Yet another Gesell & Woodbury thread...

The center position is much worse off? Jarryd Cole gave this team outstanding leadership and led by example in playing his heart out every game but he did it as an undersized 6'7" center playing out of position. This season we will have a true post presence. Brommer has a good offensive game around the basket and plays aggresively and with no fear on the defensive end stepping up to take charges. He will enter his senior season brimming with confidence and I think will surprise some people if he overcomes his tendancy to get into foul trouble. Olesani gives us an atheletic big off the bench who runs the floor well and will help us immediately on defense and rebounding and his offensive game while a work in progress shows potential as well. Archie will likely play a little more than he did last season and should get better also.

I feel pretty good about finally having the stability in the program where we have everybody back minus one senior. This team became markedly better over the course of last season and I expect the improvement to continue into this season regardless of how that translates into the number of wins.
That happens to be the vision I have, Hawkeyemark...
Husky, Mark & Jack have it right. It is more about continuity, stability and chemistry than any one recruit. Sure recruiting matters, and Fran is doing a decent good with that, but there is no I in TEAM.

Tell me the last time we returned 4 out of our top 5 scorers??? I'll help ya, it was from 2003 to 2004. Although Pierce should have been in jail. The 2004 team improved 7 games and went to the tournament. 2005 to 2006 we returned our top 3 scorers. We went to the tourney again. Now I am not saying we will this year (although I did previously, when Hubbard was a Hawkeye), but we WILL make some noise and we will upset some teams. If everyone, especially Cartwright, stays healthy and the improvements that are possible happen, then who knows...?
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In 2003-2004, the team went 16-13 and list in the first round of the NIT. There are some similarities, but some radical differences.

That team had a nice mix of rising sophomores, Horner, Brunner, and Pierce. They also had some seasoned seniors.

The more interesting comparison might be next year. If White, Marble, and Basabe develop to their potential, then picking up some contributing Freshmen and a really nice JUCO transfer could push this team over.
There are people in every fan base that drink the kool-aid continuously. The same people predicted 17 wins last year and 20+ the year before. The talent just isn't there. You don't see 20+ loss teams suddenly jump to some of the levels fans are expecting us to. The other site had a poll a few days ago (after the Hubbard debacle) where about 75% of respondents predicted 16+ wins for Iowa.

We have the same lineup with Brommer at C instead of Cole. Come on people. Our players will improve some...the schedule is easier...and the C position is much worse off. I would happily take 15 wins right now. I predict 13-15 wins...and hope we can bring in a nice recruiting class.

Agree with a great deal of this, however I'm a believer that we won't see that "nice recruiting class" everyone wants if we continue to win 13-15 games. Whether we like it or not, we need the returning players to increase the win total to get the future recruits in place, rather than depending on the future recruits to win us games.
The center position is much worse off? Jarryd Cole gave this team outstanding leadership and led by example in playing his heart out every game but he did it as an undersized 6'7" center playing out of position. This season we will have a true post presence. Brommer has a good offensive game around the basket and plays aggresively and with no fear on the defensive end stepping up to take charges. He will enter his senior season brimming with confidence and I think will surprise some people if he overcomes his tendancy to get into foul trouble. Olesani gives us an atheletic big off the bench who runs the floor well and will help us immediately on defense and rebounding and his offensive game while a work in progress shows potential as well. Archie will likely play a little more than he did last season and should get better also.

I feel pretty good about finally having the stability in the program where we have everybody back minus one senior. This team became markedly better over the course of last season and I expect the improvement to continue into this season regardless of how that translates into the number of wins.

Yes...the center position is much worse off. Olaseni needs a redshirt, Archie shouldn't be on scholarship (nothing personal against the young man), and Brommer wouldn't start for most mid majors. Sorry, but Cole at least knew what he was doing out there. Am I the only one that actually watches Brommer when he is out there? Kid is lost most the time.
Yes...the center position is much worse off. Olaseni needs a redshirt, Archie shouldn't be on scholarship (nothing personal against the young man), and Brommer wouldn't start for most mid majors. Sorry, but Cole at least knew what he was doing out there. Am I the only one that actually watches Brommer when he is out there? Kid is lost most the time.

You didn't watch Brommer's game at Ohio State last year did you?
Here is a blog entry from ESPN. If just Fran and Sadler were there, this appears to bode well for Iowa's chances with Adam. Wouldn't they be there for Gesell as well?

"PaulBiancardi Paul Biancardi
HC Fran McCaffery Iowa and Doc Sadler Neb only head coaches at All Iowa Attack game tonight for A.Woodbury."
You didn't watch Brommer's game at Ohio State last year did you?

any kid can have a hot game.

kyle galloway once dropped 30 on Minny. would you really want him as your starting 2 for a whole season?

if brommer was a starting BIG center, Tubby wouldn't have pulled his scholly offer.

temper the optimism.
I know.

Think of this squad..

Justin Johnson
Kyle Galloway
David Palmer
Andrew Brommer

That is your team of guys that have had limited, but not sustained, success at Iowa.
Brommer had about 60 minutes of solid ball last year sandwiched between missing bunnies, fouling guys 20 feet from the basket and turning easy buckets into offensive fouls or travels. I believe the PC term is serviceable, meaning he is better than nobody, but not ideal.

He runs the floor well, has decent hands and shows, at times, an ability to do some things in the post. IMO, it is critical that he gets a basket, a block, rebound, etc., before picking up a foul. He played well when he got pumped up and emotionally invested in games and he stunk when he picked up 2 fouls and was on the bench before the microwave popcorn was done popping.

