Woah... Weiskamp

Reffing is harder than it looks

I know it's not easy, but when someone has the ball, jumps, then starts dribbling, it's impossible to miss. If you guys are right and it's for sure a travel every time, then refs don't know that, because there is no way they don't see it.
The contact by the defender Trumps all.....

The contact Must be called. We have seen what can happen when a defender is faked out of his shoes. Take the incident concerning Ryan Kriener and the merciless thug from Penn State.....

I know it's not easy, but when someone has the ball, jumps, then starts dribbling, it's impossible to miss. If you guys are right and it's for sure a travel every time, then refs don't know that, because there is no way they don't see it.

I agree this should be one of the easier traveling violations to get.
So does that mean every time you jump with the ball, then start dribbling, it's a travel? That is something that should never be missed.
There are some rules that are not clear for possible situations.

Refs really need to study not only the rule book but the case book, too.

Once a ref knows that casebook ruling, it shouldn’t be missed. But there are a lot of casebook rulings.

There are rule changes, interpretation modifications, new points of emphasis, etc every year to learn too.

Ref-ing is not easy. The harder part is the human element. Got to have nads to make the calls you need to.
Average might be being nice to him... Wasn't his freshman year his best year at Iowa too? It seemed like he had pretty good year for a true freshman and then just never got better at all. Couldn't play D without fouling and wasn't able to jump over a phone book. Dominated HS but wasn't athletic enough for being a stud D1 player. He was ok and had a few good games here and there. But by no means did he live up to any 4 star hype he had.

That is correct.
Never seen him play in person. Superficial observations remind me of Uthoff - long, athletic with the ball, mad instincts and skills. Lotta good to start and to develop. Is he able to play through being bodied-up without getting rattled? That was Uthoff's achilles.

Watched him play several games throughout his HS career. I hope to get to a few this year. Last year, he didn't seem to be affected by being bodied up. In fact, he was a reliable finisher when getting knocked to the floor - and always seemed to bounce right up afterward. He's got good handles and can shoot the three as well as put it on the floor and finish. The best thing is he isn't afraid to pass the ball and is just as happy to pass to a teammate as to score (although on this year's team, he's not got a lot to pass to).

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