Willies staying?


Well-Known Member
A source told me this morning that Derrick is deciding to stay at Iowa. He also told me that he was suffering from a hernia and he wasn't responding really well with the treatments/ therapy.

Side note to this story: KF and Derrick have butted heads several times in the past. Not that it matters but interesting to hear nonetheless
A source told me this morning that Derrick is deciding to stay at Iowa. He also told me that he was suffering from a hernia and he wasn't responding really well with the treatments/ therapy.

Side note to this story: KF and Derrick have butted heads several times in the past. Not that it matters but interesting to hear nonetheless

This would be great if true. This kid needs some KF fathering. And KF needs an NFL wide-receiver for next year.
A source told me this morning that Derrick is deciding to stay at Iowa. He also told me that he was suffering from a hernia and he wasn't responding really well with the treatments/ therapy.

Side note to this story: KF and Derrick have butted heads several times in the past. Not that it matters but interesting to hear nonetheless

Please, please be true! Just curious, is your source pretty credible? Not calling you a liar, just curious if it's someone within the program or very close to it.

whar IOWAHocks?
Meh, if its true that Willies and Ferentz don't get along, maybe its not worth all the extra stress that brings to the team.

But every situation is different. Sometimes a guy needs some tough love and needs to know he can't bail every time things get difficult, and everything will pay off in the long run.
KF said two weeks ago the door is closed.

Yes but KF has also said lots of things that aren't true. Like "We control our own destiny" and "CJB will play this weekend" and JR gives us the best chance to win".

I guess I could be wrong but I have a lot of faith in my source and he is very well connected to the players.
Yes but KF has also said lots of things that aren't true. Like "We control our own destiny" and "CJB will play this weekend" and JR gives us the best chance to win".

I guess I could be wrong but I have a lot of faith in my source and he is very well connected to the players.

So what did he say that isn't true? Iowa controls their own destiny, CJB played over the weekend and JR gives them the best chance to win.
KF said two weeks ago the door is closed.

Did he say something else other than this?

“Derrick expressed his intentions to transfer from Iowa to be closer to his father, who is having some health related issues,â€￾ said Ferentz. “We wish Derrick well should he decide to leave Iowa City.â€￾

Key word in what KF said is should.
Yes but KF has also said lots of things that aren't true. Like "We control our own destiny" and "CJB will play this weekend" and JR gives us the best chance to win".

I guess I could be wrong but I have a lot of faith in my source and he is very well connected to the players.

So what did he say that isn't true? Iowa controls their own destiny, CJB played over the weekend and JR gives them the best chance to win.

Sigh. Do you understand what "control your own destiny" in sports means? It means you don't need any help from others teams to reach your title game. We need help. That is NOT controlling your own destiny. Also, KF has said in pressers that CJB will play and then that weekend will not and he will respond with "well it didn't really work out". If you think JR gives us the best chance to win then I don't know what to tell you other than bless your heart.
Did he say something else other than this?

“Derrick expressed his intentions to transfer from Iowa to be closer to his father, who is having some health related issues,â€￾ said Ferentz. “We wish Derrick well should he decide to leave Iowa City.â€￾

Key word in what KF said is should.

Kirk did say this, but I thought I remember Kirk and Willies having a closed door sit down a few days later and Kirk saying it was a for sure thing...Don't have links, just remember Rob Howe saying something to that affect. Things can change though, especially with a 19 year old. Hard to imagine Kirk not letting someone with his skill set back into the program, but hard to tell not knowing what was said or expressed by Willies.
I'd be surprised if KF lets him back on the program. If it were me I'd have a hard time accepting someone back that quit halfway through the season on me and then the way it was handled in the media and everything else that came along with it. Just my irrelevant opinion.
Every situation is different. Maybe the op's source is credible but there have been so many on this board this season who claim to be in the know with sources I think it's best for me to sit and wait rather than speculate. I have zero sources.
A source told me this morning that Derrick is deciding to stay at Iowa. He also told me that he was suffering from a hernia and he wasn't responding really well with the treatments/ therapy.

Side note to this story: KF and Derrick have butted heads several times in the past. Not that it matters but interesting to hear nonetheless
All of this sounds like my marriage.

Even the part where I want to leave but my hernia makes me stay.
I'd be surprised if KF lets him back on the program. If it were me I'd have a hard time accepting someone back that quit halfway through the season on me and then the way it was handled in the media and everything else that came along with it. Just my irrelevant opinion.

I'd be surprised if KF wouldn't take him back. I think this happens a lot more than people realize. Players like Pat Angerer and LTP have both said after the fact that they sat down with KF and said they were quitting. If I remember right he told them both to take a few weeks and really reflect on what they want. Both decided to stay.

I cant imagine how tough it is for 18-20 year old to put in all that work in the off season weight rooms, on the practice field, and film room and still not be able to see the field. These guys are used to rolling out of bed and being the best players on the field, and some kids just don't know how to deal with adversity.....heck most people these days don't know how to deal with it.
Ferentz will take him back if he wants to come back. Heck, didn't he just turn 18? Have you spent much time around 18 year old kids? It is a very difficult age.

The pressure on a D-1 athlete is almost overwhelming. Cut the kid some slack. If he wants to make another go at Iowa, let him try. Hell, he's been injured most of the season anyway.....Didn't Shon Greene leave the program and then come back? It happens.
KF said two weeks ago the door is closed.

what i heard him say - i think it was on the wednesday night deal - is that he thought it was closed from Willies perspective, not Iowa's persective. Ferentz said that the door was open on his end, but doubtul on Willies end as he thought he had his mind made up after a couple meetings with Willies.

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