You Are Ugly

When he gets older his face will fill out and he'll be fine. Then he'll be a decent looking rich NBA player with a hot wife and those students will still be d0uches.
It's weak bull shitt. What if he had a terrible birth defect? Ok to chant something about that? What if he's gay? Ok to chant faggottt? Ok to chant niggerr? No, none of the above. If you personalize sports you are a massive piece of garbage. I'm sure he is fine and will be fine, but I'd bet anything he has had to deal with this in his life before and it's totally unnecessary due to a game. No place for it. If sports cause you to do this you should be ashamed. And don't tell me you'd be totally cool with it if it was your little Johnny out there or your brother. Yes, you'd handle it, but you wouldn't think it's cool at all. And this isn't the wussification of America, this is about how scummy America has become.
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The only reason they were chanting that is because he is getting national recognition. He's one of the best in the B1G. They didn't chant that at Woody or Jok or Uhl. I would consider it a badge of honor like an old school bad guy professional wrestler. I would have loved to see his play shut them up but alas.
Find something else to chant to get at a player

What do you view as an acceptable chant? I'm serious. What should they chant at Uthoff in an attempt to get under his skin and throw him off his game.

He's 6'9" and in great shape. He's going to play in the NBA. Others say he he's going to marry an attractive young lady. The Maryland crowd (and their chant) is "ugly" not Uthoff.

Maryland can have their 2 hours of fun at Uthoff's expense...and try to get 2nd place in the conference. Uthoff can forget about it and go about the business of winning a conference championship, being named 1st team all conference and possibly being named an All American.
I wish our student section was even half as animated as the Terp students. Carver is a morgue. A lot has to do with the fact that the university continues to let the fat cats sit next to the court instead of the student surrounding the court at schools that are actually intimidating on the road like Maryland, MSU, etc.
I'm gonna play amateur psychologist here but i doubt it bothered him. The guys gets annoyed at praise, I don't think he needs any outside validation. Insults from an annoying student section won't bother him. He was shut down by a good defender and didn't hit the tough shots he usually hits m
I doubt he cared...

He has a fairly hot fiance

If I'm him and asked about it I'd just laugh and be like... "when you can ball like me you don't need to be pretty- i'll ask my hot fiance what she thinks."

Or "Let's meet a year from now and compare paychecks."

Oh how I hope we meet these classless fools in the BTT.
Shameful by Maryland crowd. Zero class. I doubt uthoff cares, I'm sure he can handle it, but pretty bad IMO. Low blow to make it about someone's personal appearance. Maryland are ugly. Good for you terps.

The older I get the more this stuff bugs me. Total immature and not needed. If you want to chant about one's game or something fine, but personal attacks is uncalled for, IMO. Seriously, what is wrong with people and I hope I didn't partake in that sort of thing when I was younger. Shameful.
Dude, relax. Those chants don't phase Uthoff in the slightest. You need to remember that those fans are 20 year old kids. A lot of fan bases have garbage chants.

I don't think it bugged him either. He could hold up a picture of his g-friend and say "Take that & F off Terps". The guy is going to make it far in life, regardless if it's on the ball court or in corporate America. He just has that kind of personality, drive & moxy. Glad he's on our team.
Bottom line is if even decent jared uthoff shows up iowa wins easily. We saw broke jared uthoff tonight.
If we just had a couple of percentage points higher in shooting, we win. My only concern is Gesell late in halves/games and his apparent belief that he is 6'8"
If you're mad they chanted that you are just being sensitive. Uthoff should take it as a compliment, if he wasn't so good they wouldn't chant anything.
But that's so childish and unimaginative. Something I'd expect to hear from 3rd graders. Oh, and Clown fans love that stuff too but that's about equivalent. How would you like it if you were in an arena with 15,000 people and national TV and they did that to you? I hope you're not condoning it and you shouldn't comment on others looks unless you post your mug for all to see and evaluate. I'm sure you're "bot" George Clooney either.

Right on, cf84. How many of us ARE George Clooney look-alikes? The UCLA crowd chanted "Carfino, you're ugly!" at a game there back in the early 80's. When asked about it after the game, Steve Carfino said "They (UCLA crowd) did the same thing to my brother, Don (Carfino)."

Real classy, Maryland fans. You are disgusting and an embarrassment to the B1G. Go play Iowa State and you can contend for the crappiest crowd in the country award. At least Iowa State refrained from juvenile behavior like name-calling. Apparently, all those Maryland students chanting at Jarrod are a bunch of Brad Pitts. Go join another conference. Better yet, just go away.
I thought the Big10 tried to set up a sportsmanship rule a while back. Ether the crowd could get T’d or the school would get fined. I can’t fully remember what would happen anyone remember this or have I been inhaling to much sawdust.
Oh boo hoo. I've heard worse from Big Ten fans in years past including our own. I'm glad Uthoff isn't as sensitive as some of you guys are.

This is all I could find. Not sure.
Oh boo hoo. I've heard worse from Big Ten fans in years past including our own. I'm glad Uthoff isn't as sensitive as some of you guys are.

Go to the Maryland board and laugh it up. Better yet, just troll your way off this board. I'm quite sure YOU could laugh off 3,000 people screaming at you: "You're ugly!!" on national TV. It's just part of the increasing vulgarity in the American fabric. Quit making excuses for it.

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