Well-Known Member
I’ve done the youth thing long enough that I’m totally disenchanted with it. Youth baseball sucks ass today IMO.
It’s so specialized, and like you said so competitive, that if you don’t get your get your kids private lessons and spend thousands on tournaments and travel ball they’ll never have a chance of even making a team. It’s become a job instead of a sport for these kids, and it’s really turned off tons of kids who want to have fun playing a sport. Parents have turned it into a competition to see who’s kid is better and how much money they have. And it’s way more for parents than the kids if you really ask them.
When I played ball as a little kid it was a glove and tennis shoes and I frickin loved it. Never had cleats or batting gloves until junior high and I never actually had my own bat until college. We had fun and still learned the game and got good at it. Now it’s a money machine and in a lot of cases (not all) a way for parents to make up for their own inadequacies.
Just my opinion.
When the time comes that I’m done coaching high school ball, I’ll never do it again. I don’t regret it…I’ll always be a fan and always watch on tv and in person, but it’s going to be unjaded again and never tied up in the bs.
You absolutely nailed it. It is what makes youth sports so sickening. Hell, I think most kids played in jeans in our city rec league when I was younger. By Little League, we were the only town around that had a legit baseball uniform, pants and stirrups. We'd get off the bus and we already beat the opposing team because we all had uni's and looked like a unified team. We did have a great coach/manager, though. He taught us well and paid attention to all the details. We were undefeated but didn't play nearly the number of games they play now.
You are correct about parent's living vicariously thru their children. We had one mother (baseball and basketball) who you could tell was un-athletic and prob never played a sport in her life but got on her kid and talked about him like she had played in the past. I'm pretty sure she learned everything about the games just because he was playing the sports. She would flat out state to ya that he was the best on the team. Ok.
I don't miss youth sports.