Wisconsin’s Davison Suspended for Low Blow

Maybe Davison was practicing his signature moves against Kobe King and he got tied of his nutsack being a punching bag. Ya gotta hone your craft somewhere, right? You gotta believe that karma is gonna catch up to the guy and I’m not talking about a suspension here.
I wonder if this type of hazing goes on quite a bit at Wisky.

Whether the refs call it or not he is a dush bag for doing it.

It is not a winning play. It’s a dushery play.

He's a big time douche for doing it. Especially when you actually stop and think about the fact that he came up with that idea in his head and decided to do it. What kind of tool dreams up that move? As far as your last sentence, I've still got to disagree. If the refs are going to be dumb enough to be fooled by that ridiculous move, it's a winning play. Thank god the refs for this game didn't fall for it because we all know what's going to happen if they have the ball down 1 with 30 seconds left. If they would have been fooled again, it would have been a winning, douchey play.
Star power. They wouldn't have messed with Bo Ryan.

I mean, the music business never messed with the Beatles for all the times they nicked Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers, but the minute they broke up they nailed George Harrison because My Sweet Lord sounded too much like the Chiffons He's So Fine.

And how many times were Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers using diminished 7ths and a whole lot of flats and sharp chords in their work. Yes the Beatles like the Stones, like Cream and Clapton and Led Zep all grew up playing blues and rock with 50's pop flair and they covered a lot of those songs on their early albums.
And how many times were Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers using diminished 7ths and a whole lot of flats and sharp chords in their work. Yes the Beatles like the Stones, like Cream and Clapton and Led Zep all grew up playing blues and rock with 50's pop flair and they covered a lot of those songs on their early albums.
All true. But no one had to answer to it until they got George alone. Greg Gard is George Harrison to Bo Ryan's Lennon/McCartney.
Bo Ryan forced Alvarez's hand in hiring Gard.

I'm sure Barry is working on the list of replacements as we speak. I would think Tony Bennett would be at the top of the list, but Barry is cheap and that would take a lot of money to pull him away from UVA. Plus, it's another coach with a slow-paced system.
Monumental point and well documented in the Madison media at the time.

Gard could be on a short leash and may not be around to see his incoming class.

I always thought Gregg Marshall would be a good fit for that job. Wichita State evidently thought so as well as they swiftly "locked up" Marshall

Wisconsin has tough academic standards and has been punching above their weight for a long time. If a former Mr basketball and leading scorer bails in mid season because he is unhappy about how the system works, that can not bode well for Gard.

A side note of this is that a Gard dismissal would also cast aside Dean Oliver, who would then also be scrambling for a job.

TJ Otzelberger would have been a strong possibility, but that ship has sailed. I agree that they won't be able to afford Bennett, but whoever they hire will have the tough task of being dynamic but not to the point of stepping on Barry's ego.

It is no secret that Barry LOVES Ben Jacobson.
Greg Gard has been with Ryan on virtually every coaching stop Ryan had, UW Plattville, UW Milwaukee and Wisconsin. He definitely lobbied hard for Gard to get it.

Ryan didn't lobby, he quit in the middle of the season with no notice so that Gard was essentially assured the job. Ryan was planning on retiring at the end of the season and asked Barry to announce Gard as the "coach in waiting". Barry refused, so Ryan quit. Not much Barry could do mid-season. And since Gard finished fairly well that year, it would have looked bad for Barry to let him go and find someone else, so he essentially got stuck with him.
Ryan didn't lobby, he quit in the middle of the season with no notice so that Gard was essentially assured the job. Ryan was planning on retiring at the end of the season and asked Barry to announce Gard as the "coach in waiting". Barry refused, so Ryan quit. Not much Barry could do mid-season. And since Gard finished fairly well that year, it would have looked bad for Barry to let him go and find someone else, so he essentially got stuck with him.
Barry was quoted at the end of the interim season that "he had closely studied Gard and was impressed with his bench coaching an game preparation."

While that is a paraphrase, the gist of it is clear and that's why he decided to give Gard a three year deal which has since been extended.
Actually I've heard that some of the boosters and fans are kind of getting sick of the slow play as well at this point. I think we are going to see a change in Wisky in the near future, either coach or play style or both.
Yeah it gets old 10 times faster when you aren't winning.. This is as rough of a season as they've had in awhile. Big surprise they don't like it. And what's better is I don't see it getting better for them down the stretch. In fact there's a better chance they crumble like a deck of cards rather then improve drastically
Monumental point and well documented in the Madison media at the time.

Gard could be on a short leash and may not be around to see his incoming class.

