Woody and the Jump Ball Trick


Well-Known Member
Saw this on a Buckeye site. I guess Matta anticipated Woody doing his "jump ball trick" where he quickly holds the other guys hand down as he jumps then lets go and grabs the ball. He tried to let the refs know ahead of time but they didn't call anything. Matta says Wiscy does it regularly as well. I've never noticed it myself, but the link below shows the tip of the oSu game and Woody clearly holds his arm. Has anyone else noticed this? If Wiscy does it all the time too I'll be paying close attention to the tip tonight.

Yeah I'm surprised that's not called. Matta says the only ref who ever called it was Valentine. Woody is now the savvy vet!
I was just going to say, since he can't leave the floor, he has to do something to get the ball.
I have never noticed it either. I'm gonna wait and see of he does it a couple more times before I call it a punk playground maneuver.
I thought the trick you were refering to was him jumping too early to trick the opponent into jumping too early. That way they both land before they hit the ball and Woody can get it because they are both already back on the floor. It happens every week. It's either an awesome trick or terrible timing. Not sure which one.
Opponent hand holding not withstanding what Woody does nearly every time is what I would call stealing the tip. He swats at it as soon as it clears the refs hand instead of waiting for it to go up any further. In the olden days, when I played, they would retoss the ball if either jumper made contact before it reached the peak.
It's time to get rid of the jump ball. Flip a coin, winner takes it out. I rarely see a well thrown jump ball anymore.
Imagine in the 'old' days when they did a jump ball after every made basket.
(It wasn't eliminated until the late 30s!)
I think Woodbury being L handed offers him this bush league move. When going up against a R handed jumper, Woody can use his off hand.

Heck, put Oleseni in just for the tip, then sub Woodbury in at the first stopage if you really want Woody to start the game with the more significant minutes.

I never understood why he jumps to begin with, this just adds to the embarrassment that he can't jump that high. I'd rather have White, Uthoff or Oleseni jump than watch Woodbury do bush league tactics to gain an edge. We'll see if the refs catch it going foward.