
That's very true. But arrogance, even when it's justified, is still a major turn-off for most people.

I just don't care for the political correctness creeping into sports. I loved watching Steve Smith, TO and Ocho Cinco TD dances. Sports are about having fun so the leagues shouldn't put a clamp on it.

It really showed up during the Pinstripe Bowl this year with K-State getting hosed. They call that, yet watching the Tennessee-UNC game later on, Tyler Bray didn't get called for his multiple celebrations. No consistency from officials.

Tell me which one deserves a flag more:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG2elnucMPY]YouTube - Excessive Salute Celebration causes Kansas State to lose to Syracuse 34-36 New Era Pinstripe Bowl[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO3ptLoZlIc&feature=related]YouTube - Sportsmanship[/ame]
I wonder what IowaFarmGirl thinks about this guy?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2BAfhUHX0&feature=related"]YouTube - I Hate Tennessee[/ame]
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The timing for this game was perfect... I don't know what could have put me to sleep faster than watching a Butler/Wisconsin game.
Can you provide me with some examples of arrogant things Yankee players have done or said that have turned you off?

Can you provide me with some examples of arrogant things Yankee players have done or said that have turned you off?

It's not so much the players as it has been the ownership. George Steinbrenner just had a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

And if there were ever one stadium that should have stayed up, even after a new one was built, it was old Yankee Stadium. Even as a guy who despises the Yankees, I can appreciate all the history and legend that called that place home. I'd have a hard time ever thinking of Steinbrenner in a positive light after it came down.
It's not so much the players as it has been the ownership. George Steinbrenner just had a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

And if there were ever one stadium that should have stayed up, even after a new one was built, it was old Yankee Stadium. Even as a guy who despises the Yankees, I can appreciate all the history and legend that called that place home. I'd have a hard time ever thinking of Steinbrenner in a positive light after it came down.

How on Earth was Steinbrenner acting like he was entitled to anything? He bought a team for $10 million and made it worth $1 billion in 30 years. It wasn't because he had his hand out. Ruthless, tactless, and big-mouthed yes, but entitled, no. Again, I don't like the Yankees, but George Steinbrenner is one of the greatest businessmen of the century. No need to hate that.
How on Earth was Steinbrenner acting like he was entitled to anything? He bought a team for $10 million and made it worth $1 billion in 30 years. It wasn't because he had his hand out. Ruthless, tactless, and big-mouthed yes, but entitled, no. Again, I don't like the Yankees, but George Steinbrenner is one of the greatest businessmen of the century. No need to hate that.

The way he handled Billy Martin (who was also very stubborn, to be fair) was pretty pathetic. Go on a couple game losing streak? You're fired. He demanded instant and constant results, regardless of the fact that baseball rarely works that way.
I think it would be pretty cool if you won the 10 G's, so I'll be rooting hard for all your teams.

Good Luck!

If Marquette pulls the upset tomorrow (Hopefully keeps Barnes in Chapel Hill for another year, and almost nobody picked Marquette to win, which helps me a great deal because I had Syracuse), and VCU pulls the upset over Kansas (that will tank pretty much every top ranked bracket), and my other three Final Four teams (UCONN, OSU, and Florida) all make it.......then I could very well be a VERY happy man in a little more than a week :)

I'm currently sitting at 99.8. So those picks should put me over the top if they happen.
If Marquette pulls the upset tomorrow (Hopefully keeps Barnes in Chapel Hill for another year, and almost nobody picked Marquette to win, which helps me a great deal because I had Syracuse), and VCU pulls the upset over Kansas (that will tank pretty much every top ranked bracket), and my other three Final Four teams (UCONN, OSU, and Florida) all make it.......then I could very well be a VERY happy man in a little more than a week :)

I'm currently sitting at 99.8. So those picks should put me over the top if they happen.

You must be the same guy bragging on Cyclone Fanatic...your stats are identical.:)

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