I just hope the trio of Brommer D-Arch and Olaseni show up on the defensive end and give a good effort every night. Offensively I expect lots of nights where these 3 have more fouls than points.
Brommer had about 60 minutes of solid ball last year sandwiched between missing bunnies, fouling guys 20 feet from the basket and turning easy buckets into offensive fouls or travels. I believe the PC term is serviceable, meaning he is better than nobody, but not ideal.

He runs the floor well, has decent hands and shows, at times, an ability to do some things in the post. IMO, it is critical that he gets a basket, a block, rebound, etc., before picking up a foul. He played well when he got pumped up and emotionally invested in games and he stunk when he picked up 2 fouls and was on the bench before the microwave popcorn was done popping.

I just hope the trio of Brommer D-Arch and Olaseni show up on the defensive end and give a good effort every night. Offensively I expect lots of nights where these 3 have more fouls than points.

Brommer showed enough flashes last year in my mind to justify Fran saying publicly like he did that Brommer has the skill set to compete at center in this league. I agree with the comments about the inconsistency and he will need to overcome that and the fouling thrust into a starter's role. If he had developed under this staff his first two years I think we would have a really solid big man. Olesani has his best basketball ahead of him but the reports out of the PTL all seemed to indicate lots of raw potential. Fran will have him focused his freshman season on rebounding and defense and whatever offense we get will seem a bonus. We will greatly miss Cole's leadership but I don't see that much of a drop-off in production. I just think we should see improvement in that group including Archie over the course of the season and center while not the strength of the team won't seem that much of a weakness either.
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I am less concerned about the 5 spot as it won't make or break us. We need Gatens, May and McCabe to get it done in conference play. I am not expecting huge numbers, just be able to account for themselves offensively so teams can't pack it in on Basabe. I like White's game, but as we saw last season, banking on freshman is a risky proposition. Olaseni, by his own admission, has never been asked to score. With some confidence and a couple months of coaching, I think thr guy will surprise. For a guy his size, he runs like a deer and from what I saw in PTL, has good hands.
The depth at the 1 and 5 is most concerning. That's why getting Mike and Adam is a big priority,

That kinda goes without saying, especially when both projected starters are seniors and no proven depth behind them, other than Marble. The PG position is the most concerning because there is no true backup, although I feel Marble will be better than adequate. The C position has no experience period, Archie has not played enough to show anything and he is injury prone, Olaseni is intriguing because of his athleticism, if he can contribute first off the bench at that spot Iowa will be okay there. We all know that Brommer will get into foul trouble, the question is will it be every game, or can he play more relaxed and not in so much of a hurry to prove himself each time he touches the ball.
The C position heading into the next year isn't as big a concern for me then, as it is today. Olaseni will have a year and depending on what website you follow, Meyer is listed as a C and is 6-10 and 225, if he gains about 10 more pounds and get stronger over the next 18 months, then he will be fine to play that position. It would be great to add Woodbury as Meyer can play the 4/5 and put a big lineup on the floor with White at 6-9 playing the 3 spot with Marble/Oglesby at the 2 spot and hopefully, Gesell at the PG. Adding Woodbury will allow for a lot of flexability with different combinations. McCabe can play the 3/4 as well, Iowa's frontcourt could put a lot of different combinations on the floor and actually matchup or force other teams to matchup to thier lineup, rather than Iowa having the opponent dictate matchups.
The PG spot looking at the following season, is nightmarish right now. I don't think it will be out of the question to bring in maybe three guys that can play there. Ideally, it would be nice to see Iowa bring in one pure PG, weather it be a JUCO player or a freshman, then players like Gesell and maybe a Hornbeak that can play both spots effectively. With the amount of scholarships open, Iowa can afford to bring in 4 more players to go with Meyer and if one is Woodbury, I think the others will be guards with versatility.
I see Wesley Staten only has one official scholarship offer, unless what I am seeing isn't correct, is Iowa looking at this kid and if not, anyone know why?
any kid can have a hot game.

kyle galloway once dropped 30 on Minny. would you really want him as your starting 2 for a whole season?

if brommer was a starting BIG center, Tubby wouldn't have pulled his scholly offer.

temper the optimism.

You give me a healthy upper classmen Kyle Galloway, with NO back problems, and he would have been a player. The guy was damaged goods from almost the beginning of his career.... Now had you said Glen Worley, well, you would have something there. ;)
Brommer showed enough flashes last year in my mind to justify Fran saying publicly like he did that Brommer has the skill set to compete at center in this league. I agree with the comments about the inconsistency and he will need to overcome that and the fouling thrust into a starter's role. If he had developed under this staff his first two years I think we would have a really solid big man. Olesani has his best basketball ahead of him but the reports out of the PTL all seemed to indicate lots of raw potential. Fran will have him focused his freshman season on rebounding and defense and whatever offense we get will seem a bonus. We will greatly miss Cole's leadership but I don't see that much of a drop-off in production. I just think we should see improvement in that group including Archie over the course of the season and center while not the strength of the team won't seem that much of a weakness either.

Brommer has shown flashes of having the right skills, and I, too, think that this staff will be able to strengthen those skills sets. Having Ryan Bowen should help out plenty.
It will be interesting to see how this new charge line works out. Brommer has to learn when to make a move, and when to F it, that's two points, Or bring down the hammer and make them earn it from the free throw line. Again Ryan Bowen should help with that one.

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