
Don't know how you can hate these guys. I know it's a silly forum, but these guys are the ideal student athletes. I can say this with confidence, as I've sent my children to their basketball camps every year for the past five years, have taught at Butler and met a lot of the guys in the program, and go to quite a few games every year. I'm a diehard Hawkeye through and through, but I absolutely love the individuals who are in this program. I've never seen anything but the ideal in every way from them, and wish them all the best... they deserve everything that is happening to them.

We're happy for ya.
The only difference between Butler, Sconny, and Lick Ball is Bo and Brad have better players, if Lick had Wisky's talent he would still be at Iowa, I much prefer Fran;s style, watching whisky- butler is hard on the eyes but it is Lick ball with better players.
I'm sorry but this is the most ridiculous crap I've ever heard.

Exactly...I actually like Butler because they are still a cinderalla team. I hate Duke because they are good. Being good is all the more reason to hate a team because it means they are beating your team.
I hate Butler because they spawned Lickliter, not because they're good. It's probably good that they're so good now, because they're making Lick's two sweet-16 appearances look only so-so.
Exactly...I actually like Butler because they are still a cinderalla team. I hate Duke because they are good. Being good is all the more reason to hate a team because it means they are beating your team.

If that is honestly the way you feel, then I feel sorry for you. Jealousy is an ugly thing to have in your life.
What a joke. You get blown out by Butler? Jordan nice time to have the worst game of your career. Just terrible. Turrible. That being said, Duke got blown out too by Zona. Amazing, March Madness. You just never know.

Jordan led the Badgers in scoring last night, and by a wide margin. If there was any team in the tourney who was "_____ and a bunch of other guys," it was Wisconsin with Jordan Taylor.
If that is honestly the way you feel, then I feel sorry for you. Jealousy is an ugly thing to have in your life.

Nah, some of us just know how to set aside being a fan and sports from our personal lives better than other. Sports are great because of competition and rivalries. There is no love lost between Red Sox and Yankees fans and that's a good thing in the world of sports.

I'm a huge college wrestling fan. I hate PSU and Cael Sanderson and want the Hawks to dominate them every year. Does that make me a bad or jealous person?
Jordan led the Badgers in scoring last night, and by a wide margin. If there was any team in the tourney who was "_____ and a bunch of other guys," it was Wisconsin with Jordan Taylor.

It's hard to throw Jon Leuer under the bus like that. He had a horrible game last night, but he's definitely one of the better big men in the Big Ten.

Maybe you're just referring to that particular game, in which that would be correct.
Gee, and all this time I thought everyone loved the Yankees

I think for many people, they don't exactly hate the Yankees because they're good. Personally, I hate the Yanks because they go out and try to buy championships. They just throw an un-Godly amount of cash at anybody and everybody that they want. And they're arrogant as hell. THAT is why I hate the Yankees (though I do like Jeter).

Not really many college basketball teams that I hate outside of the Big Ten.
This is soooo true. I keep saying it, Wisconsin style basketball is bad for the Big Ten and it's image.

If this were football, I'd agree with you that this is a problem. Fortunately, though, image and perception don't really amount to much in college basketball-- teams actually get to prove who is better on the court. And you can't argue that the Big Ten gets a bad rap when it comes to getting into the tournament or seeding. This is a conference that qualified over 60% of its teams for NCAAs and got another into the NIT. Only the truly putrid Big Ten teams get shut out of postseason play.
I think for many people, they don't exactly hate the Yankees because they're good. Personally, I hate the Yanks because they go out and try to buy championships. They just throw an un-Godly amount of cash at anybody and everybody that they want. And they're arrogant as hell. THAT is why I hate the Yankees (though I do like Jeter).

Not really many college basketball teams that I hate outside of the Big Ten.

If anyone has the right to be arrogant, it's the Yankees. I am by no means a fan of theirs, but they have backed up any arrogance they have, and then some.
If anyone has the right to be arrogant, it's the Yankees. I am by no means a fan of theirs, but they have backed up any arrogance they have, and then some.

That's very true. But arrogance, even when it's justified, is still a major turn-off for most people.

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