Woody does it again pulls the hat trick


Well-Known Member
That can't be good with another eye poke.

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For ****'s sake, Woodbury! Be a man and play the sport the right way! Get this sissy off the team until he learns how to grow up and not cheat! Embarrassing for everyone who wears the black and gold.
It was clearly unintentional he was going for the ball the flagrant 1 against him was a terrible call.
Has he ever had success poking the ball away, ever?? If not, why do it? Unless the feet aren't quick enough? Not watching this one, so is Woody's man moving easily around his defense? Just trying to find motivations....
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It was clearly unintentional he was going for the ball the flagrant 1 against him was a terrible call.

I'd really like to believe that but that's the 3rd time in less than 3 weeks that he's poked another player in the eye. There is no way that can be a coincidence.
I wonder if this prehistoric animal was good at poking his prey?


Of course not.....it could just bite its prey!
For ****'s sake, Woodbury! Be a man and play the sport the right way! Get this sissy off the team until he learns how to grow up and not cheat! Embarrassing for everyone who wears the black and gold.

Hey dumdum, how exactly is that cheating?
I don't want to believe he's going for eyes. Real time it looked innocent, in slow motion it looked bad.

He just needs to keep his hands away from the face completely.
Has he ever had success poking the ball away, ever?? If not, why do it? Unless the feet aren't quick enough? Not watching this one, so is Woody's man moving easily around his defense? Just trying to find motivations....

Yeah he poked it away and caused a turnover which lead to a 5-4 posession and a 3 pointer.

In all seriousness, it's happened too many times to 1 player to just shrug it off.

The sad part is Woody played a great half shooting 4-4 and 10 points.
It was intentional. Only idiots that have never played basketball, will sit there and say it was an accident. Stop commenting if you don't know anything about the game. You look like a total idiot! When the ball is being dribbled on the floor and you extend your hand, poking the player in the eye....it's no accident.
It's thug basketball and total garbage. Just like Woody's arm bar on the tip off. Not by accident.
All of the above aside, he played a great game today. He can play good basketball without that Bush league garbage. I wish he would.
In the postgame show BTN said with the flagrant 1, the league will now review it. Not sure what their options are though.

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