Will DJK Publicly Apologize to Coach Ferentz?


Well-Known Member
I think Coach Ferentz deserves a public apology. The events of last week really hurt the program.
after watching news video of him bouncing around the courtroom like he was someone important I highly doubt it.
If anything... at some point down the road he may apologize to the University of Iowa but I don't expect an apology directly to Kirk.
To answer your question no he won't apologize. Why would he? I dont think he was a big ferentz fan. Ferentz deserves one but its silly to think djk would
Why does it need to be public? Because you want to hear it?

If DJK wants forgiveness from coaches/teammates/family I assume he will ask for that in a private matter
Public apologies are a waste of time. Telling somebody "I'm sorry" doesn't get us into the Rose Bowl.

It probably doesn't even get us a recruit or two.
djk and the people around him, ala McCorf, thought he was bigger than iowa, thought he was getting ill-treatment - look at mccorf's posts around the time someone on here said that 'stars should be allowed to be stars'........entitlement attitudes.
I'm guessing he's not feeling so infallible now. I only hope he someday realizes that "Coach Killjoy" probably cared about him more than any of his worshippers ever did, and was one of the few people in his life who was in a position to help him become an NFL receiver.
You have got to be kidding! How many hours in the day do you think there are?

are you serious?

in an earlier post you wondered if Derrell had apologized to his family?

what do you think? incredibly dumb question.

Derrell messed up, but nobody, not Kirk, not the football program, not the kool aid drinkers that visit these sites, not anybody has been hurt worse than his family.

I hate drugs and what they do to people. Derrell was stupid to put himself in this spot.
But if you think hes the only college athlete, at Iowa or anywhere else that did these things this season, you are sadly mistaken.

should the players that knew what was going on with Derrell and didnt act issue a public apology?

how about the other ones whove used drugs this season?

what would it take for you to get your pound of flesh?
after all this, i really question if DJK has enough maturity to apologize to anyone. some day he'll look back and wish kirk was more strict with him. kids hate growing up with discipline until they grow up and look back and wish they could have done things differently.
i really hope he gets his life straight and can move on and maybe even someday come back to iowa as an NFLer back in good graces with the staff. but that's probably a long shot.
Considering their icy relationship...I look more for him to hold a press conference and try to rip the staff and program.
Considering their icy relationship...I look more for him to hold a press conference and try to rip the staff and program.
I really don't see him doing this. If he actually loves Hawkeye Nation like he says he does surely he would realize how much it would hurt us and the program by ripping the staff and program. I would be shocked and even more disappointed in him than I am for his whole drug thing.
The rumors hurt the program, but how did DJK getting booted for drug use not?!?

Because he got booted after his senior season. He only had 1 game left and the Insight Bowl isn't exactly getting all the attention. Win or lose, this game isn't changing the Big Ten standings, it isn't changing the BCS rankings, if Iowa wins Missouri drops from 12th to 20th, big deal, etc... The only thing that appeared on ESPN was when Adam Rittenberg put something about it in his blog, it wasn't front page news (other than in Iowa) of him getting arrested and kicked off. They didn't need a press conference to say he was kicked off, they needed a press conference to stop the rumors.

Now let me ask you how him getting booted hurt the program?
If Derrell really loves Hawkeyenation as he claims to, the best way to show us that is to keep quiet, get clean and do something productive with his life. Holding press conferences to blast Coach Ferentz and/or Twittering a bunch of nonsense at this point doesn't help his cause.

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