I always thought Gregg Marshall would be a good fit for that job. Wichita State evidently thought so as well as they swiftly "locked up" Marshall

Wisconsin has tough academic standards and has been punching above their weight for a long time. If a former Mr basketball and leading scorer bails in mid season because he is unhappy about how the system works, that can not bode well for Gard.

A side note of this is that a Gard dismissal would also cast aside Dean Oliver, who would then also be scrambling for a job.

TJ Otzelberger would have been a strong possibility, but that ship has sailed. I agree that they won't be able to afford Bennett, but whoever they hire will have the tough task of being dynamic but not to the point of stepping on Barry's ego.

It is no secret that Barry LOVES Ben Jacobson.
Yeah I was kinda bumbed when he first took that gig. He's been there like 2 or 3 yrs now I think. He'd land on his feet just fine I would bet. But it sucks for him that he's been associated with that soon to be dumpster fire. Kinda feels like the fire has been lit it just hasn't gotten to full flame yet
Ryan didn't lobby, he quit in the middle of the season with no notice so that Gard was essentially assured the job. Ryan was planning on retiring at the end of the season and asked Barry to announce Gard as the "coach in waiting". Barry refused, so Ryan quit. Not much Barry could do mid-season. And since Gard finished fairly well that year, it would have looked bad for Barry to let him go and find someone else, so he essentially got stuck with him.
That’s right.

So Wisconsin MBB has a history of mid-season quitters

Woodbury says you’ve been fingered, take that and stick it in your eye!!! :eek:........... :p............ :D
Turns out it's more a move to trick stupid refs into calling an offensive foul that it is a dirty play. I blame terrible officiating more than I blame him for doing a winning play. I absolutely love that it backfired this time and cost them any chance of winning. That shit doesn't normally happen to Iowa. Normally the refs would screw us too, cost us the game, then catch Davidson next time.
"Opposite Iowa" 2020
Ryan didn't lobby, he quit in the middle of the season with no notice so that Gard was essentially assured the job. Ryan was planning on retiring at the end of the season and asked Barry to announce Gard as the "coach in waiting". Barry refused, so Ryan quit. Not much Barry could do mid-season. And since Gard finished fairly well that year, it would have looked bad for Barry to let him go and find someone else, so he essentially got stuck with him.
Yes, Barry got Barryed
Barry was quoted at the end of the interim season that "he had closely studied Gard and was impressed with his bench coaching an game preparation."

While that is a paraphrase, the gist of it is clear and that's why he decided to give Gard a three year deal which has since been extended.
Nice "Vote of Confidence" We are happy with his coaching at this point, and currently don't have any desire for changes.

"He has been a solid coach in the past and we expect that the same ability will be part of the future, wherever he ends up coaching."

IMHO Gard seems like a decent guy unlike self-absorbed crybabies Ryan and Alvarez.
Barry was quoted at the end of the interim season that "he had closely studied Gard and was impressed with his bench coaching an game preparation."

While that is a paraphrase, the gist of it is clear and that's why he decided to give Gard a three year deal which has since been extended.

Sure, Barry is gonna save face with those types of statements. But let's be honest, you are not gonna fire a guy who got the team to the Sweet 16 and was named Big Ten COY. Barry was backed into a corner with no other choice than to take the interim tag off Gard.
Rewatched the game and have a few more thoughts

Wisconsin plays more dirty/nasty than any team I have seen in recent memory. They foul on every play, constantly shoving, undercutting, hitting all the time

They had 28 fouls called on them and there should have been at least 10 more, but the zebras can only call so many. They could have called one each and every play on the badgers

There were at least 5 fouls that should Not have been called on the Hawks, nonexistent touch fouls vastly in contrast to the badgers style of play

Bardo is supremely irritating to listen to

To me, it seems that he has a negative Hawk bias

Early in the first half, Luka was pounded and shoved to the floor by 3 badgers while going for an offensive rebound

Bardo said: This is the Big Ten. This is how they play

Couple of minutes later Connor is called fo lightly touching someone's forearm, and was called for a foul

Bardo said while watching the replay: That is definitely a foul

F Him

In the last 2 minutes of the game when Davison slammed Connor to the floor with a nut punch, again while watching the replay, Bardo said:

I don't know how you can call that one a foul, Kevin. Play on

F Him
In the last 2 minutes of the game when Davison slammed Connor to the floor with a nut punch, again while watching the replay, Bardo said:

I don't know how you can call that one a foul, Kevin. Play on

F Him

I have to admit when I first seen the play I didn't think it was a foul either, until I saw the other camera angle. But he had to eat his words as not only was it a foul it was a flagrant 1 foul that turned into a 1 game suspension.

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