Would you pass on a 5 star recruit if he was interested...

It's simple for Hoiberg. One strike and he's out philosophy. If it works, he is a genious. If not, next. I think some of you are jealous that the clowns have a 5 star recruit. Get over it.
I would pass on a player that is 5 star is he has a long list of troubles such as this kid has. He may have the best basketball talent in the world, but if he's not going to go to class and work with the rest of your team to improve, what good is he to your program?

The reference to PP is very fitting in this case. That kid had opportunity to improve himself and chose not to. In fact, his troubles continued well after his release from the program....didn't he get arrested last year?

It's not often that Iowa is going to be in the hunt for 5 star players but as has been proven by many, many programs, you don't need 5 star players to win. Look at Kentucky - they had 5 guys drafted in the 1st round this year and they didn't even make the final 4. Individual talent does not always equal success if the talent isn't willing to work as a team.
I would have passed on this kid for most of the reasons already posted. He could end up being a real problem for Hoiberg. I feel the chances of this kid even seeing the court for ISU is very doubtful. I think it'll prove to be a bad move.
I would pass on a player that is 5 star is he has a long list of troubles such as this kid has. He may have the best basketball talent in the world, but if he's not going to go to class and work with the rest of your team to improve, what good is he to your program?

The reference to PP is very fitting in this case. That kid had opportunity to improve himself and chose not to. In fact, his troubles continued well after his release from the program....didn't he get arrested last year?

It's not often that Iowa is going to be in the hunt for 5 star players but as has been proven by many, many programs, you don't need 5 star players to win. Look at Kentucky - they had 5 guys drafted in the 1st round this year and they didn't even make the final 4. Individual talent does not always equal success if the talent isn't willing to work as a team.

Last I heard,PP was playing pro ball in France. Have not heard of any additional incidents by him. He is still a good player and will have a long,lucrative career in Europe.
People who say "it's a no-lose situation for the Clones" really don't get it. Yes, it's true that Fred can simply kick him off the team if he messes up again. But that's not really the big picture. It's the damage he can do to the program while he's there. It's his possible influence on other members of the team, and the attitude that can be contagious that I would be most worried about.

Think about the Iowa football team a few years back. It only took a couple of players to really damage the chemistry of that team. Most notably Bowman and Douglas. But it wasn't just their acts of foolishness that was a cancer to the team, it was the way they seemed to create division between all of the players.

You don't need to take short cuts to achieve glory.
People who say "it's a no-lose situation for the Clones" really don't get it. Yes, it's true that Fred can simply kick him off the team if he messes up again. But that's not really the big picture. It's the damage he can do to the program while he's there. It's his possible influence on other members of the team, and the attitude that can be contagious that I would be most worried about.

Think about the Iowa football team a few years back. It only took a couple of players to really damage the chemistry of that team. Most notably Bowman and Douglas. But it wasn't just their acts of foolishness that was a cancer to the team, it was the way they seemed to create division between all of the players.

You don't need to take short cuts to achieve glory.

Or you could see that as an inability by the coaching staff to keep it together and an inability of the players to not be influenced by that kind of thing...
So the real question what if it proves to be a good move? Got to play both sides of the card here.
This kid could be an all-American if he develops and gets his act together.
Or you could see that as an inability by the coaching staff to keep it together and an inability of the players to not be influenced by that kind of thing...

Very true. Our coaching staff was definitely to blame for some of the stuff that happened. But not completely to blame. You could also blame a lack of leadership from our upper classmen during that time period. There is always someone that can be blamed at any situation. But to me, it's not about blame. It's about prevention.

I'm not going to start screaming that Hoiberg is an idiot if Royce gets into trouble right off the bat. The same way I'm not going to consider him a genious if Royce manages to stay out of trouble in Ames. I would personally pass on Royce if it were my decision to make. But I can see the argument for wanting to give him a chance.
Hard to spot the pattern when talking about Royce. The guys that are always on this board calling for more talent are saying they would take him. Others aren't as sure as those guys.....

ISU had a 2 NBA players on their team last year, and did squat. Talent is not the end all beat all. Their roster was decimated, and if you think Royce will put up better numbers than Brackens your nuts. He is a head case, and if the team can't play like a team (like last year for ISU) they will be equally as brutal this year. There was NO excuse for that team being that bad last year, EXCEPT for coaching, it does make a difference.
...and his name was Royce White?

Some on here know by my short list of past posts, I am an Iowa State guy, but I have not come on here to troll. I am usually very respectful, since this is in fact your board.

I am just looking for some 'honest' feedback from a fanbase that is in a very similar basketball position.

Given the circumstances, I would give the kid a shot ... but, as a coaching staff and fan base, you have to be prepared for the kid only being around for a year or two (if he is as advertised). I don't think what he did warrants tossing away the key.

I am confident Hoiberg and Co. did their due diligence. Why not give him a shot? But, the leash will have to be very short. One screw up ... he goes ...

But heck, would I protest if McCaffery slapped a Hawkeye uniform on him? Not a chance!
I was against the move but have warmed up to it. I'm not counting any chickens, that's for sure.
This is comedy. Iowa fans, who go to other sites and defend their program which has had over 60 arrests in the Ferentz era, moralizing at another program (of course in the case of many of these "people" on here it's moronizing).

Then you have Iowa State fans who take great delight in the fact that kirk has all of these scumbag football players (and that he had rape evidence destroyed) defending this kid.

It's not real complicated. IF this kid were giving McCaffery the time of day, Iowa fans would be singing a different tune. Just the same, if this kid would have gone to Baylor, Iowa State fans would be talking like the Iowa fans on this thread.

There are no style points anymore. Both programs need to win, before they become completely irrelevant. They both are pretty damn irrelevant now, and that will continue until they start to win some games.

With the transfers he already has, and White, Hoiberg is ahead of McCaffery right now. Some moron will come back with the coaching experience argument, which is as irrelevant as Hawk basketball. This game is about talent. Iowa doesn't have much, certainly not enough to compete in the Big 10.
This is comedy. Iowa fans, who go to other sites and defend their program which has had over 60 arrests in the Ferentz era, moralizing at another program (of course in the case of many of these "people" on here it's moronizing).

Then you have Iowa State fans who take great delight in the fact that kirk has all of these scumbag football players (and that he had rape evidence destroyed) defending this kid.

It's not real complicated. IF this kid were giving McCaffery the time of day, Iowa fans would be singing a different tune. Just the same, if this kid would have gone to Baylor, Iowa State fans would be talking like the Iowa fans on this thread.

There are no style points anymore. Both programs need to win, before they become completely irrelevant. They both are pretty damn irrelevant now, and that will continue until they start to win some games.

With the transfers he already has, and White, Hoiberg is ahead of McCaffery right now. Some moron will come back with the coaching experience argument, which is as irrelevant as Hawk basketball. This game is about talent. Iowa doesn't have much, certainly not enough to compete in the Big 10.

Why do you care about Iowa or ISU?

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