**** YOU REFS!!!!

Pardon me , I just took off my hearing aid Im slow puttting back on my Hearing aid , Could you please repeat it like next year!
They favored the SEC hard. No one cares about SEC basketball but 1 team. I hope that crew is in the NIT the remainder of the month
Well with game hitting over time one single call going different could have kept the Hawks with lead in the end. Plenty of other reasons, but this did not seem at all neutral court officiating.

Charges are hard to call. But don't you now this year have to be set before "the start of scoring movement". End of first half when Iowa had four turnovers in row, three offensive fouls, the charge where the player jumped three feet forward to get set before circle. White was already in act of moving for lay up. That scoring drought killed momentum, and the ball screen being called unset was some tick tack bs as well.
The refs were terrible- some fans will intentionally not complain about the refs, in order to almost put themselves above other fans, but the officials were garbage. Tennesse and particularly Stoked lived on Iowa's back on rebound attempts.
Rewatched the game. Stokes is indeed a stud but some of the contact fouls for and one's were a joke. Just barely grazing his arm after he is digging his 250 plus pound body into the defender and pushing with his own arm, yet Woody barely touches his shooting arm and it's an and one.

The most laughable foul in the game though. Was against A.Clemmons in overtime. They ran a curl screen which their offensive player moved during the screen and bumped his very own player, but when Clemmons tries to curl back around it to actually play defense he gets called for body foul against someone without the ball. That stuff needs to be put up on youtube or gif it on reddit, because that ref deserves a freaking mocking on that. Ridiculous. It was a moving screen on his own freaking player... hahaha
They were pretty handsy on our guards all night. Fran pretty much said at halftime that we weren't getting any calls. Either way, this team deserved what they got. Serious work to be done before next year.
It is hard for any team to win 5 on 8, Iowa got close last night and almost pulled it off...these refs need to never ref a game again what pieces of crud they were.
If they let those 300 pound pigs lower their shoulder all game and not call it there is a major problem. Back in the 70s and 80s all those pigs would have fouled out in the first 10 minutes. Game play is not nearly what it could be. The game will continue to devolve if something is not done about it. Early this year they were starting, but late in the year they let things changed. Things are once again a football game. What a shame.
If they let those 300 pound pigs lower their shoulder all game and not call it there is a major problem. Back in the 70s and 80s all those pigs would have fouled out in the first 10 minutes. Game play is not nearly what it could be. The game will continue to devolve if something is not done about it. Early this year they were starting, but late in the year they let things changed. Things are once again a football game. What a shame.

Agree it is pretty much a football game without pads which is sad to see.
Jarnell Stokes got bailed out unlike any player I have seen in awhile. Tennessee was the beneficiary of late whistles, questionable and-1’s, non-traveling call, intentional foul, etc. I was waiting for a make-up call, just one, and never got it.
Marble got exposed and dominated, Basabe fouled himself out of the game. We continue to dare teams to shoot 3's and 1 point in OT. It's not the officials it's just an average team that can't finish.
This is the correct answer.
Marble got exposed and dominated, Basabe fouled himself out of the game. We continue to dare teams to shoot 3's and 1 point in OT. It's not the officials it's just an average team that can't finish.

Based on what I saw last night had we continued to dare them to shoot the 3 rather than let Stokes destroy us I think we're still playing. Not sure about the Marble getting exposed thing though. I honestly think he had a phenominal defender on him and had an off night shooting.

As far as the "exposed" part, what would you rather he do? Sit the bench or not look at all for his shot? In my opinion he has to keep looking for it, the rest of our guys were stepping up, but at the same time it wasn't like he was forcing everything up, he just had an off night.