously starting to think we have some of the biggest d**khead fans in division 1.

I know we had a tough year, definitely didn't end the way most had hoped, but the team did take a step forward, not as large as we could have, but still a step. The team and program are finally headed in the right direction after lick the d**k emptied carver Hawkeye and destroyed fan moral. Some of you need to lighten up and remember These are young men we are talking about, young men that I'm sure want more then any of us to succeed. Try to be supportive, and maybe a little less selfish and a**holish.

Good luck with your anger.

Go Hawks.

And my thoughts and prayers to the coach and his family, life is bigger then basketball and latest events should remind us all of that.

UH. Most of the anger is with the officiating, then Fran's substitutions, end of season slump.
We know that next year, we should be another 20-win team.
Criticism about a player is very limited on these boards. This website is pretty strict on this.
Go to another board, ran by someone, whose name rhymes with Kom Takert, and you'll see very personal criticism of the players.

Honestly, I felt better after the 2012-13 season than this previous season, and that's taking a step back.
Granted, Fran has taken 3 steps forward and 1 step back, with the future recruiting being solid.

I'm teeing you up for post 7, troll.
I have also thought for sometime that media or gambling money was behind how some of these games were being called. I hope this is resolved if true. There was a whistle blower in the nba that came forward so it has probably filtered down to the college game.

I had another theory about this year. Since the "bump" at Wisconsin Iowa's winning % is down 39.6% from 84.6% prior to 45% after. In many cases since then the refs have been letting games be more physical or just simply calling games one sided. This could be the refs carrying out a vandetta against the team because of the "bump". Either way this is just not fair to the players to be asked to go out there and play 5 vs 8.

Are you freaking serious? A conspiracy theory (actually two) is now the reason we lost? Silly me, I thought it was the fact we got outscored 14-1 in OT, or if you back up a bit more, the fact that we blew yet another huge lead and let a team back into it. Sorry, I know facts are hard, but the first step to healing is acceptance.
And here I somewhat agreed with your post until I got called a troll. Because I read the posts instead of commenting all the time, I'm a troll? I guess I didn't read lifes forum posting rules, I'll try to catch up on that when I get a chance.

I've been a member here quite awhile, just enjoy reading more then posting.

I'm happy with the team this year. Could it have been better? Without a doubt, but when we look back and see what Fran was dealing with this season I can understand that his head might not have been in the best place for coaching, I think he has proven himself as a winner and I think next year will be another step forward.

Thank you Hawkeyes for the fun season and a reason to be excited about Hawkeye basketball again.

And thank you Roy and Zach for staying with this team and being a major reason they have a solid foundation to build on next year.
With me being a fan of both programs I thought there was a few shady calls but all & all I thought it was a desent called game Our Hawks just went cold shooting the ball. They couldn't buy a bucket in OT
I am, there has just been too many poorly called close games this year to be a coincidence. Following the law of averages close games should be a lot closer to a 50% win ratio especially for an experienced team.
The idiots at Hilton tragic boo the refs in the parking lot for calls they haven't even made yet. Now we sound just like those idiots. It's not the refs for the hundredth time. I hate to say it but if you think it is you know very little about sports and are kind of a simpleton dolt. Hundreds of plays, lots of calls and mistakes both ways, get over it and move on. One player doesn't lose a game neither do the refs
Instead of needing to blame someone else, how about our players? Were we perfect? Did we miss shots? Did marble miss shots? Did we have turnovers? Dude, why blame refs? Dumb
Instead of needing to blame someone else, how about our players? Were we perfect? Did we miss shots? Did marble miss shots? Did we have turnovers? Dude, why blame refs? Dumb

Um. Yea its not the reason we lost. But the game would have been mucb different if we were able to play defense. We played great interior defense that was in the game plan but the refs just kept bailing them out. And since we weighed less i guess the contact they committed on us was "superficial". Bs.

No one is saying the refs had an agenda this particular game, they might have just favored larger players on calls. But im afraid some where it is happening. Baylor go off freaking 41 frew throws verse the huskers.
Um. Yea its not the reason we lost. But the game would have been mucb different if we were able to play defense. We played great interior defense that was in the game plan but the refs just kept bailing them out. And since we weighed less i guess the contact they committed on us was "superficial". Bs.

No one is saying the refs had an agenda this particular game, they might have just favored larger players on calls. But im afraid some where it is happening. Baylor go off freaking 41 frew throws verse the huskers.

I thought Nebby was trying to lengthen the game. Don't you do that when its close and you're trailing? It led for more possessions and a chance to get back in the game.;)
Instead of needing to blame someone else, how about our players? Were we perfect? Did we miss shots? Did marble miss shots? Did we have turnovers? Dude, why blame refs? Dumb

I thought Nebby was trying to lengthen the game. Don't you do that when its close and you're trailing? It led for more possessions and a chance to get back in the game.;)

I shouldnt habe mentioned that example cause i didnt see the game. What point did they toss Nebraska coach? Gotta suck to get ejected in an ncaa game.
Tennessee kept pounding the ball inside. It makes perfect sense that they would draw more fouls than we would. There were a few calls that I didn't like but that's not why we lost. We lost because we have no heart. No will to beat good teams, late in close games. It really is that simple. It's the mental toughness that separates the teams that over-achieve and the teams that under-achieve.
Tennessee kept pounding the ball inside. It makes perfect sense that they would draw more fouls than we would. There were a few calls that I didn't like but that's not why we lost. We lost because we have no heart. No will to beat good teams, late in close games. It really is that simple. It's the mental toughness that separates the teams that over-achieve and the teams that under-achieve.

Agreed, until we learn to play mentally tough and do all the little things to win at the end of the game nothing is going to change. If we're going to make a change it needs to be on the defensive side of the ball and how we play it, if Michigan State can get away with grabbing, hacking, molesting, and playing prison style ball so can we. If you can't beat them, join them.

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