Will Greg Davis be back?

I have a different thought on the whole thing.

The Greg Davis hire never made sense from the get go and I think it was that way for a reason. What if Davis was a strategic hire so Kirk could bring Brian in as OC next year? If Kirk would have hired Brian without any OC experience people would have been upset about the whole thing. Now, since Davis has done such a poor job as the OC, they can remove him and place Brian in the spot without anybody questioning why Kirk would hire his own son as OC when he doesn't have any experience as an OC. Then when Kirk leaves in 2020 that gives Brian a good opportunity to take over as the head coach of the Hawks.

I'm not drunk, just thinking outside the box a bit.

This isn't as outlandish as you think it is. It actually makes the most sense. Brian coming to Iowa from the Patriots is a lateral move (at best). However, I doubt Davis was hired as a one-year "mentor" for Brian. It would be for 2 or 3 years at least.
I personally believe that there is above a 90% chance that KF retains him as the OC. (Please God, let me be wrong!) Getting rid of him after 1 season would be admitting to everyone that he made a horrific mistake in hiring him in the first place, and it's something KF just won't do. He never admits to having done anything wrong with his program.

GD returns for a second season thereby cementing the Iowa football program as the dreg of the BIG.

The Texas fans have to laughing their collective butt off at us.

KF is not stupid. Whoever the scapegoat du jour is needs to remain on staff so the blame-focus can squarely be placed in the wrong location.
KF seems like a big "loyalty" guy, so I suspect GD will be back, even if we don't get another first down all year long.

That said, I don't read much into any comments KF makes about it.. Who would publicly acknowledge that they are planning to replace their OC before actually doing so? It would be like your boss telling you that they are planning on laying you off a month or two before it happens.. Just doesn't work that way.

So I suspect if Davis is NOT retained, it's the type of thing we aren't going to hear about until we see a headline that says "Davis will not return next season".

Unless you're Tom Davis and Bob Bowlsby.
I personally believe that there is above a 90% chance that KF retains him as the OC. (Please God, let me be wrong!) Getting rid of him after 1 season would be admitting to everyone that he made a horrific mistake in hiring him in the first place, and it's something KF just won't do. He never admits to having done anything wrong with his program.

GD returns for a second season thereby cementing the Iowa football program as the dreg of the BIG.

The Texas fans have to laughing their collective butt off at us.

Folks that don't think GD will be back, don't understand football. Do you actually think that KF wants to integrate another new offensive system next year? The understudy QBs would have to start all over, not to mention the recruiting this year is geared toward this system.
Folks that don't think GD will be back, don't understand football. Do you actually think that KF wants to integrate another new offensive system next year? The understudy QBs would have to start all over, not to mention the recruiting this year is geared toward this system.

I have not seen a difference in the approach to recruiting. However, as I stated previously he will be here. Guaranteed.
Folks that don't think GD will be back, don't understand football. Do you actually think that KF wants to integrate another new offensive system next year? The understudy QBs would have to start all over, not to mention the recruiting this year is geared toward this system.

Hate to do it but I am going to agree with clownstar here. They've invested too much just to scrap it and start all over.
Hate to do it but I am going to agree with clownstar here. They've invested too much just to scrap it and start all over.

Normally I would as well but if GD was brought in to mentor Brian then it really would not be a new offense.

Question, is it really the offense that is the problem or the play calling? I think it is more the play calling than anything. I think if you can just get someone to stop calling for run plays with 8/9 man fronts, running stretch plays to the short side of the field, or having your WR run 4 yard out routes when you need 5 and this offense would run much better.
I have not seen a difference in the approach to recruiting. However, as I stated previously he will be here. Guaranteed.
you must not follow recruiting then. 16 commits before the end of July.. that's never happened
before over 40 offers out for kids in the 2014 class, under the old coaches we barely had 1-2 offers out before the feb signing class of the current committed class,
GD has recruited a QB out of TX, 6'4 205 lbs Shimonek that can pass and run.. to the 2014 class there are 7 TX kids with interest in Iowa 4 are on ESPN Watch List with Offers, that's major change in recruiting both in offers and in area because of GD in the TX region
GD doesn't know if there will be a 8/9 man front when he calls the play. after that, its on JVB to audible to a better play call for the situation.

not buying this whole fire GD thing
I'm not ready to throw GD under the bus - yet. The lack of talent (at QB) and depth (at OL) is not allowing his system to work.
Does it matter who the OC is? We run the KF offense. KOK, GD, Brian...well maybe Brian could convince his dad to get a bit more modern.

You think this is the same offense that KnotOK ran? You should start watching the games because there is a difference in style. We have stuck to our roots with the run, but the passing game is different.
I personally believe that there is above a 90% chance that KF retains him as the OC. (Please God, let me be wrong!) Getting rid of him after 1 season would be admitting to everyone that he made a horrific mistake in hiring him in the first place, and it's something KF just won't do. He never admits to having done anything wrong with his program.

GD returns for a second season thereby cementing the Iowa football program as the dreg of the BIG.

The Texas fans have to laughing their collective butt off at us.

Yes. He will be back. Nothing will change.
I'm not ready to throw GD under the bus - yet. The lack of talent (at QB) and depth (at OL) is not allowing his system to work.

25 TD passes out of JVB as a junior. Plus, that freaking game against Pitt. I ain't buying that he lacks talent. But at the end of the day, if Greg Davis's offense needs 4 and 5 star kids all over the field like he had at Texas to get us up to the 5-7 mark that got Davis fired down there, well, he's gonna be outta luck because those kids ain't coming here. Again, the guy got fired from Texas. He ran the offense when TEXAS LOST TO IOWA STATE. I was ready to throw that clown under the bus on day 1.
GD doesn't know if there will be a 8/9 man front when he calls the play. after that, its on JVB to audible to a better play call for the situation.

not buying this whole fire GD thing

You mean to tell me the coaches are not paying attention to the defensive personal on the field? Not hard to figure out if one of your wide outs will be getting single coverage by simply counting the amount of DBs out on the field.

Sorry, but I refuse to pin the play calling on Vandy.
JVB has made some very poor decisions this year, but the MAJOR issue I see with our passing game is how often GD puts us in shotgun. We do not have the athletes to spread it out and run these short dink and dunk passing routes.

Iowa's passing game has always been best when utilizing the play action. IMO we have not used play action nearly enough this year and is the reason for some of JVB's lack of success.

I just don't see GD's passing system working out at Iowa with the athletes we get.

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